
From W3C Wiki
< AB
  1. COVID precautions were appreciated - There were only 5-8 infections at TPAC.
  2. Anecdotally, attendees thought TPAC was very valuable.
  3. Zoom worked well. Hybrid meeting setup seemed to work well. (Cameras trying to focus on participants was distracting, though.). Meeting room audio was quite good. “I felt like the remote participants were able to be involved at a level that I don't feel like they had previously.”
  4. Needed more breakout slots, but fewer concurrent, better organization across topics - more time for breakouts, rather than WG sessions, was a consistent theme. Consider two plenary session days. The limit is attention, not number of rooms.
  5. We should have childcare.
  6. No interest expression or voting, so breakouts were not always in correctly sized rooms.
  7. Better discipline around note-taking, and confusing that each group had a different system for logging in, queueing, notetaking.
  8. Overlap between Breakout sessions and WICG sessions was possibly not optimal use of time.
  9. Confirmed times were very late, making optimal travel planning difficult and expensive
  10. Needed more outdoor tables.
  11. Venue was a bit of a maze.
  12. More time gap between meetings
  13. Lunch food was a complaint (though I commend the COVID-precaution compatibility).
  14. Should have an official opening/closing ceremony.
  15. “Mornings and early in the week seemed more loaded than afternoons and later in the week.”
  16. Should have a Fair/Expo where each W3C group would have a table and can present the work they did over the last year(s) - get to learn about each group AND encourage mingling between different groups/companies/vendors.
  17. “Both exhausting and energizing”
  18. Reduced attendance limited hallway conversations, but nice they still occurred.

[JJ] We had 105 people responding in the survey (which is unprecedented). Here are some of the key results in terms of rating. These are average scores with ratings ranging from 1-5.

  • Conference facilities and logistics 4.44
  • Network 4.51
  • Audio-visual setup and equipment 4.46
  • Health Rules and Safety measure 4.55
  • Catering logistics 3.82
  • Meeting schedule 3.59
  • TPAC website and Calendar 3.71
  • Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre 4.15

[RRS] 28 of the respondents indicated they were remote-only. Among that set the average scores were similar:

  • Audio-visual setup and equipment 4.2
  • Meeting schedule 3.3
  • TPAC website and Calendar 3.7