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W3C Advisory Board Meeting 2022-08 Berlin

The W3C AB summer transition meeting:

Before you travel


See weather forecasts to plan what to pack/wear in Berlin during your visit:

Plan your local transportation

Berlin Airport to Berlin city center:

  • There are regular trains from the Berlin Airport (BER) to the main central Berlin train station (Hauptbahnhof)
  • From Hauptbahnhof there are regular busses and local light rail (S-Bahn) to other neighborhoods of Berlin.


  • For the month of August there is a special 9-Euro-Ticket which allows use of all bus and train travel on local public transport for the entire month, for everyone, everywhere in Germany.

You can buy a 9-Euro-Ticket ticket for the month of August online (use your hotel address in Berlin if asked)

  • https://www.bahn.com/en/offers/regional/9-euro-ticket-en
  • or in the DB Navigator mobile app
    • Tantek used this one
  • or in the BVG Fahrinfo mobile app
    • Dave downloaded the app and bought such a ticket. It doesn't go into the Apple Wallet, and though I had to enter an address and the only countries offered were in Europe so I lied and said UK, I could still buy the ticket using ApplePay.
  • or from any of the physical vending machines at the airport or Berlin central station

Covid Precautions

Travel Precautions

In Germany you are still required to wear a mask (FFP2/KN95 or better) on public transport (e.g. all trains & busses) and flights.

There is no masking requirement in taxis, airports, or train stations (when not otherwise inside a train or plane).

Please strongly consider masking (with FFP2/KN95 or better, e.g. a fitted N95 respirator) during your entire travel, including in airports, and on flights.

Official resources:

Meeting Precautions

In addition to following Covid rules for entering into Germany, the following are proposed. Participants must:

  • be fully vaccinated (including a booster), unless there is a medical reason they cannot be (in which case, please disclose to other participants so they can make an informed decision about their participation).
  • self-test daily in the morning before each meeting day (rapid tests are available at Berlin pharmacies, and there are nearby rapid testing centers)
  • wear a KN-95/FFP2/N95 mask or better while indoors. You may remove your mask temporarily in order to drink a beverage, but should otherwise keep your mask on, e.g. in between sips. Merely having a beverage or coffee in front of you does not mean you can leave your mask off. You should not speak with your mask off.
  • stay home (or in their hotel) if they have any cold/flu/covid symptoms

Additional precautions:

  • Open windows. The room we are meeting in has windows which we will open to allow fresh air to circulate.
  • Spaced seating. Depending on the number of participants, we will try to seat participants with an empty chair in between any two participants around the meeting table.


The entrance to the DFKI building is located on an unmarked paved road between the street Alt-Moabit and the river.

The following abstract line-art map image is linked to a DFKI Berlin office page with more detailed directions and description: csm_csm_DFKI-KarteBerlin.klein_8672cf0566.png

The outside entrance looks like this: Building entrance with 91c in large type on both sides of a tall door with a tall vertical solid metal pole door handle, with a buzzer and intercom to the left of the door. There are a few steps up to the door from the street level with a metal railing on the right side of the steps.

If the door is locked, press the buzzer on the left and state that you are there for the W3C Advisory Board meeting.

Be sure to put on your mask BEFORE you enter the building, regardless of what you may see anyone else doing.

DFKI offices are on the fourth floor (4. etage), where the ground floor is considered floor 0 (zero).

You may take the elevator up to the fourth floor. Someone should meet you as you exit the elevator and walk you to the meeting room “Weizenbaum”.

Please keep your mask on the whole time inside the building.

The inside of the room looks like this and we plan to have the windows open as indicated in the photo:

Inside of a meeting room with conference tables arranged roughly in a U-shape and about 10 chairs visible in the photo, and in the far corner there are open double-door large windows letting in natural light and outside air


Name (org) Food prefs Arrive date Depart date Hotel Flight info Notes

Tantek Çelik (Mozilla) vegan 2022-08-12 2022-08-22 local room UA to FRA / LH to BER @t
[Tatsuya Igarashi] ([Sony Group]) do not like chicken 2022-08-15 night 2022-08-19 HAMPTON BY HILTON BERLIN CITY WES BA0988
Florian Rivoal omnivore 2022-08-15 2022-08-19 Hotel Tiergarten LH1085 / LH44 @frivoal
Léonie Watson (TetraLogical) Omnivore 2022-08-15 2022-08-19 Hansablick TBD @LeonieWatson
Eric Siow (Intel) Omnivore 2022-08-14 2022-08-20 Ameron Abion Hotel TBD https://www.linkedin.com/in/esiow/
David Singer (Apple) omnivore 2022-08-14 2022-08-19 Hansablick LH1936 arr 14th 12:05; BA983 dep 19th 12:20
Chris Wilson (Google) omnivore 2022-08-15 2022-08-19 Ameron Abion Hotel flight info tbd
Jeff Jaffe (W3C) Kosher 2022-08-15 late morning 2022-08-18 late afternoon Ameron Abion Hotel TBD

Remote Participants

Please add yourself if you are available for remote participation via Zoom and IRC. Remote participation Zoom details

Name (org) Available start datetime Available end datetime Timezone Notes
Tzviya 2022-08-16, 17, 18 7 AM - 10 AM UTC, 12 PM UTC - 8 PM UTC Eastern
Heejin 2022-08-16, 17, 18 7 AM - 10 AM UTC, 12 PM UTC - 4 PM UTC KST
Ralph 2022-08-16, 17, 18 will accommodate Berlin time EDT
Dingwei 2022-08-16, 17, 18 will accommodate Berlin time Beijing
Hongru Zhu 2022-08-16, 8 AM - 1:45 PM UTC, 2022-08-17, 8 AM - 3:00 PM UTC, 2022-08-18, 8 AM - 1:00 PM UTC Beijing
Avneesh Singh 2022-08-16, 17, 18 will try to accommodate Berlin time. May join an hour late on 18th New Delhi

The availability visualized by time of day, to help is schedule inclusively:

UTC time Berlin time Tzviya Heejin Judy 16th Judy 17th Judy 18th
7 9 x x
8 10 x x x x x
9 11 x x x x x
10 12 x x x
11 13 x x x
12 14 x x x x x
13 15 x x x
14 16 x x x
15 17 x x
16 18 x
17 19 x
18 20 x
19 21 x


Unable to make it either in-person or remotely? Please confirm your regrets here:

  • ...



Early arrivals - add your name here if you're interested in an informal dinner or other plans on the day/night before the AB meeting.

  • Tantek
  • Possibly Chris (arriving that afternoon)
  • Léonie
  • David
  • ...


Topic Presenter
08:00-08:15 UTC (10am CET, 4am ET) Team Update Jeff
08:15-09:00 UTC (10:15am CET, 4:15 ET) Role of the AB vs Board of Directors Discuss the responsibilities and scope of the AB for the future. Issue Chris
09:00-10:00 UTC (11am CET, 5am ET) Conflict resolution/team building Tzviya
10:00-11:30 UTC (12pm CET, 6am ET) Lunch
11:30-12:30 UTC (1:30pm CET, 7:30am ET) Future of Web technology standards Dingwei
12:30-12:45 UTC (2:30pm CET, 8:30 ET) Break
12:45-13:45 UTC (2:45pm CET, 8:45am ET) Vision/Mission/Principles Discuss principles, open issues

The current draft is in Github, with its associated open issues.

13:45-14:00 UTC (3:45pm CET, 9:45am ET) Break
14:00-15:00 UTC (4pm CET, 10am ET) Big questions from the Process Any large topics surfaced by Process CG, including what more we need for a Director-free Process
  1. Appointments to the TAG. We have hypothesized a TAG appointment committee (in the DirFree Branch). However, the TAG has concerns and we have never experimented with it. Should we (a) adopt or (b) experiment with this or (c) do something else?
  2. Continuity of appointed TAG terms. Should we force a break in the continuity of TAG appointments?
  3. There is a question on the Councils about whether some 'difficult' decisions (eg. with possible consequences, or visibility concerns e.g around CEPC) can be delegated e.g. to an Officer, the Board, or s suitable employee, or some combination?
  4. There are issues labeled needing AB attention. At the time of writing, most are covered by either the Council or TAG appointments questions; the remaining ones might benefit if AB members were to comment in the issue, but discussion time does not seem needed (though the second might usefully have some if there is time):
    1. Is a Community Group the right place to develop our own Process? #561
    2. TAG and AB should be able to formally review charters #328
  5. AB should be aware of, but does not need to discuss, what the Process CG has as priority issues for the next revision.


Topic Presenter
08:00-10:00 UTC (10am CET, 4am ET) Chairing Discuss chairing, provide advice to Team on Chair appointment Ralph, Chairs
10:00-11:30 UTC (12pm CET, 6am ET) Lunch
11:30-12:30 UTC (1:30pm CET, 7:30am ET) Details of revised Member agreement Review the path for the Member agreement

There are some matters in hand, which the AB does not need to discuss, notably how to do the switch (which may depend on the age of the existing agreement with a specific member), and what the switch might require.

  1. We could usefully address any 'pending edits' to the Member Agreement; is the AB aware of any?
  2. The Member Agreement and Bylaws could usefully define
    1. Under what circumstances will the W3C deem that a member has lapsed and no longer a member?
    2. Under what circumstances will the W3C deem that a member should not, or cannot, take part in formal Member votes (is not in 'Good Standing') and should not form part of the Quorum?
  3. Should the Board be able to declare an override for these (so a Member can appeal and, if the reasons are considered adequate, not lose their Member or Good Standing status)?
12:30-12:45 UTC (2:30pm CET, 8:30am ET) Group Photo with in-person participants, and remote participants on Zoom screen
12:45-13:45 UTC (2:45pm CET, 8:45am ET) Priorities 2022-23 session 1 Initial brainstorming Chairs
13:45-14:00 UTC (3:45pm CET, 9:45am ET) Break
14:00-15:00 UTC (4pm CET, 10am ET) Governance Task Force Join Governance TF meeting


Topic Presenter
08:00-09:00 UTC (10am CET, 4am ET) FO Councils What's next, recaps, documenting precedence.

Documented in The DirFree branch of the Process. Questions:

  1. The draft process has a number of deadlines, that we're not respecting. Should we retain them and try to come into line, or revise them?
  2. are we ready to take the current draft Dismissal/Renunciation as a basis and adopt it into the DirFree branch of the Process, or do we seek a new mechanism (like what?)?
  3. should we (a) adopt Councils into P2023, subject to continuing refinement? (b) Continue to treat this as an 'experiment'? (c) Abandon Councils as the way to handle Formal Objections, and do something else (like what?)?
Leonie supported by Florian and David
09:00-10:00 UTC (11am CET, 5am ET) Calendaring Plan AB meetings for the future, particularly FTF meetings Chairs
10:00-11:30 UTC (12pm CET, 6am ET) Lunch
11:30-12:30 UTC (1:30pm CET, 7:30am ET) Priorities 2022/23 session 2 Prioritize and choose most important priorities for AB for the next year. Chairs
12:30-12:45 UTC (2:30pm CET, 8:30am ET) Break
12:45-13:15 UTC (2:45pm CET, 8:45am ET) Any other Business? Overflow topics, open discussion Florian (for issues 28/18/49)
13:15-13:30 UTC (3:15pm CET, 9:15am ET) Break
13:30-15:00 UTC (3:30pm CET, 9:30am ET) AB closed session


Recommended Hotels

The following hotels are recommended by Berlin locals near the meeting venue:

  • Ameron Abion Hotel, Alt-Moabit 99, 10559 Berlin, GERMANY
    • This hotel is right next to DFKI by the river
  • Hotel Tiergarten Berlin, Alt-Moabit 89, 10559 Berlin, GERMANY
  • ...

Covid Testing

Note: free Federal testing closed in June of 2022. All asymptomatic testing has a fee (depending on type and how soon you need results)

Here are a few PCR & rapid antigen test centers that are near or within reach of the venue:

Equipment used

We used the following equipment for remote participation

  • ~2015 era MacBook Pro running Zoom
  • projector projecting onto a wall, connected via HDMI+adapter to MacBook Pro
  • Jabra round bluetooth speaker/microphone — used for speaker only to hear remote participants in the room
  • Logitech Connect camera & microphone — used as in-room microphone and to show in-room participants to remote participants, connected via USB to aforementioned laptop


Please feel free to add any questions for the organizer here.
