From Schema Bib Extend Community Group - the extension sub-domain for the bibliographic sector

Release 1.0 - The initial release

Target date for agreement April 24th 2015

Initial proposal

Note Status

P = In proposal - currently U = Undecided / Under discussion D = Dropped L = Deferred to a later release proposal (1.1)

General Bibliographic Types & Properties

Type/Property Parent/Domain Description Examples Status
Agent Thing A Super Type for types that can act as agents (e.g. person, organization). This type is useful in cases where schema:Person or schema:Organization is optional, unclear or too specific. Y P
Atlas CreativeWork A collection or bound volume of maps, charts, plates or tables, physical or in media form illustrating any subject. Y P
Chapter CreativeWork One of the sections into which a book is divided. A chapter usually has a section number or a name. Y P
Collection CreativeWork A created collection of Creative Works or other artefacts. Y P
Newspaper CreativeWork A publication containing information about varied topics that are pertinent to general information, a geographic area, or a specific subject matter (i.e. business, culture, education). Often published daily. Y P
Thesis CreativeWork A thesis or dissertation document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification. Y P
inSupportOf Thesis Y P
translationOfWork CreativeWork The work that this work has been translated from. e.g. 物种起源 is a translationOf “On the Origin of Species” Y P
translator CreativeWork An agent responsible for rendering a translated work from a source work Y P
workTranslation CreativeWork A work that is a translation of the content of this work. e.g. 西遊記 has an English workTranslation “Journey to the West”,a German workTranslation “Monkeys Pilgerfahrt” and a Vietnamese translation Tây du ký bình khảo. Y P

Source in RDFa form available here: bsdo-1.0.rdfa
Example Files:


Type/Property Parent/Domain Description Examples Status
ComicIssue PublicationIssue Individual comic issues are serially published as part of a larger series. For the sake of consistency, even one-shot issues belong to a series comprised of a single issue. All comic issues can be uniquely identified by: the combination of the name and volume number of the series to which the issue belongs; the issue number; and the variant description of the issue (if any). Y P
ComicSeries Periodical A sequential publication of comic stories under a unifying title, for example "The Amazing Spider-Man" or "Groo the Wanderer". Y P
ComicStory CreativeWork The term "story" is any indivisible, re-printable unit of a comic, including the interior stories, covers, and backmatter. Most comics have at least two stories: a cover (ComicCoverArt) and an interior story. Y P
CoverArt VisualArtwork The artwork on the outer surface of a CreativeWork. Y P
ComicCoverArt CoverArt
The artwork on the cover of a comic. Y P
artist ComicIssue
The primary artist for a work in a medium other than pencils or digital line art--for example, if the primary artwork is done in watercolors or digital paints. N P
inker ComicIssue
The individual who traces over the pencil drawings in ink after pencils are complete. N P
letterer ComicIssue
The individual who adds lettering, including speech balloons and sound effects, to artwork. N P
penciler ComicIssue
The individual who draws the primary narrative artwork. N P
publisherImprint CreativeWork The publishing division which published the comic. N P
variantCover ComicIssue A description of the variant cover for the issue, if the issue is a variant printing. For example, "Bryan Hitch Variant Cover" or "2nd Printing Variant". N P

Source in RDFa form available here: