Example for Checkpoint
1.1c - a text equivalent for image map regions.

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Priority 1: for server side image maps

For the user of a non-graphical browser or for someone who does not use a traditional pointing device (like a mouse or touch-screen), a page that uses an imagemap as the sole means of navigation can be quite inaccessible. There are a number of techniques available to you to ensure that your image maps are accessible. All of those techniques involve providing a text equivalent for the critical functions of the map: namely the active areas that activate links to other information.

See the example for Checkpoint 1.2 for a more detailed treatment of using a server side image map .

Priority 3: for client side image maps

See the example for Checkpoint 1.5 for more information on using a client side image map .

Up one level To Checkpoints for Guideline 1.
Next slide: Example for Checkpoint 1.1d

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Chuck Letourneau & Geoff Freed

W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

Copyright © 2000 W3C