
From Schema Bib Extend Community Group

Parts Proposal

Status: Discontinued - merged with Collection
Author: Richard Wallis


There is a need to identify the relationships between creative works that contain other creative works.


The addition of two properties to the CreativeWork Type

Property Expected Type Description
hasPart A creative work that is contained within this work.
isPartOf A creative work that this work is contained within.


1. The Lord of the Rings trilogy
Initial example in RDF Turtle format - other formats to follow - RJW

@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix schemap: <> .

	a schema:Book;
	schema:name "Lord of the Rings";
	schema:about <>;
	schema:author <>;
	schema:author [ a schema:Person;
					schema:name "Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel), 1892-1973."];
	schema:inLanguage "en";
	schema:genre "Fiction";
	schema:description	"v. 1. The fellowship of the ring.--v. 2. The two towers.--v. 3. The return of the king.";
	schemap:hasPart <>; 
	schemap:hasPart <>;
	schemap:hasPart <>.

	a schema:Book;
	schema:name "The fellowship of the ring";
	schema:about <>;
	schema:author <>;
	schema:author [ a schema:Person;
					schema:name "Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel), 1892-1973."];
	schema:inLanguage "en";
	schema:genre "Fiction";
	schema:description	"Lord of the Rings Pt1";
	schemap:isPartOf <>.

	a schema:Book;
	schema:name "The two towers";
	schema:about <>;
	schema:author <>;
	schema:author [ a schema:Person;
					schema:name "Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel), 1892-1973."];
	schema:inLanguage "en";
	schema:genre "Fiction";
	schema:description	"Lord of the Rings Pt2";
	schemap:isPartOf <>.

	a schema:Book;
	schema:name "The return of the king.";
	schema:about <>;
	schema:author <>;
	schema:author [ a schema:Person;
					schema:name "Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel), 1892-1973."];
	schema:inLanguage "en";
	schema:genre "Fiction";
	schema:description	"Lord of the Rings Pt3";
	schemap:isPartOf <>.