
5. Document Object Model Events

Tom Pixley, Netscape Communications Corporation
Chris Wilson, Microsoft Corporation

Table of contents

5.1. Overview of the DOM Level 2 Event Model

The DOM Level 2 Event Model is designed with two main goals. The first goal is the design of a generic event system which allows registration of event handlers, describes event flow through a tree structure, and provides basic contextual information for each event. Additionally, the specification will attempt to provide standard sets of events for user interface control and document mutation notifications, including defined contextual information for each of these event sets.

The second goal of the event model is to provide a common subset of the current event systems used within Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and Netscape Navigator 4.0. This is intended to foster interoperability of existing scripts and content. It is not expected that this goal will be met with full backwards compatibility. However, the specification attempts to achieve this when possible.

5.1.1. Terminology

UI events
User interface events. These events are generated by user interaction through an external device (mouse, keyboard, etc.)
UI Logical events
Device independent user interface events such as focus change messages or element triggering notifications.
Mutation events
Events caused by any action which modifies the structure of the document.
The process by which an event can be handled by one of the event's target's ancestors before being handled by the event's target.
The process by which an event propagates upward through its ancestors after being handled by the event's target.
A designation for events which indicates that upon handling the event the client may choose to prevent the DOM implementation from processing any default action associated with the event.

5.1.2. Requirements

The following constitutes the list of requirements for the DOM Level 2 Event Model.

(ED: Not all of the requirements below are addressed in the current version of the specification. However, all of the requirements which derive from existing event systems should currently be met.)

Requirements of event flow:

Requirements of event listener registration:

Requirements of contextual event information:

Requirements of event types:

5.2. Description of event flow

Event flow is the process through which the an event originates from the DOM implementation and is passed into the Document Object Model. The methods of event capture and event bubbling, along with various event listener registration techniques, allow the event to then be handled in a number of ways. It can be handled locally at the target Node level or centrally from a Node higher in the document tree.

5.2.1. Basic event flow

Each event has a Node toward which the event is directed by the DOM implementation. This Node is the event target. When the event reaches the target, any event listeners registered on the Node are triggered. Although all EventListeners on the Node are guaranteed to receive the event, no specification is made as to the order in which they will receive the event with regards to the other EventListeners on the Node. If neither event capture or event bubbling are in use for that particular event, the event flow process will complete after all listeners have been triggered. If event capture or event bubbling is in use, the event flow will be modified as described in the sections below.

5.2.2. Event Capture

Event capture is the process by which an ancestor of the event's target can register to intercept events of a given type before they are received by the event's target. Capture operates from the top of the tree downward, making it the symmetrical opposite of bubbling which is described below.

An EventListener being registered on an EventTarget may choose to have that EventListener capture events by specifying the useCapture parameter of the addEventListener method to be true. Thereafter, when an event of the given type is dispatched toward a descendant of the capturing object, the event will trigger any capturing event listeners of the appropriate type which exist in the direct line between the top of the document and the event's target. This downward propagation continues until either no additional capturing EventListeners are found or the event's target is reached.

If the capturing EventListener wishes to prevent further processing of the event it may set the cancelCapture property of the Event to true. This will prevent further dispatch of the event to additional EventTargets lower in the tree structure, although additional EventListeners registered at the same hierarchy level will still receive the event. However, if after dispatching the event to the final EventListener at a given level, the value of cancelCapture is false, the implementation then propagates the event down to the next capturing EventListener existing between itself and the event's target. If no additional capturers exist, the event triggers the appropriate EventListeners on the target itself.

Although event capture is similar to the delegation based event model, it is different in two important respects. First, event capture only allows interception of events which are targeted at descendants of the capturing Node. It does not allow interception of events targeted to the capturer's ancestors, its siblings, or its sibling's descendants. Secondly, event capture is not specified for a single Node, it is specified for a specific type of event. Once specified, event capture intercepts all events of the specified type targeted toward any of the capturer's descendants.

5.2.3. Event bubbling

Events which are designated as bubbling will initially proceed with the same event flow as non-bubbling events. The event is dispatched to their target Node and any event listeners found there are triggered. Bubbling events then perform a check of the event's cancelBubble attribute. If the attribute is false, the event will then look for additional event listeners by following the Node's parent chain upward, checking for any event listeners registered on each successive Node. This upward propagation will continue all the way up to the Document unless either the bubbling process is prevented through use of the cancelBubble attribute.

An event handler may choose to prevent continuation of the bubbling process at any time through use of the cancelBubble attribute on the event object. After dispatching the event to all EventListeners on a given EventTarget the value of the cancelBubble property is checked. If the value is true, bubbling will cease at that level. If the value is false, bubbling will continue upward to the parent of the current EventTarget.

5.2.4. Event cancellation

Some events are specified as cancellable. For these events, the DOM implementation generally has a default action associated with the event. Before processing these events, the implementation must check for event listeners registered to receive the event and dispatch the event to those listeners. These listeners then have the option of cancelling the implementation's default action or allowing the default action to proceed. Cancellation is accomplished by setting the event's returnValue attribute to false.

5.3. Event listener registration

5.3.1. Event registration interfaces

Interface EventTarget

The EventSource interface is implemented by Nodes which can be targetted by events. The interface allows event listeners to be registered on the node.

IDL Definition
interface EventTarget {
  void                      addEventListener(in DOMString type, 
                                             in boolean postProcess, 
                                             in boolean useCapture, 
                                             in EventListener listener);
  void                      removeEventListener(in DOMString type, 
                                                in boolean postProcess, 
                                                in boolean useCapture, 
                                                in EventListener listener);

This method allows the registration of event listeners on the event target.

The event type for which the user is registering


If true, postProcess indicates that the user wishes to register to receive events after any action associated with the event has occurred. If the value is false, it indicates the user wishes to receive the event before any action has occurred. Some events can only be handled using one or the other of these techniques.

(ED: Should an invalid postProcess value raise an exception? )

If true, useCapture indicates that the user wishes to initiate capture. After initiating capture, all events of the specified type will be dispatched to the registered EventListener before being dispatched to any EventTargets beneath them in the tree. Events which are bubbling upward through the tree will not trigger an EventListener designated to use capture.


The listener parameter takes an interface implemented by the user which contains the methods to be called when the event occurs.

This method returns nothing.
This method raises no exceptions.
This method allows the removal of event listeners from the event target. If an EventListener is removed from an EventTarget while it is processing an event, it will complete its current actions but will not be triggered again during any later stages of event flow.

Specifies the event type of the EventListener being removed.


Specifies whether the EventListener being removed is a preProcess or postProcess listener.


Specifies whether the EventListener being removed is a capturing listener or not.


The EventListener parameter indicates the EventListener to be removed.

This method returns nothing.
This method raises no exceptions.
Interface EventListener

The EventListener interface is the primary method for handling events. Users implement the EventListener interface and register their listener on a EventTarget using the AddEventListener method.

IDL Definition
interface EventListener {
  void                      handleEvent(in Event event);

This method is called whenever an event occurs of the type for which the EventListener interface was registered.

The Event contains contextual information about the event. It also contains the returnValue and cancelBubble properties which are used in determining proper event flow.

This method returns nothing.
This method raises no exceptions.

5.3.2. Interaction with HTML 4.0 event listeners

In HTML 4.0, event listeners where specified as properties of an element. As such, registration of a second event listeners of the same type would override the value of the first listener. The DOM Event Model allows registration of multiple event listeners on a single Node. To achieve this, event listeners are no longer stored as property values.

In order to achieve compatibility with HTML 4.0, implementors may view the setting of properties which represent event handlers as the creation and registration of an EventListener on the Node. The value for postProcess should be given a default value appropriate for the event. This EventListener behaves in the same manner as any other EventListenerss which may be registered on the Node. If the property representing the event listener is changed, this may be viewed as the removal of the previously registered EventListener and the registration of a new one.

5.3.3. Event listener registration issues

The first issue is a question of whether listeners should exist as typed interfaces containing groups of similar events or instead as a single generic listener. An example of the first case would be:

		interface MouseListener : EventListener{

whereas the second is:

		interface EventListener {

The specification currently defines listeners via the second solution. This solution avails itself more readily to extending or creating new events. The first solution would require defintion of new event interfaces in order to add events. However, remaining problems with the first solution include the fact that registering the same object for multiple events requires the user to differentiate between the events inside the event listener. The current string based event typing system could make this very inefficient. The DOM Working Group is exploring alternatives to the string based event typing to resolve this issue.

The second issue concerns event ordering. If multiple event handlers are registered on the same node ordering may need to be imposed on the event delivery. One solution to this includes adding an ordering scheme into the listener registration mechanism. This would also necessitate adding a method for introspection of registered listeners to EventTarget . A second solution imposes ordering through registration order. However, this breaks down quickly if multithreading is allowed. A third solution is to specify that event ordering is left to the application.

Lastly, a full solution has not yet been added to meet the suggestion that all listeners be notified of the final resolution of an event. It is possible that use of both pre- and post-processing of events will achieve this goal but it is not yet clear if this solution will be sufficient.

5.4. Event interfaces

Interface Event

The Event interface is used to provide contextual information about an event to the handler processing the event. An object which implements the Event interface is generally passed as the first parameter to an event handler. More specific context information is passed to event handlers by deriving additional interfaces from Event which contain information directly relating to the type of event they accompany. These derived interfaces are also implemented by the object passed to the event listener.

IDL Definition
interface Event {
           attribute  DOMString            type;
           attribute  Node                 target;
           attribute  Node                 currentNode;
           attribute  boolean              cancelBubble;
           attribute  boolean              cancelCapture;
           attribute  boolean              returnValue;

The type property represents the event name as a string property.
The target property indicates the Node to which the event was originally dispatched.
The currentNode property indicates to which Node the event is currently being dispatched. This is particularly useful during capturing and bubbling.
The cancelBubble property is used to control the bubbling phase of event flow. If the property is set to true, the event will cease bubbling at the current level. If the property is set to false, the event will bubble up to its parent. The default value of this property is determined by the event type.
The cancelCapture property is used to control propagation during the capturing phase of event flow. If the property is set to true, the event will not propagate down any further in the tree. If the property is set to false, the event will continue down to the next capturing node, or if none exists, to the event target. The default value of this property is false.
If an event is cancellable, the returnValue property is checked by the DOM implementation after the event has been processed by its event handlers. If the returnValue is false, the DOM implementation does not execute any default actions associated with the event.
Interface UIEvent

The UIEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with User Interface and Logical events.

IDL Definition
interface UIEvent : Event {
           attribute  long                 screenX;
           attribute  long                 screenY;
           attribute  long                 clientX;
           attribute  long                 clientY;
           attribute  boolean              altKey;
           attribute  boolean              ctrlKey;
           attribute  boolean              shiftKey;
           attribute  unsigned long        keyCode;
           attribute  unsigned long        charCode;
           attribute  unsigned short       button;

screenX indicates the horizontal coordinate at which the event occurred in relative to the origin of the screen coordinate system.
screenY indicates the vertical coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the origin of the screen coordinate system.
clientX indicates the horizontal coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the DOM implementation's client area.
clientY indicates the vertical coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the DOM implementation's client area.
altKey indicates whether the 'alt' key was depressed during the firing of the event.
ctrlKey indicates whether the 'ctrl' key was depressed during the firing of the event.
shiftKey indicates whether the 'shift' key was depressed during the firing of the event.
The value of keyCode holds the virtual key code value of the key which was depressed if the event is a key event. Otherwise, the value is zero.
charCode holds the value of the Unicode character associated with the depressed key if the event is a key event. Otherwise, the value is zero.
During mouse events caused by the depression or release of a mouse button, button is used to indicate which mouse button changed state.
Interface MutationEvent

The MutationEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Mutation events.

IDL Definition
interface MutationEvent : Event {
           attribute  Node                 relatedNode;
           attribute  DOMString            prevValue;
           attribute  DOMString            newValue;
           attribute  DOMString            attrName;

relatedNode is used to identify a secondary node related to a mutation event. For example, if a mutation event is dispatched to a node indicating that its parent has changed, the relatedNode is the changed parent. If an event is instead dispatch to a subtree indicating a node was changed within it, the relatedNode is the changed node.
prevValue indicates the previous value of text nodes and attributes in attrModified and charDataModified events.
newValue indicates the new value of text nodes and attributes in attrModified and charDataModified events.
attrName indicates the changed attr in the attrModified event.

5.4.1. Event object issues

The main issue with respect to the Event object regards how this object will be made accessible to the EventListener . The specification current passes the Event as the first parameter of the handleEvent method. However, some compatibility concerns have been raised with this approach. Alternatives to this method are being explored.

A secondary issue exists regarding the possible addition of a new property to the base Event interface to indicate to which Node the event is currently being dispatched. This would alleviate possible confusion during the bubbling and capturing phases when the same EventListener is registered upon multiple nodes. The property has been added while its necessity is under discussion.

5.5. Event set definitions

The DOM Level 2 Event Model allows a DOM implementation to support multiple sets of events. The model has been designed to allow addition of new event sets as is required. The DOM will not attempt to define all possible events. For purposes of interoperability, the DOM will define a set of user interface events, a set of UI logical events, and a set of document mutation events.

5.5.1. User Interface event types

The User Interface event set is composed of events listed in HTML 4.0 and additional events which are supported in both Netscape Navigator 4.0 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0.

User Inteface event issues: Different implementations receive user interface events in different orders or don't receive all events specified. For example, in some implemenations a dblclick event might occur as the user presses the mouse button down, in others it may occur as the user releases the mouse button. There are two possible solutions to this. The first is that the DOM Level 2 Events specification my define the user interface events that will be delivered and the order in which they will be delivered. Implementations would then deliver the events specified, making translations as necessary from the events being delivered to the implementation. The other solution is to define User Interface events as varying from implementation to implemenation, making no guarantee on the ordering of event delivery.

The click event occurs when the pointing device button is clicked over an element. This attribute may be used with most elements.
The dblclick event occurs when the pointing device button is double clicked over an element. This attribute may be used with most elements.
The mousedown event occurs when the pointing device button is pressed over an element. This attribute may be used with most elements.
The mouseup event occurs when the pointing device button is released over an element. This attribute may be used with most elements.
The mouseover event occurs when the pointing device is moved onto an element. This attribute may be used with most elements.
The mousemove event occurs when the pointing device is moved while it is over an element. This attribute may be used with most elements.
The mouseout event occurs when the pointing device is moved away from an element. This attribute may be used with most elements.
The keypress event occurs when a key is pressed and released. This attribute may be used with most elements.
The keydown event occurs when a key is pressed down. This attribute may be used with most elements.
The keyup event occurs when a key is released. This attribute may be used with most elements.
The resize event occurs when a document is resized.
The scroll event occurs when a document is scrolled.

5.5.2. Mutation event types

The mutation event set is designed to allow notification of any changes to the structure of a document, including attr and text modifications. It may be noted that none of the mutation events listed are designated as cancellable. The reasoning for this stems from the fact that it would be very difficult to make use of existing DOM interfaces which cause document modifications if any change to the document might or might not take place due to cancellation of the related event. Although this is still a desired capability, it was decided that it would be better left until the addition of transactions into the DOM.

It should also be noted that many of the mutation events have been designed in pairs, one which bubbles and one which does not. An example of this is the pair of events childInsertedOntoParent and nodeInsertedOntoParent. The first event, childInsertedOntoParent, is dispatched to the prospective parent node and bubbled up through the document. The second event is dispatched to the child node and does not bubble. The intention is that both the child and parent will be able to receive the desired notifications whether registered as pre-processing or post-processing EventListeners. For example, when an EventListener is registered for pre-processing of this event, the child Node is not yet attached to its new parent and bubbling is insufficient to allow notification of the imminent structural change to both the child and parent. Thus, pairs of events are necessary to describe all possible document changes. One of each pair of these events is designated as non-bubbling to prevent overlapping notifications when handling the post-processing listener case.

This is a general event for notification of all changes to the document. It can be used instead of the more specific events listed below. Also, the requirement for some sort of batching of mutation events may be accomplished through this event. The target of this event is the lowest common parent of the changes which have taken place.
Fired when a node is added as a child of another node. The target of this event is the node being inserted.
Fired when a node is removed from another node. The target of this event is the node being removed.
Fired when a node is added as a child of another node. The target of this event is the parent onto which the node was inserted.
Fired when a node is removed from another node. The target of this event is the parent from which the child was removed.
Fired when a node is removed from a document. The target of this event is the node being removed.
Fired when a node is inserted into a document. The target of this event is the node being inserted.
Fired when a node is removed from a subtree. The target of this event is the top of the subtree.
Fired when a node is inserted into a subtree. The target of this event is the top of the subtree.
Fired when an attr is modified on a node. The target of this event is the node whose attr changed.
Fired when CharacterData within a node is modified but the node itself has not been inserted or deleted. The target of this event is the CharacterData node.

5.5.3. HTML event types

The HTML event set is composed of events listed in HTML 4.0 and additional events which are supported in both Netscape Navigator 4.0 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0.

The load event occurs when the DOM implementation finishes loading all content within a document, all frames within a FRAMESET, or an image.
The unload event occurs when the DOM implementation removes a document from a window or frame. This attribute may be used with BODY and FRAMESET elements.
The abort event occurs when page loading is stopped before an image has been allowed to completely load. This attribute applies to the IMG element.
The error event occurs when an image does not load properly or when an error occurs during script execution. This attribute applies to the IMG element and to the BODY and FRAMESET element.
The select event occurs when a user selects some text in a text field. This attribute may be used with the INPUT and TEXTAREA elements.
The change event occurs when a control loses the input focus and its value has been modified since gaining focus. This attribute applies to the following elements: INPUT, SELECT, and TEXTAREA.
The submit event occurs when a form is submitted. It only applies to the FORM element.
The reset event occurs when a form is reset. It only applies to the FORM element.
The focus event occurs when an element receives focus either via a pointing device or by tabbing navigation. This attribute may be used with the following elements: LABEL, INPUT, SELECT, TEXTAREA, and BUTTON.
The blur event occurs when an element loses focus either by the pointing device or by tabbing navigation. It may be used with the same elements as onfocus