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Ontology Representation

  1. Candidate ontology representations include available W3C standards such as RDF and OWL, and proposed extensions such as SWRL.

  1. A set of best practice guidelines needs to be identified for knowledge representation.
   A good start of such a guideline would be some documentation of common Description Logic constructs (alot of which are covered by OWL):
   Diagram from "Web Ontology Reasoning with Logic Databases" - Volz, Raphael

  1. Representing knowledge with probabilistic and non-monotonic features is also crucial in the HCLS areas. Some sources of uncertainty include: uncertainty in data (e.g., uncertainty in genotyping data from the affymetrix chip), uncertainty in evidence, uncertainty in hypotheses, and quality/trust judgements (e.g., I trust HCM test results more from lab X then from lab Y). Current standards (RDF/OWL/SWRL) need to be investigated whether these requirements can be supported or the HCLSIG should propose some OWL/RDF extensions.

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