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22. SMIL 3.0 Server Playlist Profile

Xabiel García Pañeda, Universidad de Oviedo
David Melendi Palacio, Universidad de Oviedo

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22.1 Overview and Summary of Changes for SMIL 3.0

This section is informative.

SMIL 3.0 Server Playlist Profile is a new profile introduced in SMIL 3.0. It was not part of the SMIL 2.1.

22.2 Abstract

This section is informative.

The SMIL 3.0 Server Playlist Profile is a collection of SMIL 3.0 modules that provide support for the SMIL 3.0 language within the context of the playlist used to manage radio/tv streams in the audio/video servers. Using the playlist specified in SMIL, the server composes a set of audio/video files and/or online input streams to generate an output stream which is transmitted to the final user.

22.3 SMIL 3.0 Server Playlist Profile : Current state and goals

This section is informative.

Server playlists allow companies to generate a live stream from a set of contents. Figure shows the performance schema. Using stored audios and videos and live streams, a computing system can get and combine them in the way specified in a document named playlist.

Play List Role

Nowadays these systems run as follow:

But, if we have SMIL, why do not we use it into these systems?

We could have a standard format to define the playlist. Thus, we can use an editor from one company and a server from another one, the playlist can be reused for different services, even these tasks can be done by different companies (production studio/content provider, TV channel/service provider). In only one word, we could have "interoperability". Moreover, we can introduce new functionality and build more powerful systems.

So the focus here is having a SERVER-ORIENTED SMIL format.

22.3.1 The big picture

In this section we will try to define how the server playlists can be used, and thus, to clarify what the main purpose of this profile is.

The figure depicts how a live service works. Live audio/video services may use either stored or live contents.

When live contents are used a tool called encoder or producer captures audio and video contents from an external source (e.g., a camera and a microphone), and then generates and sends a continuous stream of data packets to a streaming server. The server delivers then some of these data packets to the users who have requested the information, after applying the necessary changes (by changing sequence numbers, removing or adding specific fields in the header of the data packets, etc.).

Distribution architecture

On the other hand, when stored contents are used, most software providers have different solutions to generate live streams using a set of previously-encoded files. We may call these solutions "oepostencoders" and the main providers have the solutions which follow.

The live stream is after that, delivered to the final user through the Internet or broadcasted using common radio/TV channel.

22.3.2 Current playlist support

RealNetworks is one of the companies which implements this type of systems. To generate its live streams, it mainly uses a program called slta. This program uses a plain-text file where the path and names of the files to be used are provided. When the program starts, it opens the playlist file and starts to deliver data packets to the server by putting the files into a sequence. When the program reaches the end of the playlist or a certain length of this playlist, it may stop or it may read it and start again (the slta can loop the list of pre-recorded files either a specified number of times or indefinitely) Also, it is possible to add meta-data. As far as we know, it is impossible to play with the layout of the files. For instance, if we are a content provider working for several broadcasters we need to generate different versions of the same contents even if small variations are needed (like the insertion of a logo image). Also, timing functionality is very limited and only stored contents can be used. An example of a slta playlist follows:

llandecubel_cabraliega.rm?title="Cabraliega"&autor="Llan de Cubel"
tolimorilla_desitiempupoema-a.rm?title="Desi tiempu"&author="Toli Morilla"
losberrones_10anos_ladelatele-a.rm?title="La de la tele"&author="Los Berrones"
jingle_1-a.rm?title="Jingle Asturies.Com"&author="Asturies.Com Canal UN"
elpresi_laxatapinta-a.rm?title="La xata pinta"&author="El Presi"
tolimorilla_natocintura-a.rm?title="Na to cintura"&author="Toli Morilla"

In the example, the playlist uses 7 files in rm format and each of the files has two associated meta-data items: a title and the name of the author. The slta will open these files in a sequence or in random order depending on an available input parameter.

Other developers are Microsoft (Windows Media Services) and Apple (Darwin/Quicktime Streaming Server). These companies provide what they call Server playlists. They have included a management tool to create and manage these lists of contents. A module in the server uses these playlists and performs actions similar to those exposed in the case of RealNetworks solutions. A reduced set of SMIL 2.0 is available in Microsoft solutions. As far as we know, it is impossible to play with layout (the elements available in Microsoft Server playlists are those in

An example of a Microsoft Server Playlist follows:

<?wsx version="1.0"?>
<media src="c:\wmpub\wmroot\audio1.wma" clipBegin="2:42" />
<media src="c:\wmpub\wmroot\audio2.wma" clipBegin="0:00" />
<media src="c:\wmpub\wmroot\audio3.wma" clipBegin="2min" />
<media src="c:\wmpub\wmroot\audio4.wma" clipBegin="0h" dur="30" />

In the example, the playlist uses 4 files in wma format which will be opened sequentially with different starting points along their internal timeline.


So the basic idea behind the Server Playlist Profile is to:

Standardize current playlist functionalities

As mentioned before, the most popular multimedia platforms permit the usage of server playlists in different ways. A good point to start would be to use SMIL in all of these server playlists. The migration to SMIL has three levels of complexity for these platforms:

Migration Table
Complexity Functionality Comments

To allow either audio or video media objects

To allow metadata associated to the SMIL file or to each of the media items in the document

To allow sequences

To avoid the usage of any layout functionality

All this functionality is currently supported by Microsoft, and RealNetworks only needs to update the parser of the slta.


To support clipBegin, clipEnd, dur, begin, end, repeatCount and repeatDur

To consider excl

To consider switch (to define alternative sources for redundancy purposes)

Supported by Microsoft, but RealNetworks requires considerable changes in the slta.


Changes in layout Not supported, requires deep changes in all platforms


Most server playlist technologies (at least RealNetworks) only allow the usage of stored contents. It could be possible to have more complex services where two types of companies are involved: Content providers and Broadcasters.

Content providers may generate the contents and sell these contents to broadcasters. On the other hand, broadcasters may combine the contents of different providers in order to have a continuous stream of contents (24/7)

For example, TVE, BBC and CNN (broadcasters) buy a football match to AudioVisual Sport (Sport Content Provider). This match is transmitted from the AudioVisual Sport server and each of the broadcasters would like to broadcast the match, combined with other contents depending on their scheduled program. One example is showed in the table. In it, the broadcaster combines the contents provided by different content providers with their own contents (either stored or live).

TV Channel Time Table
Begin End Program Provider Type
20:00 21:00 News Own Live
21:00 12:00 Coronation Avenue Equirrel Productions Stored
22:00 22:30 Who wants to be poor? Funny Productions Inc. Stored
22:30 00:30 Football: Barcelona C.F vs Manchester United AudioVisual Sport Live
00:30 01:00 News Own Live
01:00 02:15 International Cinema: Xicu'l Toperu Producciones Esbardu Stored

Another example are broadcasters which have a common set of contents and then certain slots where specific contents are broadcasted depending on the region (in local languages, reporting about local news, etc.). Each local transmission may retrieve the general contents as stated on their playlists and combine them with other contents designed for that particular region.

Regional TV Channel Time Table
Begin end Program Provider Type
9:00 14:00 National programs National TV Live
14:00 15:00 Regional News Own Live
15:00 16:00 Daily report: The salmon Own Stored
16:00 00:30 National programs National TV Live

22.4 SMIL 3.0 Server Playlist Profile

This section is informative.

The SMIL 3.0 Server Playlist Profile is defined as a markup language. The syntax of this language is formally described with a document type definition (DTD) or an XML Schema which is based on the SMIL modules as defined in "The SMIL 3.0 Modules".

In the text in this profile specification, the term Server Playlist Profile will be considered to refer exclusively to the SMIL 3.0 Server Playlist Profile as defined in this document.

The Mobile Profile design requirements are:

  1. Ensure that the profile is a proper subset of the SMIL 3.0 Language Profile.

22.5 Normative Definition of the Server Playlist Profile

This section is normative.

22.5.1 Document Conformance

This version of SMIL provides a definition of strictly conforming Server Playlist Profile documents, which are restricted to tags and attributes from the SMIL 3.0 namespace. In the future, the language described in this profile may be extended by other W3C Recommendations, or by private extensions. For these extensions, the following rules must be obeyed:

Conformant Server Playlist Profile user agents are expected to handle documents containing extensions that obey these two rules.

22.5.2 Server Playlist Profile Conformance

The Server Playlist Profile is a conforming SMIL 3.0 specification. The rules for defining conformant documents are provided in the SMIL in the SMIL document. Note that while the section is written for the SMIL 3.0 Language profile, all of the rules apply to the Server Playlist Profile as well, with the exception that the Server Playlist Profile's namespace should be used instead of the SMIL 3.0 Language Profile's namespace and the Server Playlist Profile's DOCTYPE declaration should be used instead of the SMIL 3.0 Language Profile DOCTYPE declaration.

Server Playlist Profile Namespace

Documents written for the Server Playlist Profile must declare a default namespace for its elements with an xmlns attribute on the smil root element with its identifier URI:

<smil xmlns="">

The default namespace declaration must be


Language designers and implementors wishing to extend the Server Playlist Profile must consider the implications of the use of namespace extension syntax. Please consult the section on Scalable Profiles for restrictions and recommendations for best practice when extending SMIL.

Server Playlist Profile DOCTYPE declaration

A SMIL 3.0 document can contain the following DOCTYPE declaration:

The SMIL 3.0 Mobile Profile DOCTYPE is:

<!DOCTYPE smil PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SMIL 3.0 Mobile//EN"

If a document contains this declaration, it must be a valid XML document.
Note that this implies that extensions to the syntax defined in the DTD are not allowed. If the document is invalid, the user agent should issue an error.

Conforming SMIL Server Playlist Profile User Agents

Since the Server Playlist Profile defines a conforming SMIL document, the rules for defining conformant user agents are the same as provided in the Conforming SMIL 3.0 Language User Agents in the SMIL 3.0 Language Profile document, with the exception that the conforming user agent must support the Server Playlist Profile's namespace instead of the SMIL Language Profile's namespace.

22.5.3 The SMIL 3.0 Server Playlist Profile

The Server Playlist Profile supports the SMIL features for basic multimedia presentations. It uses only modules from the SMIL 3.0 Recommendation. As the language profile includes the mandatory modules, it is a SMIL Host Language conforming language profile. This language profile includes the following SMIL 3.0 modules:

The collection names contained in the following table define the Server Playlist Profile vocabulary.

SMIL 3.0 Server Playlist Profile
Collection Name Elements in Collection
ContentControl switch
Layout region, root-layout, layout, regPoint
MediaContent text, img, audio, video, ref, textstream
Metainformation meta,
Structure smil, head, body
Schedule par, seq
Transition transition

In the following sections, we define the set of elements and attributes used in each of the modules included in the Server Playlist Profile. The content model for each element is described. The content model of an element is a description of elements which can appear as its direct children. The special content model "EMPTY" means that a given element may not have children.

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
Core id (ID), class (NMTOKEN), title (CDATA), alt (CDATA), longdesc (CDATA), xml:base (CDATA)
I18n xml:lang (NMTOKEN)

The id, class and title attributes in the collection Core are defined for all the elements of the Server Playlist Profile. The id attribute is used in the Server Playlist Profile to assign a unique XML identifier to every element in a SMIL document.

A conforming Server Playlist Profile document should not use the SMIL 1.0 attributes that have been depreciated in SMIL 2.0. Server Playlist Profile implementations are not required to support these attributes. This would be considered an unjustified burden for the targeted constraint devices. The unsupported depreciated SMIL 1.0 attributes are the following: anchor, background-color, clip-begin, clip-end, repeat; and the additional depreciated test attributes of Content Control: system-bitrate, system-captions, system-language, system-required, system-screen-size, and, system-screen-depth.

22.5.4 Layout Modules

The Layout Modules provide a framework for spatial layout of visual components. The Layout Modules define semantics for the region, root-layout, layout and the regPoint elements. The Server Playlist Profile includes the Layout functionality of the BasicLayout, AudioLayout, BackgroundTilingLayout, and AlignmentLayout modules.

In the Server Playlist Profile, Layout elements can have the following attributes and content model :

Layout Module
Elements Attributes Content model
region Core, I18n, Test, backgroundColor, showBackground (always | whenActive), bottom, fit (fill | hidden | meet | scroll | slice), width, height, left, right, top, soundLevel, z-index, skip-content, regionName EMPTY
root-layout Core, I18n, Test, backgroundColor , width, height, skip-content EMPTY
layout Core, I18n, Test, type (root-layout | region | regPoint)*
regPoint Core, I18n, Test, top, bottom, left, right, regAlign ( topLeft|topMid | topRight | midLeft | center | midRight | bottomLeft | bottomMid | bottomRight ), skip-content EMPTY

This profile adds the layout element to the content model of the head element of the Structure Module.

22.5.5 Media Object Modules

The Media Object Modules provide a framework for declaring media. The Media Object Modules define semantics for the ref, audio, img, video, text, and textstream elements. The Server Playlist Profile includes the Media Object functionality of the BasicMedia and MediaClipping modules.

In the Mobile Profile, media elements can have the following attributes and content model:

Media Object Module
Elements Attributes Content model
text, img, audio, video, ref, textstream Core, I18n, Timing, Test, region, fill (freeze | remove | hold | transition | auto | default), author, copyright, abstract, src, type, erase, mediaRepeat, paramGroup, sensitivity, transIn, transOut, clipBegin, clipEnd, endsync, mediaAlign, regPoint, regAlign, soundAlign, soundLevel. (param | area | switch)*

This profile adds the ref, audio, img, video, text, and textstream elements to the content model of the par and seq elements of the Timing and Synchronization Modules and to the content model of the body element of the Structure Module.

22.5.6 Metainformation Module

The Metainformation Module provides a framework for describing a document, either to inform the human user or to assist in automation. The Metainformation Module defines semantics for the meta and elements. The Server Playlist Profile includes the Metainformation functionality of the Metainformation module.

In the Server Playlist Profile, Metainformation elements can have the following attributes and content model :

Metainformation Module
Elements Attributes Content model
meta Core, I18n, skip-content, content (CDATA), name (CDATA) EMPTY
Core, I18n, skip-content EMPTY

This profile adds the meta element to the content model of the head element of the Structure Module.

The content model of metadata is empty. Profiles that extend the Server Playlist Profile may define their own content model of the metadata element.

22.5.7 Structure Module

The Structure Module provides a framework for structuring a SMIL document. The Structure Module defines semantics for the smil, head, and body elements. The Server Playlist Profile includes the Structure functionality of the Structure module.

In the Server Playlist Profile, the Structure elements can have the following attributes and content model :

Structure Module
Elements Attributes Content model
smil Core, I18n, Test, xmlns (head?,body?)
head Core, I18n (meta*,(,meta*)?,((layout|switch),meta*)?, (transition+,meta*)?, (paramGroup+,meta*)?)
body Core, I18n, Timing, fill, abstract, author, copyright (Schedule | MediaContent | ContentControl | a )*

The body element acts as the root element to span the timing tree. The body element has the behavior of a seq element. Timing on the body element is supported. The syncbase of the body element is the application begin time, which is implementation dependent, as is the application end time. Note that the effect of fill on the body element is between the end of the presentation and the application end time, and therefore the effect of fill is implementation dependent.

22.5.8 Timing and Synchronization Modules

The Timing and Synchronization Modules provide a framework for describing timing structure, timing control properties and temporal relationships between elements. The Timing and Synchronization Modules define semantics for par and seq elements. In addition, these modules define semantics for attributes including begin, dur, end, repeatCount, repeatDur, min, max. The Server Playlist Profile includes the Timing and Synchronization functionality of the BasicInlineTiming, EventTiming, MinMaxTiming, RepeatTiming, BasicTimeContainers modules.

In the Server Playlist Profile, Timing and Synchronization elements can have the following attributes and content model :

Timing and Synchronization Module
Elements Attributes Content model
par Core, I18n, Timing, Test, endsync, fill (freeze | remove | hold | auto | default), abstract, author, copyright, region (Schedule | MediaContent | ContentControl | a)*
seq Core, I18n, Timing, Test, fill (freeze | remove | hold | auto | default), abstract, author, copyright, region (Schedule | MediaContent | ContentControl | a) *

The Attribute collection Timing is defined as follows:

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
Timing begin, dur, end, repeatCount, repeatDur, min, max

This profile adds the par and seq elements to the content model of the body element of the Structure Module.

Elements of the Media Object Modules have the attributes describing timing and properties of contents.

Supported Event Symbols

The Mobile Profile specifies which types of events can be used as part of the begin and end attribute values. The supported events are described as Event-symbols according to the syntax introduced in the SMIL Timing and Synchronization module.

The supported event symbols in the Mobile Profile are:

Event example
focusInEvent (In DOM Level 2: "DOMFocusIn") end="foo.focusInEvent"
focusOutEvent (In DOM Level 2: "DOMFocusOut") begin="foo.focusOutEvent"
activateEvent (In DOM Level 2: "DOMActivate") begin="foo.activateEvent"
beginEvent begin="foo.beginEvent"
endEvent end="foo.endEvent"
repeatEvent end="foo.repeatEvent"
inBoundsEvent end="foo.inBoundsEvent"
outOfBoundsEvent begin="foo.outOfBoundsEvent"

As defined by the SMIL syncbase timing semantics, any event timing attributes that reference an invalid time-value description will be treated as if "indefinite" were specified.

Event semantics

Raised when a media element gets the keyboard focus in its rendering space, i.e., when it becomes the media element to which all subsequent keystroke-event information is passed. Once an element has the keyboard focus, it continues to have it until a user action or DOM method call either removes the focus from it or gives the focus to another media element, or until its rendering space is removed. Only one media element can have the focus at any particular time. The focusInEvent is delivered to media elements only, and does not bubble.
Raised when a media element loses the keyboard focus from its rendering space, i.e., when it stops being the media element to which all subsequent keystroke-event information is passed. The focusOutEvent is delivered to media elements only, and does not bubble.
Raised when a media element is activated by user input such as by a mouse click within its visible rendering space or by specific keystrokes when the element has the keyboard focus. The activateEvent is delivered to media elements only, and does not bubble.
Raised when the element actually begins playback of its active duration. If an element does not ever begin playing, this event is never raised. If an element has a repeat count, beginEvent is only raised at the beginning of the first iteration. The beginEvent is delivered to elements that support timing, such as media elements and time containers, and does not bubble.
Raised when an element actually ends playback; this is when its active duration is reached or whenever a playing element is stopped. In the following example,
<ref id="x" end="30s" src="15s.mpg" />
<ref id="y" end="10s" src="20s.mpg" />
<ref id="z" repeatCount="4" src="5s.mpg" />

x.endEvent occurs at roughly 30s when the active duration is reached, y.endEvent occurs at roughly 10s when the playback of the continuous media is ended early by the active duration being reached, and z.endEvent occurs at roughly 20s when the fourth and final repeat has completed, thus reaching the end of its active duration. The endEvent is delivered to elements which support timing, such as media elements and time containers, and does not bubble.

Raised when the second and subsequent iterations of a repeated element begin playback. An element that has no repeatDur, repeatCount, or repeat attribute but that plays two or more times due to multiple begin times will not raise a repeatEvent when it restarts. Also, children of a time container that repeats will not raise their own repeatEvents when their parent repeats and they begin playing again. The repeatEvent is delivered to elements which support timing, such as media elements and time containers, and does not bubble.
Raised when one of the following happens:
  • by any input from the mouse or other input device that brings the mouse cursor from outside to within the bounds of a media element's rendering space, regardless of what part, if any, of that rendering space is visible at the time, i.e., z-order is not a factor.
  • by any other action that moves the "cursor" or "pointer", as defined by the implementation, from outside to within the bounds of a media element's rendering space, regardless of what part, if any, of that rendering space is visible at the time, i.e., z-order is not a factor. An implementation may decide, for instance, to raise an inBoundsEvent on an element whenever it gets the focus, including when keystrokes give it the focus.

A media element's bounds are restrained by the bounds of the region in which it is contained., i.e., a media element's bounds do not extend beyond its region's bounds. The inBoundsEvent is delivered to media elements only, and does not bubble.

Note that, unlike with keyboard focus which can only be active on one object at a time, the state of being within an object's bounds can be true for multiple objects simultaneously. For instance, if one object is on top of another and the cursor is placed on top of both objects, both would have raised an inBoundsEvent more recently than the raising of any respective outOfBoundsEvent. If a player does not support a pointer cursor, then these players will typically not generate the inBoundsEvent and outOfBoundEvent events.

Raised when one of the following happens:
  • by any input from the mouse or other input device that brings the mouse cursor from within to outside the bounds of a media element's rendering space, regardless of what part, if any, of that rendering space is visible at the time,
  • by any other action that moves the "cursor" or "pointer", as defined by the implementation, from within to outside the bounds of a media element's rendering space, regardless of what part, if any, of that rendering space is visible at the time.

A media element's bounds are restrained by its region's bounds, i.e., a media element's bounds do not extend beyond its region's bounds. The outOfBoundsEvent is delivered to media elements only, and does not bubble.

Order of raising of simultaneous events:

There will be cases where events occur simultaneously. To ensure that each Mobile implementation handles them in the same order, the following order must be used to resolve ties:

  1. InBoundsEvent
  2. focusInEvent (should follow 1)
  3. activateEvent (should follow 2)
  4. OutOfBoundsEvent
  5. focusOutEvent (should follow 4)
  6. endEvent
  7. beginEvent (must follow 6)
  8. repeatEvent

Events are listed in order of precedence, e.g., if event #6 in this list occurs at the same time as event #7, then #6 must be raised prior to #7.

The InBoundsEvent, focusInEvent, OutOfBoundsEvent, activateEvent, and focusOutEvent events do not bubble and are delivered to the target media element.

The beginEvent, endEvent and repeatEvent events do not bubble and are delivered to the timed element on which the event occurs.

Extending the set of supported events

The Mobile Profile supports an extensible set of events. In order to resolve possible name conflicts with the events that are supported in this profile qualified event names are supported. Namespace prefixes are used to qualify the event names. As a result, the colon is reserved in begin and end attributes for qualifying event names.

For example:

<smil ... xmlns:example="">
   <img id="foo" .../> 
   <audio begin="foo.example:focusInEvent".../>

Integration definitions

A SMIL document's begin time is defined as the moment a user agent begins the timeline for the overall document. A SMIL document's end time is defined as equal to the end time of the body element.

22.5.9 Transition Effects Modules

The Transition Effects Modules provide a framework for describing transitions such as fades and wipes. The Transition Modules define semantics for the transition element. The Server Playlist Profile includes the functionality of the BasicTransitions and FullScreenTransitions modules.

In the Server Playlist Profile, Transition Effects elements have the following attributes and content model :

Transition Effects Module
Elements Attributes Content model
transition Core, I18n, Test, dur, type, subtype, startProgress, endProgress, direction, fadeColor, scope, skip-content EMPTY

This profile adds the transition element to the content model of the head element of the Structure Module.

The Transition Effects Modules add transIn and transOut attributes to ref, audio, img, video, text and textstream elements of the Media Object Modules.

The Transition Effects Modules add the transition value to the fill attribute for all elements on which this value of the fill attribute is supported.

22.6 Appendix A: SMIL

This section is normative.

The Server Playlist Profile Document Type Definition is defined as a set of SMIL

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