Example for Checkpoint
Appendix A: Validation

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Automated validation methods are generally rapid and convenient but cannot identify all accessibility issues. Human review can help ensure clarity of language and ease of navigation.

Begin using validation methods at the earliest stages of development. Accessibility issues identified early are easier to correct and avoid.

Following are some important validation methods.

  1. Use an automated accessibility tool and browser validation tool such as Bobby. Please note that software tools do not address all accessibility issues, such as the meaningfulness of link text, the applicability of a text equivalent, etc.
  2. Validate the HTML using a service such as the W3C's HTML Validator (HTMLVAL), which checks HTML documents for compliance with W3C HTML Recommendations and other HTML standards.
  3. Validate style sheets using a service such as the W3C CSS Validation Service.
  4. Use a text-only browser, such as Lynx or an emulator, such as Lynx-Me or Lynx Viewer.
  5. Use multiple graphic browsers with:
    • sounds and graphics loaded,
    • graphics not loaded,
    • sounds not loaded,
    • no mouse,
    • frames, scripts, style sheets, and applets not loaded
  6. Use several browsers, old and new.
  7. Use a self-voicing browser, such as pwWebSpeak or Home Page Reader, a screen reader, such as JAWS or outSPOKEN, magnification software, a small display, etc.
  8. Use spell and grammar checkers. A person reading a page with a speech synthesizer may not be able to decipher the synthesizer's best guess for a word with a spelling error. Eliminating grammar problems increases comprehension.
  9. Review content and structure for clarity and simplicity.
  10. Invite people with disabilities to review your documents. Expert and novice users with disabilities will provide valuable feedback about accessibility or usability problems and their severity.

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Chuck Letourneau & Geoff Freed

W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

Copyright © 2000 W3C