OntoLex 2016

From Ontology-Lexica Community Group

Wiki documentation for OntoLex-Lemon (published 2016)

This is a mirror created in March 2023 in order to preserve background information on the creation of OntoLex-Lemon to be removed from the main page.

Current drafts

The Final Model Specification has been published in May 2016 as a W3C Community Report.

The latest version of all the ontology modules, documentation and accompanying examples can be found GitHub (also see here for the original drafts).


A descriptions of the goals, scope and mission of the community group can be found here: Goals and Scope of Ontology-Lexica Community Group

The overall schedule could looks as follows:

M1: Specification of Use Cases (final version by end of 2012)

M2: Specification of Requirements (final version by end of 2013)

M3: Specification of Core Model (final version by end of 2014)

M4: Specification of Modules to be developed (final specification by March 2015)

Original Use Cases

Here we detail the Specification of Use Cases as well as Real Scenarios for Use Cases, in particular with respect to the following datasets:

Eurosentiment: Semantically Interoperable Language Resources for Sentiment Analysis

IFLA: The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

AGROVOC: The multilingual (25 langs) Agriculture Concept Scheme maintained by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

VOCBENCH: A web application for collaborative editing of SKOS-XL concept schemes; could support ontolex vocabulary once it is ready

SEMAGROW: an EU funded project about: "Data Intensive Techniques to Boost the Real-time Performance of Global Agricultural Data Infrastructures"; it covers the following use cases: IE, OA, LLD and SAOM

Original Requirements

Specification of Requirements


Since 2018, OntoLex development was mainly conducted in CG-wide teleconferences, focusing on OntoLex-Lemon (until 2016) and OntoLex-Lexicog (until 2018). Since 2018, we began to work on several modules in parallel, with independent series of telcos, documented on their respective wiki pages.

Past teleconferences


Previous draft documents


Issues of the proposed core more here: Core Model Poll


Specification of Core Model

OntoLex Core Model (Core Model Poll)

Variation Module

Translation Module

Syntax and Semantics Module

Metadata Module

Linking to SKOS