HCLSIG BioRDF Subgroup/QueryFederation/screenshots

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HCLSIG BioRDF Subgroup/QueryFederation/screenshots

Screenshots of applications and web pages relevant for the BioRDF Query Federation demo.

Faviki entries tagged with the "GABAB receptor" entity from DBpedia:

aTags about the "GABAB receptor" created from Pubmed abstracts and biomedical websites with the aTag generator:

HTML rendering of the linked data about the "GABAB receptor" available in DBpedia:

HTML rendering of the linked data about the Entrez Gene record 2550 (describing a gene encoding the human GABAB receptor protein) available in the HCLS knowledge base (based on data from the Neurocommons knowledge base). -- The human-readable representation of the linked data contained in the Neurocommons knowledge base (part of the HCLS KB at DERI Galway) about the entity 'Entrez Gene entry 2550'. This is what users see when they enter the URI of the entity in a common web browser. If the same URI is resolved by an RDFenabled client, it can extract these statements in machine-readable RDF format. Entities that are referenced in statements follow the same principle. This makes it possible for RDF-enabled clients to incrementally explore the web of linked data that surrounds the a certain entity.

Screen shot of an exemplar voiD description of the Senselab data and its mapping to DBPedia