Bibliography for the World Wide Web


WARNING: For Archival/Historical Interest -- The following document dates from 1992 - 1995 and has not been updated

World-Wide Web Bibliography

Out of date!

There is a better bibliography in the FAQ.

The following lists papers and articles anout the W3 initiative and related matters which you may want to pick up for background reading or quote as references. You can of course also quote any page you read with w3 by its document address.

We have split into separate lists the following:

See also:

Manuals and Primers

These manuals on WWW products are available by anonymmous FTP from

See the list of manuals from CERN available in printable form by anonymous FTP.

Also, the following are primers for beginners:

WWW Primer
Nathan Torkington
HTML Primer
Marc Andreessen
URL primer
Marc Andreessen


The Whole Internet

Krol, Ed, "The Whole INTERNET User's Guide and Catalog". Sebastopol CA, O'Reilly Associates, 1992. ISBN=1-56592-025-2.

A book all about using the internet, for professionals but not necessarily computer professionals. Has a chapter on WWW specifically, and an appendix with a list of some resources available on the net. The bit about WWW was written in the early stages and so may seem a little out dated.

Other technical reports involving WWW etc

Multimedia Overview for RARE -- Chis Adie

Available in various forms (report, summary) by anonymous FTP. .doc is WinWord2.

Tim BL et al