Specification of Requirements on Terminological Analysis

From Ontology-Lexica Community Group

The ontology-lexicon model must be able to represent the lexico-syntactic and -semantic structure of nominal compounds and terms.

The lexico-syntactic structure comprises i) the constituency structure as well as ii) the dependency structure between the components of the nominal compound. The semantic structure comprises a specification of the classes and relations that each component refers to. The ontology-lexicon model should thus allow to represent the correct syntactic and semantic analysis of a term in the domain described by the ontology.

Take the example of the term small appliance industry. This term could have one of the following readings:

[small/ADJ [appliance/NN industry/NN] ]


[ [small/ADJ appliance/NN] industry/NN]

Further, the ontology-lexicon model should allow to specify that the right interpretation of such a compound with respect to a given OWL ontology could be:

Industry ⊓ ∀manufactures.(Appliance ⊓ ∀size.{small})

Real-life examples:

- xEBR Core Reference Taxonomy (http://www.xbrleurope.org/working-groups/xebr-wg/xebr-taxonomy) defined by the XBRL Europe Business Registers Working Group

EN term/label: tangible fixed assets

DE term/label: Sachanlagen

xEBR does not have URIs

- STW Thesaurus for Economics (http://zbw.eu/stw/versions/latest/about.en.html)

also in German: Standard-Thesaurus Wirtschaft (http://zbw.eu/stw/versions/latest/about.de.html)

DE term/label: Immaterielles Anlagevermögen (http://zbw.eu/stw/descriptor/12376-2 -- URI for concept NOT for DE term)

EN term/label: Intangible assets (http://zbw.eu/stw/descriptor/12376-2 -- URI for concept NOT for EN term)

# Examples: Intangible assets

@prefix lemon: <http://www.monnet-project.eu/lemon#> .
@prefix zbw: <http://zbw.eu/stw/descriptor/> .
@prefix dbpedia: <http://dbpedia.org/page/> .

:lexicon a lemon:Lexicon ;
    lemon:language "en" ;
    lemon:entry :intangible,

:Intangible assets
     lemon:canonicalForm [ lemon:writtenRep "Intangible assets" ] ;
     lemon:sense [ lemon:ref zbw:12376-2  ] . 

	lemon:canonicalForm 	[ lemon:writtenRep "intangible"] ;
lexinfo:partOfSpeech lexinfo:adjective . # partOfSpeech=adjective

	lemon:canonicalForm 	[ lemon:writtenRep "asset" ;
				   isocat:DC-1298 isocat:DC-1387 # number=singular] ;
	lemon:altForm 	        [ lemon:writtenRep "assets" ;
                                   isocat:DC-1298 isocat:DC-1354  # number=plural] ;
        lemon:sense [ lemon:ref dbpedia:Asset  ] .
lexinfo:partOfSpeech lexinfo:noun . # partOfSpeech=noun

:Intangible Assets lemon:Phrase;
  lemon:decomposition (
    [ lemon:element :intangible ]
    [ lemon:element :asset ] ) .

# Examples: Immaterielles Anlagevermögen & Intangible assets

@prefix lemon: <http://www.monnet-project.eu/lemon#> .
@prefix zbw: <http://zbw.eu/stw/descriptor/> .
@prefix dbpedia: <http://dbpedia.org/page/> .

:lexicon a lemon:Lexicon ;
    lemon:language "de" ;
    lemon:entry :immateriell,
:Immaterielles Anlagevermögen
	lemon:canonicalForm [ lemon:writtenRep "Immaterielles Anlagevermögen" ] ;
	lemon:sense [ lemon:ref zbw:12376-2  ] .

	lemon:canonicalForm 	[ lemon:writtenRep "immateriell" ;
	lemon:altForm 	        [ lemon:writtenRep "immaterieller" ;
                                   isocat:DC-1297 isocat:DC-1883  # gender=masculine
                                   isocat:DC-1298 isocat:DC-1387  # number=singular] ;
		 	        [ lemon:writtenRep "immaterielle" ;
                                   isocat:DC-1297 isocat:DC-1880  # gender=feminine
				   isocat:DC-1298 isocat:DC-1387  # number=singular] ;	
                                [ lemon:writtenRep "immaterielles" ;
				   isocat:DC-1297 isocat:DC-1884  # gender=neuter
				   isocat:DC-1298 isocat:DC-1387  # number=singular] ;
lexinfo:partOfSpeech lexinfo:adjective . # partOfSpeech=adjective

	lemon:canonicalForm 	[ lemon:writtenRep "Anlagevermögen" ;
				   isocat:DC-1297 isocat:DC-1884 # gender=neuter 
				   isocat:DC-1298 isocat:DC-1387 # number=singular] ;
	lemon:altForm 	        [ lemon:writtenRep "Anlagevermögen" ;
                                   isocat:DC-1297 isocat:DC-1884  # gender=neuter
                                   isocat:DC-1298 isocat:DC-1354  # number=plural] ;
        lemon:sense [ lemon:ref dbpedia:Asset ]
lexinfo:partOfSpeech lexinfo:noun . # partOfSpeech=noun

:Immaterielles Anlagevermögen lemon:Phrase;
  lemon:decomposition (
    [ lemon:element :immateriell ]
    [ lemon:element :Anlagevermögen ] ) .

- RadLex (http://rsna.org/RadLex.aspx, http://www.radlex.org/) defined by the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA®)

EN term/label: free lower limb segment (URI http://www.radlex.org/RID/RID34535)

EN term/label: left upper lobe posterior segment artery (URI http://www.radlex.org/RID/RID35837)

#Example: left upper lobe posterior segment artery

@prefix lemon: <http://www.monnet-project.eu/lemon#> .
@prefix radlex: <http://http://www.radlex.org/RID/> .

:left upper lobe posterior segment artery
	lemon:canonicalForm [ lemon:writtenRep "left upper lobe posterior segment artery" ] ;
	lemon:sense [ lemon:ref radlex:RID35837 ] . 

:left upper lobe artery
	lemon:canonicalForm [ lemon:writtenRep "left upper lobe artery" ] ;
	lemon:sense [ lemon:ref radlex:RID994 ] .

:posterior segmental artery
	lemon:canonicalForm [ lemon:writtenRep "posterior segmental artery" ] ;
	lemon:sense [ lemon:ref radlex:	RID35836 ] .

:lexicon a lemon:Lexicon ;
    lemon:language "en" ;
    lemon:entry :left,

	lemon:canonicalForm 	[ lemon:writtenRep "left" ;
lexinfo:partOfSpeech lexinfo:adjective .

	lemon:canonicalForm 	[ lemon:writtenRep "upper" ;
lexinfo:partOfSpeech lexinfo:adjective .

	lemon:canonicalForm 	[ lemon:writtenRep "lobe" ;
				   isocat:DC-1298 isocat:DC-1387 # number=singular] ;
	lemon:altForm 	        [ lemon:writtenRep "lobes" ;
                                   isocat:DC-1298 isocat:DC-1354  # number=plural] ;
lexinfo:partOfSpeech lexinfo:noun .

	lemon:canonicalForm 	[ lemon:writtenRep "posterior" ;
				   isocat:DC-1298 isocat:DC-1387 # number=singular] ;
	lemon:altForm 	        [ lemon:writtenRep "posteriors" ;
                                   isocat:DC-1298 isocat:DC-1354  # number=plural] ;
lexinfo:partOfSpeech lexinfo:noun .

	lemon:canonicalForm 	[ lemon:writtenRep "segment" ;
				   isocat:DC-1298 isocat:DC-1387 # number=singular] ;
	lemon:altForm 	        [ lemon:writtenRep "segments" ;
                                   isocat:DC-1298 isocat:DC-1354  # number=plural] ;
lexinfo:partOfSpeech lexinfo:noun .

	lemon:canonicalForm 	[ lemon:writtenRep "artery" ;
				   isocat:DC-1298 isocat:DC-1387 # number=singular] ;
	lemon:altForm 	        [ lemon:writtenRep "arteries" ;
                                   isocat:DC-1298 isocat:DC-1354  # number=plural] ;
	lemon:sense             [ lemon:ref radlex:RID478 ] .
lexinfo:partOfSpeech lexinfo:noun .

:left upper lobe posterior segment artery:Phrase ;
  lemon:decomposition (
    [ lemon:element :artery ]
    [ lemon:element :left upper lobe artery ]
    [ lemon:element :posterior segment artery ] ) .

It is not the goal of the ontology-lexicon model to specify how the compositional structure of the term relates to the composition of the complex concept it refers to.