Main Page/MediaTunerTaskForce

From Automotive and Web Platform Business Group

Media Tuner Task Force

Phase 2 Schedule

  • Review other solutions / APIs with our use cases
  • Create a unofficial draft
  • Work with TV Control API Community Group
  • Decide on Next steps (create our own api, use existing and contribute
  • API contribution / development (Start  ?)

Media Tuner Landscape

Media Application Use Cases

First revision (ryan davis)
2nd revision (Modified by Dave Mitchell)

Audio Zone use Cases

This is a simple listing of different audio zones in the vehicle along with which zone has access to to the media and who has control. This was created for discussion on how to handle this in the api.

Radio Tuner Use Cases

TV Tuner Use Cases

Use Case Comparison

Media Tuner

discovery and the Formation of interfaces

Here is a concept that I was working on that involves available resources. The resources would be any available source that would share a common constraint such as only one of them in the group would be available at a time. This also shows the concept of using “players” instead of tuners. Players only decode and play to a specific output zone. This would allow then an external player to be used and to use a resource from the system. How the system defined players interact with the system would be completely up to the system to define and implement. You would use setMedia (or something similar) to assign a specific source of a resource to a specific player. I know, of course, this is kind of crude and needs some refinement, discussion, and contributions, but I think this would be a good way to make the api not dependent on the underlying technology.

Unofficial Draft