W3C | Submissions

Comment on WebBroker Submission

W3C is pleased to receive this submission in the field of distributed objects on the Web. It is clear that an increasing number of applications and services are being deployed on the Web which are applications of a distributed object systems. WebBroker is an attempt of unifying interface technology used in existing distributed object systems like CORBA, DCOM, and RMI but is based on XML, HTTP/1.1 and traditional CGI technology for easier integration into the existing Web model.

Bringing better type information to the Web is a key feature to the W3C HTTP-NG Activity as well which is looking at a new architecture for the HTTP protocol based on a distributed, object-oriented model, hence placing the current Web on top of a distributed object system. Both approaches are valid and bring much needed functionality to the Web. As such, this submission falls under the HTTP-NG Activity where coordination between the two approaches will take place.

The WebBroker submission is related to the Web Interface Definition Language (WIDL) with respect to describing strategies for providing automated services on the Web.

Next Steps: W3C is incorporating this work into the existing HTTP-NG Activity.

The W3C membership is invited to discuss the disposition of the submission in the w3c-ac-forum mailing list or to advise the director in confidence via the W3C staff contact.

Disclaimer: Placing a Submission on a Working Group agenda does not imply endorsement by either the W3C Staff or the participants of the Working Group, nor does it guarantee that the Working Group will agree to take any specific action on a Submission.

Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, W3C HTTP-NG Activity Lead
@(#) $Id: Comment.html,v 1.4 2023/09/05 12:32:41 denis Exp $