OBI Definition Source

From W3C Wiki

OBI needs a compact way for curators to include citation information for definitions. At the same time, such compact representations are not really appropriate for RDF representation. Rather we would prefer that objects, such as books, be explicitly represented as individuals so that they can be queried by, e.g. SPARQL.

Here is a BNF style grammar for definition source. The intention is that definition_source be simple enough to be entered by the curator as a string, but unambiguous enough that it can be translated into OWL instances corresponding to the thing cited, such as a book, article, web page, etc.

''requiring full URIs for people (etc.) in every case seems rather longwinded if this is supposed to be typed by humans. Is there some way of allowing an abbreviated form? -Pat Hayes''

We don't require URIs. Note the person production which is URI or text. The common practice is to have the person's name there. It is intended that tools would then translate names to some URI, probably an ORCID --Alan Ruttenberg

An example of how this could be used is discussed in an email message on the obi-devel mailing list (however that is down a the moment, so the email is included below, at "More Documentation".

<source-description> ::= <content-part>[<comment>]
<comment> ::= "#" <text>
<content-part> ::= <book> | <article> | <web-page> | <mesh-term> | <ontology-term> | <person> | <other>
<book> ::= <book-with-isbn> | <book-without-isbn>
<tag-sep> ::= ":"
<book-with-isbn> ::= "ISBN" <tag-sep> <isbn-number> [<page-number>]
<book-without-isbn> ::=  "BOOK" <tag-sep> <url-date> [<page-number>]
<url-date> ::= "<" <url> ">" "@" <date>
<date> ::= <year> ["/" <month-number> ["/" <day-of-month>]]
<article> ::= <article-with-pmid> | <article-without-pmid-with-doi> | <article-without-pmid-or-doi>
<article-with-pmid> ::= "PMID" <tag-sep> <pubmed-id> [<page-number>]
<article-without-pmid-with-doi> ::= "DOI" <tag-sep> <doi> [<page-number>]
<article-without-pmid-or-doi> ::= "ARTICLE" <tag-sep> <url-date> [<page-number>]
<page-number> ::= "pp" <number>["-" <number>]
<web-page> ::= "WEB" <tag-sep> <url-date>
<mesh-term> ::= "MESH" <tag-sep> <mesh-identifier>
<person> ::= "PERSON" <tag-sep> <person-id> "@" <date>
<person-id> ::= "<" <url> ">" | <text>
<group> ::= "GROUP" <tag-sep> "<" <url> ">" "@" <date>
<ontology-term> ::=  <ontology-term-with-uri> | <ontology-term-without-uri>
<ontology-term-with-uri> := "TERM" <tag-sep> "<" <url> ">"
<ontology-term-without-uri> := "TERM" <tag-sep> <uri-of-ontology> <ontology-term>
<uri-of-ontology> ::= "<" <url> ">"
<ontology-term> ::= <text>
<other> ::= <text>


<pubmed-id> is an identifier in pubmed:

<mesh-identifier> is the "Mesh Unique Id" as found when you search for a mesh term at
e.g. for "Long Term Potentiation" it is D017774

<url> is a valid url. http urls are preferred.

<number> is what you would expect: matches \d+

<month-number> starts at 1 for January, through 12 for December, leading 0 (zero) on single digit months optional

<day-number> is day of the month, leading 0 optional

<year> is a four digit year

<isbn-number> is an ISBN number for a book, as described at

Re <date> I left month and day optional in case it is not known precisely

The tags (stuff before <tag-sep>) are case insensitive

<text> is text but the string "||" shouldn't be used (in case we need that as a separator for alternative terms)


Some examples




mesh:D017774#Long Term Potentiation

Person:<>@2007/1/25#Tim Berners Lee

PERSON:Franklin Delaware Roosevelt@1933/03/04#The only thing to fear...


term:<>C0206249#Long term potentiation



==More documentation

Here is the email that I sent regarding an earlier version of the proposal. It demonstrates how OWL instances can be generated and maintained given the string definitions, and how one would query them.

Subject: 	metadata example
Date: 	February 28, 2007 3:21:33 AM EST

I signed up to give an example of my proposal, an alternative to "complex properties". Attached are 4 files which are described below.

The original is a small ontology modeling what we would have in OBI. The only term it has from OBI is "Digital Document", which is the root of definition source objects.

There are also classes: tag, and taggedTerm as discussed in my proposal. As pointed out in earlier discussion, it's not clear where they should be placed. Finally, "My Example" is the class that will be annotated with a definition source and with some alternative terms. The namespace for the metadata definitions is

Following (inline image) are the properties used (there are some extraneous annotation properties also listed)

The script that does the work is at

To summarize:

The initial ontology is Media:OBI_Definition_Source$metadata-initial.owl.

The user supposedly fills in the definition_source_string for myexample as "ISBN:0743222091" The script creates an instance of obim:book and fills in the identifiedByISBN property with the ISBN number. The resultant ontology is Media:OBI_Definition_Source$metadata-after-book.owl

[ note: I've used strings for the DOI, pubmed, and ISBN, but it would be better to fill these with official URLs for those resources]

The user supposedly edits the definition source and changes it to "DOI:10.1002/ijc.20376" The script removes the obim:book and creates an obim:article with an identifiedByDOI property set to the doi. The resultant ontology is Media:OBI_Definition_Source$metadata-after-article.owl

For the alternative_term example, the property alternative_term_string is filled with

 "[French:mon exemple|Web:<>][Norwegian:min eksempel|Web:<>]"

  • The script creates tag instances Tag_French and Tag_Norwegian.
  • It then creates an instance of webPage for the source.
  • Finally it creates two instances of taggedTerm and makes them the value of the alternative_term property of myexample.
  • Each taggedTerm has three properties, "isTerm", "isTagged", and "fromSource", which are appropriately filled with the instances above.
  • The name of this ontology is Media:OBI_Definition_Source$metadata-tagged.owl

I haven't bothered to implement the update process for this field yet but that is demonstrated for the definition source.

The top level function is called "demo" It prints the following:

Initial file is consistent, OWL-LITE
before metadata created
Query: What's the definition_source_string?
PREFIX obim: <>
SELECT ?string
obim:myexample obim:definition_source_string ?string . }

Query: Show the definition_source
PREFIX obim: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
SELECT ?meta ?prop ?value
?meta rdf:type obim:publication .
obim:myexample obim:definition_source ?meta .
?meta ?prop ?value . }

after metadata generated
Query: What's the definition_source_string?
PREFIX obim: <>
SELECT ?string
obim:myexample obim:definition_source_string ?string . }

Query: Show the definition_source
PREFIX obim: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
SELECT ?meta ?prop ?value
?meta rdf:type obim:publication .
obim:myexample obim:definition_source ?meta .
?meta ?prop ?value . }
!obim:myexample_definition_source	!obim:identifiedByISBN	0743222091
!obim:myexample_definition_source	!rdf:type	!owl:Thing
!obim:myexample_definition_source	!rdf:type	!obim:book
!obim:myexample_definition_source	!rdf:type	!obim:publication
!obim:myexample_definition_source	!rdf:type	!obi:OBI1002
!obim:myexample_definition_source	!obim:metadataFor	!obim:myexample
!obim:myexample_definition_source	!obim:metadataOnProperty	!obim:definition_source

Query: Find old metadata, so we can delete it
PREFIX obim: <>
SELECT ?meta
obim:myexample obim:definition_source ?meta . }

after definition_source_string changed
Query: What's the definition_source_string?
PREFIX obim: <>
SELECT ?string
obim:myexample obim:definition_source_string ?string . }

Query: Show the definition_source
PREFIX obim: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
SELECT ?meta ?prop ?value
?meta rdf:type obim:publication .
obim:myexample obim:definition_source ?meta .
?meta ?prop ?value . }
!obim:myexample_definition_source	!obim:identifiedByDOI	10.1002/ijc.20376
!obim:myexample_definition_source	!rdf:type	!owl:Thing
!obim:myexample_definition_source	!rdf:type	!obim:publication
!obim:myexample_definition_source	!rdf:type	!obi:OBI1002
!obim:myexample_definition_source	!rdf:type	!obim:article
!obim:myexample_definition_source	!obim:metadataFor	!obim:myexample
!obim:myexample_definition_source	!obim:metadataOnProperty	!obim:definition_source

Final file is consistent, OWL-LITE
Query: List alternative terms and tags
PREFIX obim: <>
SELECT ?thing ?term ?tag
?thing obim:alternative_term ?tt .
?tt obim:isTagged ?tag .
?tt obim:isTerm ?term . }
!obim:myexample	mon exemple	!obim:Tag_French
!obim:myexample	min eksempel	!obim:Tag_Norwegian

The whole thing could be managed with sparql alone save one thing: The removal of instances. So I've used the jena api for modifying the ontology, though there are other options, of course (though I ran into problems trying to do the stale instance removal with the native pellet API and the old OWLAPI, though presumably this works properly with the released RSN version of OWLAPI)

Demo runs in LSW, which is available at

If the OBI Wiki worked properly, this page would be at It is likely that when it does work, updates and further documentation will appear there.