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Email: MailTo(davep AT SPAMFREE dpawson DOT co dot UK)

Dave Pawson. Homepage

Work: RNIB -UK


Sparked off more recently by ndw blog entries on address books, his use of merging suddenly made RDF switch from an excuse for academic meanderings to a technology with potential. My interests are in connecting disparate organisations throughout the world who produce alternative media.

I'm currently struggling to collect the means to write an ontology for testing in such an environment, populate a triple store from our current holdings (today in Marc format) and see how it works with others in the same industry.

I'm struggling with this for a couple of reasons. Having arrived when ontologies are fairly new, I'm finding a shortage of guides aimed at what I call the same right level. I still can't see how the pieces fit together. I'm currently pestering DanC on the #swig irc channel. I guess I'm at the point of not knowing enough to ask the right questions. My current block centres around open world assumptions. I want to say, well close them for long enough to validate my data file against the ontology, which is (or is not) a reasonable request. I don't know. How should I validate my data against an ontology? How do I add (pro tem) the result of the inferences to a triple store to facilitate easier searching.

Much fun and games. I'm not from an AI or KR background, I've done very little OO modelling and a schema to me means relax NG or DTD's (for those who remember that far back :-) so I'm not even familiar with the jargon - sorry, terminology.

Other Interests

I host the XSLT faq and spend way too much time online.