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WAI Evaluation and Repair Tools Techniques Issues List

Last revised: $Date: 2000/11/08 08:17:25 $

This page tracks issues raised between releases of Working Drafts of the Evaluation and Repair Tools Techniques Document.

If there is an issue that is not on this list, or that is misrepresented or inadequately summarized, please send your comments to w3c-wai-er-ig@w3.org or contact the editor, Wendy Chisholm.

Table of Contents of Issues

Open Issues

Issues that need clarification from the WCAG WG

Closed Issues

Open Issues

links to WCAG techniques document

Note or Recommendation?

Editorial comments

"Crying wolf"

Author indications that a warning has been checked

How do we check if image is "complex"?

Combine similar techniques?

Check APPLET for "alt" always needed?

Check APPLET and OBJECT for any HTML element

FRAME "title" check not automatic

Valid "londesc"

Audio equivalents

Content of NOSCRIPT


User notification for appropriate markup language

Allow user to change the units of measure.

Check document for missing quote markup

ABBR values should be shorter than 15 characters.

User notification of dynamic content changes

Testing embedded technologies

Server-side to client-side image map conversion

Logical tab order

Keyboard shortcuts


Alternative pages

Michael's suggestions

Issues that need clarification from the WCAG WG

There must be only one H1 element in the document

Mark up lists and list items properly

Use markup to associate data cells and header cells

Check table for valid "summary" attribute

User notification of style sheet use.

Quantifying flicker

Use W3C technologies

Closed Issues

Technique short phrases
