Example for Checkpoint
7.5 - Until user agents provide the ability to stop auto-redirect do not use markup to redirect pages automatically. Instead, configure the server to perform redirects.

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Priority 2

The following code might automatically bring up the new page five seconds after you load the current page.

<TITLE>Don't use this!</TITLE>
<META http-equiv="refresh" content="5;
<P>If your browser supports Refresh,
you'll be transported to our <A href="http://www.acme.com/newpage">new site</A> in 5 seconds, otherwise, select the link manually.

However, authors should not redirect users with this markup since is non-standard, it disorients users, and it can disrupt a browser's history of visited pages. Instead, in order of preference, authors should:

  1. Configure the server to use the appropriate HTTP status code (301). Using HTTP headers is preferable because it reduces Internet traffic and download times, it may by applied to non-HTML documents, and it may be used by agents who requested only a HEAD request (e.g., link checkers). Also, status codes of the 30x type provide information such as "moved permanently" or "moved temporarily" that cannot be given with META refresh.
  2. Replace the page that would be redirected with a static page containing a normal link to the new page.

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Chuck Letourneau & Geoff Freed

W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

Copyright © 2000 W3C