HCLSIG/SWANSIOC/Meetings/2010-12-13 Conference Call

From W3C Wiki


  • Report on DRO / DEXI Alignment Discussion
  • Next Steps

Rhetorical Structure Page

Minutes of Discussion

  • Anita, Paolo, Jodi, Howard, Phillipe, Eric P, Tim C, Joanne L
  • ORB: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/hcls/notes/orb/
  • ORB: Paolo explains status: we want to mark up pieces of articles in these blocks.
  • PC: Two use cases: 1) Search + Text mining, 2) Authoring and markup. Header is just referred to - still open issue how to represent Using Dublin Core and PRISM for publication name in header for Volume, Issue, Publication date etc. Affiliations: not related to the article, but to the author; Attach the biblioraphic object to the article Show how to use these elements in real life: e.g. add RDFa . Or create annotations on top of the document with these sections. Will provide some examples soon. Some pieces of text are related to the article, and some really to other objects, e.g. affiliation to the author. Publish correspondent bibliographic object with the article, add RDF of it - e.g. FOAF of institute, journal, etc. So CIto-Fabio and others are ontologies to do this. Will include examples in the document. Tim: detail: affiliation, why not use FOAF-organisation? RDFa: need to specify subject and object. Elsevier adds in XMP files, an RDF version of the bibliographic information added to the PDF files IVIP Issue, Volume, ISSN, Page
  • Paolo: want to add, Eric Miller is workong on XMP
  • Anita: will send the XMP specification to the group http://www.aiim.org/documents/standards/xmpspecification.pdf this has some info about XMP MARC? Here is an example: http://elsatglabs.com/labs/anita/HCLS/xmp.tiff
  • Joanne: how about provenance?
  • Joanne: Proof Markup Language - components are trust, justification and source - for provenance work
  • Paolo: where to provide provenance?
  • PML: http://xml.coverpages.org/pml-paperPrint.html
  • JOanne: not sure if it goes inside or outside of document - have to discuss
  • Alex: perhaps claims in the actual document? Case for provenance? alex_ provenance of the data?
  • Joanne - maybe you could investigate this PML issue and come back with an idea of how it may apply for next call?
  • Joanne: no, source of any data whatever, chain of custody, keep track of everything Anita: really interesting idea - Yolanda Gil Provenance Group https://sites.google.com/site/beyondthepdf/workshop-papers/the-w3c-provenance-group https://sites.google.com/site/beyondthepdf/workshop-papers/the-w3c-provenance-group Provenance group made open provenance model - high-level model for provenance. Provenance Incubator group: http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/prov/charter
  • Paolo: could add to ORB, e.g. originator of the document provides ORB classifier Oops Tim said that, not Paolo
  • Tim: Two models of looking at this stuff: AO has provenance in it
  • Paolo: ORB can either be done by embedding in document; if we do annotation, we have provenance.
  • Paolo: if we embed in PDFa, who made up who is responsible? RDFa
  • Tim: other model is similar to that: embed a reference to where the annotation on that document lives.. anita: ?
  • Anita: don't include annotation in the document! Use DOI and point to it.
  • TIm: there is a use case, I got a PDF from a colleague, not hooked into any system that provides standoff annotation. Anita and Tim will resolve this offline!
  • Paolo: in html there is a standard way to point to external RDF - has been used in the past before RDFa
  • Tim: if you use AO to link ORB to the document sections you have provenance Dave: one annotation, using DOI to access the document?
  • TIm: get multiple annotations from different sources. Publisher of the document might want to provide 'here is my annotation' Dave: set of people providing annotations is authoritative - check that this the original annotation. http://sig.ma/
  • Anita: Paolo, is there more Ron Daniel can do to help on the Header issue?
  • http://esw.w3.org/HCLSIG/SWANSIOC/Actions/RhetoricalStructure/alignment/mediumgrain
  • DRO: Stands for Document Rhetorical Ontology, another meaningless spin on ORB...
  • Joanne: ORB has a nice ring to it...
  • Dave: not sure what DEXI stands for either - not quite logical!
  • Anita: let's sort out the acronyms! http://esw.w3.org/File:Scientific_Discourse_elements_of_a_paper_mod_C.jpg Go to: http://esw.w3.org/File:Scientific_Discourse_elements_of_a_paper_mod_C.jpg http://esw.w3.org/HCLSIG/SWANSIOC/Actions/RhetoricalStructure/alignment/mediumgrain http://esw.w3.org/HCLSIG/SWANSIOC/Actions/RhetoricalStructure Beautiful picture that Tim put together
  • David: have looked at SPAR and DoCO - seems to be a very large overlap with SPAR - Yes, we are looking to unify these two.
  • Tim: Steve Pettifer has proposed a use case for this really fine-grained stuff! Want to use these concepts in Utopia, great to have him on this call. Next call: ORB - done, Medium-grained - alignments in place, Steve will talk about Utopia?
  • Tim: homework: respond to the drawing on http://esw.w3.org/HCLSIG/SWANSIOC/Actions/RhetoricalStructure - does this make sense? Would appreciate some feedback.
  • Joanne: By model you mean this diagram!