Example for Checkpoint
6.2, continued.

Slide 55 of 120
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Access note: This simple example uses a table and an animated image to simulate the look of a dynamic page created with FRAME markup.

Animated image alternates between a picture of a house and a picture of a telephone menu

You might think it would be appropriate to use the title attribute of the FRAME element to label or describe the content of the frame, but the difficulty arises if you are doing dynamic content changes. If you change the source you cannot easily also change the title on the FRAME so the content would change while the title remained constant. If however, the source of each new image or other content is an HTML file, that file can contain all the text equivalents or explanatory information the user needs to understand the changes.

Angry face: bad choice!In this example, the picture frame might be created with the following code:

<FRAME src="image-changer.html" title="picture of a house">

However, the title, 'picture of a house', would not be an appropriate title for the frame since the image changes from a house to a telephone and back.

Happy face: good choice! A more appropriate title would be 'changing picture frame'.

This begs the question: how can you provide meaningful alt-text for random images dynamically served to a page? Can anyone suggest a suitable technique? Contact the authors with your suggestions.

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Chuck Letourneau & Geoff Freed

W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

Copyright © 2000 W3C