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Bugs/New A11Y Bug Snapshot 20101002

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New A11Y Bug Snapshot as of October 2, 2010


  • 32 Total NEW a11y bugs exist on October 2, 2010.
  • The oldest NEW a11y bug was opened 175.64 days ago on April 9, 2010.
  • The newest NEW a11y bug was opened -0.01 days ago on October 2, 2010.
  • The average age of a NEW a11y bug is 87.81 days.


New Bug Details
Bug id Open Date Number of Days Open as of October 2, 2010 Reporter Component Short Description Number Count
9452 4/9/10 8:39 175.64 silviapfeiffer1 HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) Handling of additional tracks of a multitrack audio/video resource 1
9471 4/9/10 22:11 175.08 silviapfeiffer1 HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) Introduce declarative markup to associate timed text resources with media elements 2
10066 7/2/10 13:58 91.42 faulkner.steve HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) replace section 3.2.6 with the alternative spec text provided 3
10168 7/14/2010 6:01:02 PM 79.25 laura.lee.carlson alt techniques (editor: Steven Faulkner) Please consider adding a section on role="presentation" 4
10455 8/26/2010 12:28:15 PM 36.48 laura.lee.carlson HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) Mint a describedby attribute for the img element 5
10489 8/29/2010 1:53:44 AM 33.92 xn--mlform-iua alt techniques (editor: Steven Faulkner) Use or @role is not mentioned as single time in the draft 6
10525 9/1/2010 2:06:15 PM 30.41 laura.lee.carlson working group Decision Policy Please try to improve Bugzilla's accessibility/usability problems before Last Call 7
10660 9/20/10 14:18 11.40 oedipus HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) use < and > and not &#8592; and &#8594; to indicate previous and next 8
10840 9/30/10 0:32 1.98 jfoliot HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) Allow the user to independently adjust the volumes of the audio description and original soundtracks. 9
10841 9/30/10 0:37 1.97 jfoliot HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) We require a method to allow the user to control playback timing in order to have more time to understand the material 10
10843 9/30/10 0:40 1.97 jfoliot HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) Support user control over the visual presentation of caption text. 11
10853 9/30/10 13:52 1.42 oedipus HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) HTML5 lacks a verbose description mechanism 12
10888 9/30/10 18:47 1.22 oedipus HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) Access Command Requirements for HTML5 13
10896 9/30/10 20:02 1.16 lwatson HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) enable device independent access to event handler 14
10903 9/30/10 20:53 1.13 faulkner.steve HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) provide an introduction to wai-aria in the wai aria section of the spec 15
10905 9/30/10 21:38 1.10 faulkner.steve HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) clarify how assigning an accesskey to an element affects the elements default role 16
10906 9/30/10 21:58 1.08 faulkner.steve HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) make the the conforming use of placeholder dependent on the presence of a label 17
10914 9/30/10 22:28 1.06 martin.kliehm HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) Allow multiple space separated values for the ARIA role attribute 18
10915 9/30/10 22:35 1.06 faulkner.steve HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) clarify why a command element that is not in a menu is conforming 19
10916 9/30/10 22:41 1.05 adrianba HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) Add a new <control> element to convey the common semantics of a script enabled UI control 20
10917 9/30/10 22:49 1.05 faulkner.steve HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) modify user agent requirement for details element 21
10918 9/30/10 22:53 1.05 faulkner.steve HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) provide better examples 22
10919 9/30/10 22:54 1.05 martin.kliehm HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) Allow role="presentation" to override the default role of any element 23
10921 9/30/10 23:18 1.03 faulkner.steve HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) put back direct link to the W3C version of the canvas 2d context spec 24
10927 10/1/10 0:53 0.96 cyns HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) collection of all interactive (actionable, focusable) elements 25
10931 10/1/10 1:27 0.94 cyns HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) Add details or summary to focus management section 26
10932 10/1/10 1:31 0.94 cyns HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) add area to 7.4.2 Focus management 27
10933 10/1/10 1:36 0.93 cyns HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) add link types that create hyperlinks to 7.4.2 Focus management 28
10935 10/1/10 1:44 0.93 cyns alt techniques (editor: Steven Faulkner) consider 10.4 Bindings impact on UAG 28
10938 10/1/10 3:58 0.83 xn--mlform-iua HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) Add <textual/> - a visible textual substitute element w/link capability 30
10941 10/1/10 7:07 0.70 mstm HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) Media elements need control-independent "pause" for presenting lengthy descriptions/captions 31
10964 10/2/10 0:16 -0.01 schwer HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) Canvas needs to support a backing store in the DOM subtree capable of supporting screen reading 32


Methodology is explained on the NEW Bug Snapshots Wiki Page


Bug 7260 is ignored which is about an A11Y test suite. There are also REOPENED and ASSIGNED A11Y bugs which are not include these in computing the "age" value above.