15. XHTML Presentation Module


This section is normative.

This module defines elements, attributes, and a minimal content model for simple presentation-related markup:

Element Attributes Minimal Content Model
hr Common EMPTY
sub Common (PCDATA | Inline)*
sup Common (PCDATA | Inline)*

When this module is used, the hr element is added to the Block content set of the Text Module. In addition, the sub and sup elements are added to the Inline content set of the Text Module.

Implementation: DTD

15.1. The hr element

The hr element places a horizontal line in the document.

Remove or rename hr

It has been suggested that hr be removed or renamed to, for instance, <separator/>. The working group has not yet addressed this suggestion.


The Common collection
A collection of other attribute collections, including: Core, Events, I18N, Bi-directional, Edit, Embedding, and Hypertext

15.2. The sub element

The sub element indicates that its contents should be presented as a subscript of the text baseline.


The Common collection
A collection of other attribute collections, including: Core, Events, I18N, Bi-directional, Edit, Embedding, and Hypertext

Many scripts (e.g., French) require superscripts or subscripts for proper rendering. The sub and sup elements should be used to markup text in these cases.

      E = mc<sup>2</sup>
      <span xml:lang="fr">M<sup>lle</sup> Dupont</span>

15.3. The sup element

The sup element indicates that its contents should be presented as a super-script of the text baseline.


The Common collection
A collection of other attribute collections, including: Core, Events, I18N, Bi-directional, Edit, Embedding, and Hypertext

Many scripts (e.g., French) require superscripts or subscripts for proper rendering. The sub and sup elements should be used to markup text in these cases.

      E = mc<sup>2</sup>
      <span xml:lang="fr">M<sup>lle</sup> Dupont</span>