
From W3C Wiki

A "Node ID," is a way to conveniently identify nodes within the confines of a single file.

Outside of the file, the nodeID doesn't mean anything; you just see BlankNodes. Within the file, you can refer back to the node with a simple name.

You create a nodeID with something like the following form:

 <class rdf:nodeID="nodeID">

For example:

 <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="node1">

You refer back to it with something like the following form:

 <property rdf:nodeID="nodeID"/>"

For example:

 <dc:subject rdf:nodeID="node1"/>

Research Notes

I'm researching the concept of a "Node ID", also known as a "bNode."

According to link...

<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="node1"> something to do with the node ID.

I suppose it's a short convenient string name for a node.

This, then, would be an RDF "Description" class instance, and we're calling it "node1."

Outside of this "knowledge base," (which I'm assuming means: "this file,") the node is unnamed (Is an UnnamedNode the same thing as a BlankNode..?)

If you wanted to talk about that node, you'd say...

<dc:subject rdf:nodeID="node1"/>

For some reason, the page makes a note, "not via rdf:resource" - RdfResource being something to look into. I'm also a little confused by DcSubject- I don't know what that means either.

link includes some notes on nodeID. It seems to confirm what I think.

Okay, I'm writing this up. If someone can correct this, it'd be great.

-- LionKimbro DateTime(2004-06-06T01:23:01)

Some questions:

  • is a bNode the same thing as a NodeId?
  • is it only part of RdfXmlSyntax, or does this concept exist in the larger world of RDF formats, such as NotationThree?

-- LionKimbro DateTime(2004-06-06T01:28:36)

bNode apparently stands for "blank node" or "anonymous node," which would be nice, because then we could have a page BlankNode and redirect AnonymousNode to it.

W3C had something to say about blank nodes:

  • <rdf:Description rdf:about="#FullSlide">
  • <axsvg:IsA>
  • <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="Thing"/>
  • </axsvg:IsA>
  • </rdf:Description>
  • <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="Thing">
  • <axsvg:[[ConsistsOf]] rdf:resource="#Axes>
  • <axsvg:[[ConsistsOf]] rdf:resource="#Legend>
  • <axsvg:[[ConsistsOf]] rdf:resource="#Datalines>
  • </rdf:Description>, it does seem that the blank node concept is the same as the nodeID.

And again, from the page, it notes that "Thing" is invisible, from outside the file. Hence, "blank."

There also seems to be a way to make something like a NodeId, but visible from the outside world, using rdf:about, instead of rdf:nodeID.

-- LionKimbro DateTime(2004-06-06T01:48:29)