The Media Capture API

W3C Working Draft 28 September 2010

This version:
Latest published version:
Latest editor's draft:
Dzung D Tran, Intel
Ilkka Oksanen, Nokia
Ingmar Kliche, Deutsche Telekom


This specification defines an Application Programming Interface (API) that provides access to the audio, image and video capture capabilities of the device.

Status of This Document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at http://www.w3.org/TR/.

This document represents the early consensus of the group on the scope and features of the proposed Capture API. Issues and editors notes in the document highlight some of the points on which the group is still working and would particularly like to get feedback.

This document was published by the Device APIs and Policy Working Group as a First Public Working Draft. This document is intended to become a W3C Recommendation. If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to public-device-apis@w3.org (subscribe, archives). All feedback is welcome.

Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

This document was produced by a group operating under the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

The Capture API defines a high-level interface for accessing the microphone and camera of a hosting device. It completes the HTML Form Based Media Capturing specification [HTMLMEDIACAPTURE] with a programmatic access to start a parametrized capture process.

1.1 Usage Examples

The following code extracts illustrate how to work with a camera service in the hosting device:

Launching a camera application and retrieving the pictures taken.

function success(data) {
  var container = document.createElement("div");
  for (var i in data) {
    var img = document.createElement("img");
    img.src = data[i].url;

function error(err) {
  if (err.code === err.CAPTURE_INTERNAL_ERR) {
    alert("The capture failed due to an internal error.");
  else {
    alert("Other error occured.");
navigator.device.capture.captureImage(success, error, { limit: 1 });

Example of retrieving image sizes and formats supported by hosting device camera.

var summary;

formats = navigator.device.capture.supportedImageFormats;

for (var key in formats) {
  summary += key + ": " + formats[key] + "\n";


1.2 Terminology

The terms camera application, camcorder application, and audio capture application are used to refer piece of an interactive software implemented either by the user agent or the underlying operating environment that carry out the actual capture operation.

2. Security and Privacy Considerations

The overall architecture for addressing privacy in DAP is still under construction. As it is finalized, there may be changes made to this API to reflect requirements or support for privacy-related functionality.

The API defined in this specification launches the capture application which allows the user to take pictures, record voice or record video and provides a handle to the content. This information can potentially compromise user privacy and a conforming implementation of this specification must provide a mechanism that protects the user's privacy and this mechanism should ensure that such operations must not happen without user consent.

Privacy considerations for implementers of Capture API

A conforming implementation of this specification must provide a mechanism that protects the user's privacy and this mechanism should ensure that privacy information is not revealed without user's informed consent.

Note that there is a minimization issue with EXIF headers. Implementations are assumed to avoid embeding information in the EXIF header which could be used for non-intended purposes (such as geolocation or device id).

3. API Description

3.1 DeviceCapture interface

The DeviceCapture interface is exposed on the navigator.device object, as defined in [CORE-DEVICE].

Device implements DeviceCapture;
interface DeviceCapture {
    readonly attribute Capture capture;

3.1.1 Attributes

capture of type Capture, readonly
The root node from which the capture functionality can be accessed.
No exceptions.

3.2 Capture interface

The Capture interface exposes an interface to the camera and microphone of the hosting device.

The MediaFileData Interface contains a duration attribute. What does it mean here? Is it the max recording length?.

Should the default audio, video, and image codec be defined that all implementations need to support? If yes, which codecs should be selected?

Duration and bitrate attributes of MediaFileData object make no sense in case of supportedImageFormats. Use of more well suited interface to be considered.

[Supplemental, NoInterfaceObject]
interface Capture {
    readonly attribute MediaFileData[] supportedImageFormats;
    readonly attribute MediaFileData[] supportedVideoFormats;
    readonly attribute MediaFileData[] supportedAudioFormats;
    PendingOperation captureImage (in CaptureCB successCB, in optional CaptureErrorCB errorCB, in optional CaptureImageOptions options);
    PendingOperation captureVideo (in CaptureCB successCB, in optional CaptureErrorCB errorCB, in optional CaptureVideoOptions options);
    PendingOperation captureAudio (in CaptureCB successCB, in optional CaptureErrorCB errorCB, in optional CaptureAudioOptions options);

3.2.1 Attributes

supportedAudioFormats of type array of MediaFileData, readonly
An array of MediaFileData [HTMLMEDIACAPTURE] objects which contains audio formats supported by the hosting device microphone.
No exceptions.
supportedImageFormats of type array of MediaFileData, readonly
An array of MediaFileData [HTMLMEDIACAPTURE] objects which contains image sizes and formats supported by the hosting device camera.
No exceptions.
supportedVideoFormats of type array of MediaFileData, readonly
An array of MediaFileData [HTMLMEDIACAPTURE] objects which contains video resolutions and formats supported by the hosting device camera.
No exceptions.

3.2.2 Methods


Launch audio recorder application for recording audio clip(s).

This method takes two or three arguments. When called, it immediately returns a PendingOperation object and then asynchronously start a capture audio process defined as follows:

  1. Start audio recorder application. Allow end user to record audio clip(s) and return.
  2. If successful, invoke the associated successCB with a FileList [FILE-API] argument. If the attempt fails, and the method was invoked with a non-null errorCallback argument, this method must invoke the errorCallback with a CaptureError object as an argument.
  3. If a CaptureAudioOptions parameter was present, and its limit attribute was defined, successCB must be invoked after the user has captured a number of audio clips defined in limit. If user exited the audio recorder application prematurely without recording any audio clips, errorCB must be invoked.

successCBCaptureCBFunction to call when the asynchronous operation completes
errorCBCaptureErrorCBFunction to call when the asynchronous operation fails. This parameter is optional.
optionsCaptureAudioOptionsAudio capture options. This parameter is optional.
No exceptions.
Return type: PendingOperation

Launch camera application for taking image(s).

This method takes two or three arguments. When called, it immediately returns a PendingOperation object and then asynchronously start a capture image process defined as follows:

  1. Start camera application. Allow end user to take picture(s).
  2. If successful, invoke the associated successCB with a FileList [FILE-API] argument. If the attempt fails, and the method was invoked with a non-null errorCallback argument, this method must invoke the errorCallback with a CaptureError object as an argument.
  3. If a CaptureImageOptions parameter was present, and its limit attribute was defined, successCB must be invoked after the user has captured a number of images defined in limit. If user exited the camera application without capturing any images, errorCB must be invoked.

successCBCaptureCBFunction to call when the asynchronous operation completes
errorCBCaptureErrorCBFunction to call when the asynchronous operation fails. This parameter is optional.
optionsCaptureImageOptionsImage capture options. This parameter is optional.
No exceptions.
Return type: PendingOperation

Launch device camera application for recording video(s).

This method takes three or four arguments. When called, it immediately returns a PendingOperation object and then asynchronously start a capture video process defined as follows:

  1. Start camcorder application. Allow end user to take video(s) and return.
  2. If successful, invoke the associated successCB with a FileList [FILE-API] argument. If the attempt fails, and the method was invoked with a non-null errorCallback argument, this method must invoke the errorCallback with a CaptureError object as an argument.
  3. If a CaptureVideoOptions parameter was present, and its limit attribute was defined, successCB must be invoked after the user has captured a number of video clips defined in limit. If user exited the camera application without capturing any videos, errorCB must be invoked.
  4. If a CaptureVideoOptions parameter was present, and its duration attribute was defined, successCB must be invoked after the video has been captured for the number of seconds defined in duration. If user exited the camcorder application without capturing any video clips, errorCB must be invoked.

successCBCaptureCBFunction to call when the asynchronous operation completes
errorCBCaptureErrorCBFunction to call when the asynchronous operation fails. This parameter is optional.
optionsCaptureVideoOptionsImage capture options. This parameter is optional.
No exceptions.
Return type: PendingOperation

3.3 CaptureCB interface

[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject]
interface CaptureCB {
    void onSuccess (in FileList capturedMedia);

3.3.1 Methods

capturedMediaFileList Sequence of Files [FILE-API] (implementing the MediaFile [HTMLMEDIACAPTURE] interface) successfully captured by the device
No exceptions.
Return type: void

3.4 CaptureErrorCB interface

[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject]
interface CaptureErrorCB {
    void onError (in CaptureError error);

3.4.1 Methods

errorCaptureErrorThe error object of an unsuccessful capture asynchronous operation.
No exceptions.
Return type: void

3.5 CaptureError interface

The CaptureError interface encapsulates all errors in the Capture API.

More error codes to be defined here.

interface CaptureError {
    const unsigned short CAPTURE_INTERNAL_ERR = 0;
    const unsigned short CAPTURE_APPLICATION_BUSY = 1;
    const unsigned short CAPTURE_INVALID_ARGUMENT = 2;
    const unsigned short CAPTURE_NO_MEDIA_FILES = 3;
    readonly attribute unsigned short code;

3.5.1 Attributes

code of type unsigned short, readonly
An error code assigned by an implementation when an error has occurred in Capture API processing.
No exceptions.

3.5.2 Constants

CAPTURE_APPLICATION_BUSY of type unsigned short
Camera application or audio capture application is currently serving other capture request.
CAPTURE_INTERNAL_ERR of type unsigned short
Camera or microphone failed to capture image or sound.
CAPTURE_INVALID_ARGUMENT of type unsigned short
Invalid use of the API (e.g. limit parameter has value less than one).
CAPTURE_NO_MEDIA_FILES of type unsigned short
User exited camera application or audio capture application before capturing anything.

3.6 CaptureImageOptions interface

The CaptureImageOptions interface encapsulates all image capture operation configuration options.

Additional attributes proposed: width and height.

We might want to add format to give author control over the capture format.

interface CaptureImageOptions {
    attribute unsigned long limit;

3.6.1 Attributes

limit of type unsigned long
Upper limit of images user can take. Value must be equal or greater than one.
No exceptions.

3.7 CaptureVideoOptions interface

We might want to add format to give author control over the capture format.

interface CaptureVideoOptions {
    attribute unsigned long limit;
    attribute float         duration;

3.7.1 Attributes

duration of type float
Maximum duration of a single video clip in seconds.
No exceptions.
limit of type unsigned long
Upper limit of videos user can record. Value must be equal or greater than one
No exceptions.

3.8 CaptureAudioOptions interface

Additional attributes proposed: duration.

We might want to add format to give author control over the capture format.

interface CaptureAudioOptions {
    attribute unsigned long limit;

3.8.1 Attributes

limit of type unsigned long
Upper limit of sound clips user can record. Value must be equal or greater than one
No exceptions.

3.9 PendingOperation interface

This may be a general interface for use throughout all APIs. Included here for now for completion.

interface PendingOperation {
    void cancel ();

3.9.1 Methods

Cancel the pending asynchronous operation and close the native recording application automatically. No success or error callback for the pending operation will be invoked. Possible incomplete set of capture files will be deleted.

The effect of cancel method is currently under discussion in the working group. Is it necessary to delete files? Which callbacks (if any) should be invoked?

No parameters.
No exceptions.
Return type: void

4. Captured Files

4.1 Lifetime

User agents should discard the captured files only after the top-level browsing context [HTML5] related to the script is destroyed. In a special cases where the UA detects limited storage space, files may be deleted earlier.

B. Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Google, Nokia, and OMTP BONDI who provided the initial input into this specification.

C. References

C.1 Normative references

Robin Berjon. Core Device Interfaces. 02 December 2009. W3C Editor's Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/device/
Arun Ranganathan. File API. 17 November 2009. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-FileAPI-20091117/
Ilkka Oksanen, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux, eds. The Capture API, 20 July 2010, W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-html-media-capture-20100720/

C.2 Informative references

Ian Hickson; David Hyatt. HTML 5. 4 March 2010. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-html5-20100304/