W3C CSS1 Test Suite

Version History

Versions are listed most to least recent, with the details of what was changed since the previous version of the Test Suite, a link to each changed page, and a link to the main page of each version. Note that, as time goes on, corrections made in earlier versions may be superseded or removed in later revisions.

20030827 (27 August 2003)
1.3 Inheritance Made valid HTML. Duplicated and renamed IDs for use in the table cell test case(s) and thus made all the IDs unique. Renamed second named anchor to avoid fragment name duplication.
2.1 anchor
3.1 important
3.2 Cascading Order
4.1.2 Horizontal Formatting Repaired by adding back the ruler section and table cell testing section. Made valid HTML. Duplicated and renamed IDs for use in the table cell test case(s) and thus made all the IDs unique.
4.1.4 float Made valid HTML by adding proper 'alt' attributes to images, and removing "px" text from the 'width' and 'height' attributes.
5.3.5 background-attachment Removed useless named anchors with duplicated 'NAME' attributes.
5.5.25b float Made valid HTML by changing ID attributes and selectors to use class instead.
5.5.25d float Made valid HTML by adding proper 'alt' attributes to images.
20020115 (15 January 2002)
ENTIRE SUITE Separated all tests into navigation and test pages in preparation for use by additional CSS test suites. Added explicit charset declaration to pass latest validator. If you used the Test Suite before this revision, it is best to treat the new version as though everything changed, and re-run your tests accordingly.
20010423 (23 April 2001)
1.5 ID as selector Was not valid HTML. Removed the paragraph with ID="1". Made all the IDs unique.
19990126 (26 January 1999)
ENTIRE SUITE Major additions, clarifications, rearrangements, and other changes in preparation for making the Suite official. This includes the addition of the Prologue, the separation of Box Model tests into separate pages for block-level and inline elements, tests covering more of section 2, section 4, and section 7.1 of the specification, and a host of corrections and other alterations to the tests and text throughout the Test Suite. These changes are, unfortunately, too numerous to document here. If you used the Test Suite before this revision, it is best to treat the new version as though everything changed, and re-run your tests accordingly.
19981002 (02 October 1998)
5.3.4 background-repeat Changed the image being tiled in the background of each test element, in order to make it easier to see just what's going on.
5.3.6 background-position Changed the image being tiled in the background of each test element, as in section 5.3.4.
5.4.4 vertical-align Altered tests .four through .nine to be more accurate, and added a generic rule for paragraph elements to support this change.
5.5.25c float Corrected the last two tests, which were previously in error.
5.5.25d float An entirely new test page, devoted to further testing of the behavior of floating text elements.
5.5.26b float An entirely new test page, devoted to further testing of clear (in this case, multiple floating test elements are used).
6.3 Color Units Fixed a syntax error in .five which had made the entire rule invalid.
19980901 (01 September 1998)
ALL TESTS Changed the page background for test pages to a light-gray grid on white; this change came as a result of user requests for a less intrusive background.
5.4.1 word-spacing Minor changes in wording of most tests.
5.4.2 letter-spacing Minor changes in wording of most tests.
5.4.7 text-indent Added a light blue background color to the test elements and reworded a couple of tests.
5.4.8 line-height Added the declaration font-size: 14px to all tests, in an attempt to ensure that the tested values of line-height are visible.
5.5.01 margin-top Added a light blue background color to all test elements.
5.5.02 margin-right Added a light blue background color to all test elements; added the declaration text-align: right to the test elements, in order to make the test easier to follow.
5.5.03 margin-bottom Added a light blue background color to all test elements.
5.5.04 margin-left Added a light blue background color to all test elements.
5.5.05 margin Added a light blue background color to all test elements.
5.5.06 padding-top Minor rewording of some tests.
5.5.07 padding-right Added the declaration text-align: right to the test elements, in order to make the test easier to follow.
5.5.08 padding-bottom Minor rewording of some tests.
5.5.10 padding Minor rewording of some tests.
5.5.22 border Corrected a hyperlink within the document to point to the correct target. Note that this incorrect URL did NOT affect the tests in previous versions of the Test Suite.
5.5.25 float Moved some tests to test page 5.5.25c, detailed below.
5.5.25c float An entirely new test page, devoted to testing the behavior of floating text elements.
6.1 Length Units Added a 'reference paragraph' with a left margin set to zero, for comparison against the other test statements.
6.2 Percentage Units Added a significant set of new test statements proposed by Håkon Lie, and clarified the wording of the test which had been there before.
6.3 Color Units Changed the color assigned to BODY to be black, and added tests to see what happens when an invalid or out-of-range value is specified: in .seven, a random string of letters is used, and in .eight through .eleven, out-of-bounds value clipping is tested.
19980715 (15 July 1998)
5.2.7 font Changed the wording relating to line heights to be more accurate, correctly describing it as being related to the font size; also added a new test which uses a pixel value for the font size.
5.5.06 - 5.5.10 padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding In all cases, changed the non-standard color cyan to aqua.
5.5.22 border Changed the non-standard color brown to maroon; added a test for images which are also anchors, and the suppression of the border with border: 0px.
5.5.23 width Added a test of width as applied to a paragraph; added a rule which will set the table to be half the width of the viewing window.
5.4.8 line-height Corrected wording to be more accurate, as for the corrections to 5.2.7 above.
5.5.26 clear Corrected test four (clear: none) so that it actually tested for the desired behavior.
5.6.1 display Changed some wording to make the tests more clear, and also added a marker type to the test for list-item.
19980615 (15 June 1998)
1.1 Containment in HTML Placed the first two @import statements at the beginning of the inline stylesheet, and added another @import statement at the end of the stylesheet to test for browser compliance with section 3.0 of the specification.
1.3 Inheritance Fixed the declarations to include an omitted BODY rule, the lack of which was making some of the statements invalid; also changed color values of dark green to more obvious colors, based on user feedback that the specific dark green in use was too difficult to distinguish from black.
1.4 Class as Selector Changed color values of dark green to more obvious colors, as per the explanation for section 1.3.
1.5 ID as Selector Removed a test for handling of duplicate IDs as being beyond the scope of CSS1.
5.4.3 text-decoration Changed the invalid declaration {text-decoration: normal;} to use the correct value {text-decoration: none;}.
5.4.4 vertical-align Refined tests to make desired behavior (or a lack thereof) easier to see.
5.4.8 line-height Added a contextual selector TABLE .ten {line-height: normal;} to test handling of line-height within tables.
5.6.1 display Added color: red; to the class .four {display: none;}, making it easier to tell if the property value none is being interpreted correctly.
6.3 Color units Changed the declared values for color in classes .one through .four to match (or at least approximate) the defined color values for the keyword green found in the class .six; also added a test for real-number percentage values.
19980511 (11 May 1998)
Intial release.
