08 October 2002

1. Validation

Ben Chang, Oracle
Joe Kesselman, IBM (until September 2001)
Rezaur Rahman, Intel Corporation (until July 2001)

Table of contents

1.1. Overview

This chapter describes the optional DOM Level 3 Validation feature. This module provides APIs to query information about the XML document.

A DOM application can use the hasFeature method of the DOMImplementation interface to determine whether a given DOM supports these capabilities or not. This module defines 1 feature string: "VAL-DOC" for document-editing interfaces.

This chapter focuses on the editing aspects used in the XML document-editing world and usage of such information.

1.1.1. General Characteristics

In the October 9, 1997 DOM requirements document, the following appeared: "There will be a way to determine the presence of a DTD. There will be a way to add, remove, and change declarations in the underlying DTD (if available). There will be a way to test conformance of all or part of the given document against a DTD (if available)." In later discussions, the following was added, "There will be a way to query element/attribute (and maybe other) declarations in the underlying DTD (if available)," supplementing the primitive support for these in Level 1.

That work was deferred past Level 2, in the hope that XML Schemas would be addressed as well. Work was deferred on lowest common denominator general grammar APIs due to heightened interest in XML Schema- specific APIs; however, work on querying information on the grammar was only done for DOM Level 3.

1.1.2. Use Cases and Requirements

Here are the following use cases and requirements that prompted the functionality in this document:

Use Cases:

  1. DU1. For editing documents with an associated grammar, provide the guidance necessary so that valid documents can be modified and remain valid.
  2. DU2. For editing documents with an associated grammar, provide the guidance necessary to transform an invalid document into a valid one.


  1. DR1. Be able to determine if the document is well-formed, and if not, be given enough guidance to locate the error.
  2. DR2. Be able to determine if the document is namespace well-formed, and if not, be given enough guidance to locate the error.
  3. DR3. Be able to determine if the document is valid with respect to its associated grammar.
  4. DR4. Be able to determine if specific modifications to a document would make it become invalid.
  5. DR5. Retrieve information from all grammar. One example might be getting a list of all the defined element names for document editing purposes.

1.2. Exceptions

This section describes the "VAL-DOC" exceptions.

Exception ExceptionVAL

These operations may throw a ExceptionVAL as described in their descriptions.

IDL Definition
exception ExceptionVAL {
  unsigned short   code;
// ExceptionVALCode
const unsigned short      NO_GRAMMAR_AVAILABLE           = 71;
const unsigned short      VALIDATION_ERR                 = 72;

Definition group ExceptionVALCode

An integer indicating the type of error generated.

Defined Constants
If the DocumentEditVAL related to the node does not have any grammar and wfValidityCheckLevel is set to PARTIAL or STRICT_VALIDITY_CHECK.
Raised if document is invalid.

1.3. Document-Editing Interfaces

This section contains "Document-editing" methods (includes Node, Element, Text and Document methods).

A DOM application may use the hasFeature(feature, version) method of the DOMImplementation interface with parameter values "VAL-DOC" and "3.0" (respectively) to determine whether or not the Document-Editing interfaces are supported by the implementation.

Interface DocumentEditVAL

This interface extends the NodeEditVAL interface with additional methods for document editing.

IDL Definition
interface DocumentEditVAL : NodeEditVAL {
           attribute boolean         continuousValidityChecking;
  void               validateDocument()

continuousValidityChecking of type boolean
An attribute specifying whether continuous checking for the validity of the document is enforced or not. Setting this to true will result in an exception being thrown, i.e., VALIDATION_ERR, for documents that are invalid at the time of the call. When set to true, the implementation if free to raise the VALIDATION_ERR exception on DOM operations that would make the document invalid with respect to "partial validity." If the document is invalid, then this attribute will remain false. This attribute is false by default.
Validates the document against the grammar. If the document is mutated during validation, a warning will be issued. In addition, the validation cannot modify the document, e.g., for default attributes. This method makes use of the passed-in error handler, as described in [DOM Level 3 Core] interface.


NO_GRAMMAR_AVAILABLE: Raised if an error occurs when the grammar is not available for the document.

No Parameters
No Return Value
Interface NodeEditVAL

This interface is similar to the [DOM Level 3 Core] Node interfaces, with methods for guided document editing.

IDL Definition
interface NodeEditVAL {

  // CheckTypeVAL
  const unsigned short      WF_CHECK                       = 1;
  const unsigned short      NS_WF_CHECK                    = 2;
  const unsigned short      PARTIAL_VALIDITY_CHECK         = 3;
  const unsigned short      STRICT_VALIDITY_CHECK          = 4;

  boolean            canInsertBefore(in Node newChild, 
                                     in Node refChild);
  boolean            canRemoveChild(in Node oldChild);
  boolean            canReplaceChild(in Node newChild, 
                                     in Node oldChild);
  boolean            canAppendChild(in Node newChild);
  boolean            isNodeValid(in boolean deep, 
                                 in unsigned short wFValidityCheckLevel)

Definition group CheckTypeVAL

An integer indicating which type of validation this is.

Defined Constants
Check for namespace well-formedness includes WF_CHECK.
Checks for whether this node is partially valid. It includes NS_WF_CHECK.
Checks for strict validity of the node with respect to active grammar which by definition includes NS_WF_CHECK.
Check for well-formedness of this node.
Has the same arguments as Node.appendChild.
newChild of type Node
Node to be appended.
Return Value


true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done.

No Exceptions
Determines whether the Node.insertBefore operation would make this document not partially valid with respect to the currently active grammar.
newChild of type Node
Node to be inserted.
refChild of type Node
Reference Node.
Return Value


true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done.

No Exceptions
Has the same arguments as Node.removeChild.
oldChild of type Node
Node to be removed.
Return Value


true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done.

No Exceptions
Has the same arguments as Node.replaceChild.
newChild of type Node
New Node.
oldChild of type Node
Node to be replaced.
Return Value


true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done.

No Exceptions
Determines if the Node is valid relative to currently active grammar. It doesn't normalize before checking if the document is valid. To do so, one would need to explicitly call a normalize method.
deep of type boolean
Setting the deep flag on causes the isNodeValid method to check for the whole subtree of the current node for validity. Setting it to false only checks the current node and its immediate child nodes. The validateDocument method on the DocumentVAL interface, however, checks to determine whether the entire document is valid.
wFValidityCheckLevel of type unsigned short
Flag to tell at what level validity and well-formedness checking is done.
Return Value


true if the node is valid/well-formed in the current context and check level defined by wfValidityCheckLevel, false if not.



NO_GRAMMAR_AVAILABLE: Exception is raised if the DocumentEditVAL related to this node does not have any grammar associated with it and wfValidityCheckLevel is set to PARTIAL or STRICT_VALIDITY_CHECK.

Interface ElementEditVAL

This interface extends the Element interface with additional methods for guided document editing. An object implementing this interface must also implement NodeEditVAL interface.

IDL Definition
interface ElementEditVAL : NodeEditVAL {
  readonly attribute NodeList        definedElementTypes;
  unsigned short     contentType();
  boolean            canSetAttribute(in DOMString attrname, 
                                     in DOMString attrval);
  boolean            canSetAttributeNode(in Attr attrNode);
  boolean            canSetAttributeNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, 
                                       in DOMString qualifiedName, 
                                       in DOMString value);
  boolean            canRemoveAttribute(in DOMString attrname);
  boolean            canRemoveAttributeNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, 
                                          in DOMString localName);
  boolean            canRemoveAttributeNode(in Node attrNode);
  NodeList           getChildElements();
  NodeList           getParentElements();
  NodeList           getAttributeList();
  boolean            isElementDefined(in DOMString name);
  boolean            isElementDefinedNS(in DOMString name, 
                                        in DOMString namespaceURI);

definedElementTypes of type NodeList, readonly
The list of all element nodes defined in non-namespace aware grammar or list of all element nodes belonging to the particular namespace. These are not nodes from the instance document, but rather are new nodes that could be inserted in the document.
Verifies if an attribute by the given name can be removed.
attrname of type DOMString
Name of attribute.
Return Value


true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done.

No Exceptions
Verifies if an attribute by the given local name and namespace can be removed.
namespaceURI of type DOMString
The namespace URI of the attribute to remove.
localName of type DOMString
Local name of the attribute to be removed.
Return Value


true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done.

No Exceptions
Determines if an attribute node can be removed.
attrNode of type Node
The Attr node to remove from the attribute list.
Return Value


true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done.

No Exceptions
Determines if the value for specified attribute can be set.
attrname of type DOMString
Name of attribute.
attrval of type DOMString
Value to be assigned to the attribute.
Return Value


true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done.

No Exceptions
Determines if the attribute with given namespace and qualified name can be created if not already present in the attribute list of the element. If the attribute with the same qualified name and namespaceURI is already present in the element's attribute list, it tests whether the value of the attribute and its prefix can be set to the new value. See DOM core setAttributeNS.
namespaceURI of type DOMString
namespaceURI of namespace.
qualifiedName of type DOMString
Qualified name of attribute.
value of type DOMString
Value to be assigned to the attribute.
Return Value


true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done.

No Exceptions
Determines if an attribute node can be added with respect to the validity check level.
attrNode of type Attr
Node in which the attribute can possibly be set.
Return Value


true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done.

No Exceptions
Determines element content type.
Return Value

unsigned short


No Parameters
No Exceptions
Returns a NodeList containing all the possible Attrs that can appear with this type of element. These are not nodes from the instance document, but rather are new nodes that could be inserted in the document.
Return Value


List of possible attributes of this element.

No Parameters
No Exceptions
Returns a NodeList containing the possible Element nodes that can appear as children of this type of element, with certain conditions as specified below. These are not nodes from the instance document, but rather are new nodes that could be inserted in the document.
Return Value


List of possible children element types of this element. Note that if no context of this element exists, then a NULL is returned; an empty list is returned if the element is not in the document tree.

No Parameters
No Exceptions
Returns a NodeList containing the possible Element nodes that can appear as a parent of this type of element, with certain conditions as specified below. These are not nodes from the instance document, but rather are new nodes that could be inserted in the document.
Return Value


List of possible parent element types of this element. Note that if no context of this element exists, for example, the parent element of this element, then a NULL is returned; an empty list is returned if the element is not in the document tree.

No Parameters
No Exceptions
Determines if name is defined in the currently active grammar.
name of type DOMString
Name of element.
Return Value


A boolean that is true if the element is defined, false otherwise.

No Exceptions
Determines if name in this namespace is defined in the currently active grammar.
name of type DOMString
Name of element.
namespaceURI of type DOMString
namespaceURI of namespace.
Return Value


A boolean that is true if the element is defined, false otherwise.

No Exceptions
Interface CharacterDataEditVAL

This interface extends the NodeEditVAL interface with additional methods for document editing. An object implementing this interface must also implement NodeEditVAL interface.

IDL Definition
interface CharacterDataEditVAL : NodeEditVAL {
  readonly attribute boolean         isWhitespaceOnly;
  boolean            canSetData(in unsigned long offset, 
                                in DOMString arg);
  boolean            canAppendData(in DOMString arg);
  boolean            canReplaceData(in unsigned long offset, 
                                    in unsigned long count, 
                                    in DOMString arg);
  boolean            canInsertData(in unsigned long offset, 
                                   in DOMString arg);
  boolean            canDeleteData(in unsigned long offset, 
                                   in unsigned long count);

isWhitespaceOnly of type boolean, readonly
true if content only whitespace; false for non-whitespace.
Determines if data can be appended.
arg of type DOMString
Data to be appended.
Return Value


true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done.

No Exceptions
Determines if data can be deleted.
offset of type unsigned long
count of type unsigned long
Number of 16-bit units to delete.
Return Value


true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done.

No Exceptions
Determines if data can be inserted.
offset of type unsigned long
arg of type DOMString
Argument to be set.
Return Value


true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done.

No Exceptions
Determines if data can be replaced.
offset of type unsigned long
count of type unsigned long
arg of type DOMString
Argument to be set.
Return Value


true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done.

No Exceptions
Determines if data can be set.
offset of type unsigned long
arg of type DOMString
Argument to be set.
Return Value


true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done.

No Exceptions

1.4. Document Manipulation

Applications would like to be able to use functionality to guide construction and editing of documents, which falls into the document-editing world. Examples of this sort of guided editing already exist, and are becoming more common. The necessary queries can be phrased in several ways, the most useful of which may be a combination of "what does the DTD allow me to insert here" and "if I insert this here, will the document still be valid". The former is better suited to presentation to humans via a user interface, and when taken together with sub-tree validation may subsume the latter.

It has been proposed that in addition to asking questions about specific parts of the grammar, there should be a reasonable way to obtain a list of all the defined symbols of a given type (element, attribute, entity) independent of whether they're valid in a given location; that might be useful in building a list in a user-interface, which could then be updated to reflect which of these are relevant for the program's current state.

Remember that namespaces also weigh in on this issue, in the case of attributes, a "can-this-go-there" may prompt a namespace-well-formedness check and warn you if you're about to conflict with or overwrite another attribute with the same namespaceURI/localName but different prefix, or same nodeName but different namespaceURI.

We have to deal with the fact that "the shortest distance between two valid documents may be through an invalid one". Users may want to know several levels of detail (all the possible children, those which would be valid given what precedes this point, those which would be valid given both preceding and following siblings). Also, once XML Schemas introduce context sensitive validity, we may have to consider the effect of children as well as the individual node being inserted.

1.5. Validating a Document

The most obvious use for a DTD or XML Schema or any grammar is to use it to validate a given XML document. This again falls into the document-editing world. The XML spec only discusses performing this test at the time the document is loaded into the "processor", which most of us have taken to mean that this check should be performed at parse time. But it is obviously desirable to be able to validate again a document -- or selected subtrees -- at other times. One such case would be validating an edited or newly constructed document before serializing it or otherwise passing it to other users. This issue also arises if the "internal subset" is altered -- or if the grammar changes.

In the past, the DOM has allowed users to create invalid documents, and assumed the serializer would accept the task of detecting problems and announcing/repairing them when the document was written out in XML syntax... or that they would be checked for validity when read back in. We considered adding validity checks to the DOM's existing editing operations to prevent creation of invalid documents, but are currently inclined against this for several reasons. First, it would impose a significant amount of computational overhead to the DOM, which might be unnecessary in many situations, e.g., if the change is occurring in a context where we know the result will be valid. Second, "the shortest distance between two good documents may be through a bad document". Preventing a document from becoming temporarily invalid may impose a considerable amount of additional work on higher-level code and users Hence our current plan is to continue to permit editing to produce invalid DOMs, but provide operations which permit a user to check the validity of a node on demand. If needed one can use continuousValidityChecking flag to ensure that the DOM remains valid during the editing process.

Note that validation includes checking that ID attributes are unique, and that IDREFs point to IDs which actually exist.

1.6. Well-formedness Testing

XML defined the "well-formed" (WF) state for documents which are parsed without reference to their DTDs. Knowing that a document is well-formed may be useful by itself even when a DTD is available. For example, users may wish to deliberately save an invalid document, perhaps as a checkpoint before further editing. Hence, the "Validation" features will permit both full validity checking (see previous section) and "lightweight" WF checking, as requested by the caller, as well as processing entity declarations in the AS even if validation is not turned on.

While the DOM inherently enforces some of XML's well-formedness conditions (proper nesting of elements, constraints on which children may be placed within each node), there are some checks that are not yet performed. These include:

In addition, Namespaces introduce their own concepts of well-formedness. Specifically:

In the past, the DOM has allowed users to create documents which violate these rules, and assumed the serializer would accept the task of detecting problems and announcing/repairing them when the document was written out in XML syntax. We considered adding WF checks to the DOM's existing editing operations to prevent WF violations from arising, but are currently inclined against this for two reasons. First, it would impose a significant amount of computational overhead to the DOM, which might be unnecessary in many situations (for example, if the change is occurring in a context where we know the illegal characters have already been prevented from arising). Second, "the shortest distance between two good documents may be through a bad document" -- preventing a document from becoming temporarily ill-formed may impose a considerable amount of additional work on higher-level code and users. (Note possible issue for Serialization: In some applications, being able to save and reload marginally poorly-formed DOMs might be useful -- editor checkpoint files, for example.) Hence our current plan is to continue to permit editing to produce ill-formed DOMs, but provide operations which permit a user to check the well-formedness of a node on demand, and possibly provide some of the primitive (e.g., string-checking) functions directly.