
Apply the following changes to selected action items:

There are 91 actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-1 (edit) closed Create a scribe list Harry Halpin 2014-09-16
ACTION-2 (edit) closed Describe how as2 diverges from json-ld and manages the compatibility James Snell 2014-09-16
ACTION-3 (edit) closed Work on comparison of as2 vocab and actions vocab Pavlik elf 2014-09-16
ACTION-4 (edit) closed Add "what is the role of social wg, ig and cg?" as an faq to Tantek Çelik 2014-09-23
ACTION-5 (edit) closed See if bradfitz did sign on off w3c owf licensing. Harry Halpin 2014-11-03 Federation Candidates
ACTION-6 (edit) closed Cycle with wendy and google on push licensing Harry Halpin 2014-11-04
ACTION-7 (edit) closed Set up a doodle poll for next f2f, with 1st week of feb and march Arnaud Le Hors 2014-11-04
ACTION-8 (edit) closed Look at web annotation model and figure out how it maps into social work James Snell 2014-11-04
ACTION-9 (edit) closed Adapt basic schema from activity streams 1.0 to 2.0 James Snell 2014-11-05
ACTION-10 (edit) closed Share verbs and object types from with jsnell before adapting basic schema Evan Prodromou 2014-11-05
ACTION-11 (edit) closed Expand on Facebook APIs Pavlik elf 2014-11-28 Social API
ACTION-12 (edit) closed Get clarification on PubSubHubbub Harry Halpin 2014-11-28 Federation Candidates
ACTION-13 (edit) closed Make a subsection on twitter api analysis Evan Prodromou 2014-11-28 Social API
ACTION-14 (edit) open Set up json-ld context for namespace Sandro Hawke 2014-12-02 Activity Streams 2.0
ACTION-15 (edit) closed Expand on IBM Connection's Social APIs Bill Looby 2014-12-02 Social API
ACTION-16 (edit) closed Link to entity description in foursquare api Evan Prodromou 2014-12-02
ACTION-17 (edit) closed Link to opensocial extensions to activity streams 1.0 Evan Prodromou 2014-12-09
ACTION-18 (edit) closed Note about advertising in twitter and facebook apis Evan Prodromou 2014-12-09
ACTION-19 (edit) closed Get stats on whether and to what extent developers use put and delete for endpoints Evan Prodromou 2014-12-09
ACTION-20 (edit) closed Set up hosting for f2f 17 & 18 march 2015 Sandro Hawke 2014-12-16
ACTION-21 (edit) closed Contact sandro to enforce action-20 Tantek Çelik 2014-12-16
ACTION-22 (edit) closed Create wiki page for mentions and proposal Pavlik elf 2014-12-16 Activity Streams 2.0
ACTION-23 (edit) closed Update schedule to show only milestones for approval on jan 6 Evan Prodromou 2014-12-23
ACTION-24 (edit) closed Get the minutes for the 12/16 meeting online by next week Evan Prodromou 2015-01-13
ACTION-25 (edit) closed Discuss social api functional requirement process with ig Evan Prodromou 2015-01-13
ACTION-26 (edit) closed Review microformats examples in AS2.0 specs Tantek Çelik 2015-03-17 Web Schemas
ACTION-27 (edit) closed Prepare working draft for publication based on on Friday Jan 16, 2015 James Snell 2015-01-20
ACTION-28 (edit) closed Prepare working draft for publication based on on Friday Jan 16, 2105 James Snell 2015-01-20
ACTION-29 (edit) closed Reach out to open social foundation participants to invite them to join the w3c social web wg James Snell 2015-01-20
ACTION-30 (edit) closed Ask opensocial folks about w3c archiving their blog posts James Snell 2015-01-20
ACTION-31 (edit) closed Will ask w3c systeam about prospect for archiving osf blog posts and perhaps other content Harry Halpin 2015-01-20
ACTION-32 (edit) closed Examine apis for yandex, vkontakte, sina weibo, tencent, and/or renren Evan Prodromou 2015-01-28
ACTION-33 (edit) closed Test action Harry Halpin 2015-01-28
ACTION-34 (edit) closed add explaination to the spec about multiple serializations used in examples Pavlik elf 2015-02-10 Serializations
ACTION-35 (edit) closed Come up with a simple proposal for implicit typing based on property names Tantek Çelik 2015-02-10 Implicit Types
ACTION-36 (edit) closed Resolve issue 6 Sandro Hawke 2015-02-10
ACTION-37 (edit) closed Put forth the test suite plan using standard js tools Harry Halpin 2015-02-10 AS2.0 Tests
ACTION-38 (edit) closed Convert social api requirements to 2-10 user stories of 3-5 sentences each Evan Prodromou 2015-02-10
ACTION-39 (edit) closed Follow up with xAPI developers community Pavlik elf 2015-03-03 Activity Streams 2.0
ACTION-40 (edit) closed Invite annotations wg Harry Halpin 2015-03-03
ACTION-41 (edit) closed Review with wendy to figure out best way forward with microformats Harry Halpin 2015-03-10 Web Schemas
ACTION-42 (edit) closed MediaObject - gather options for its social syntax on a wiki page Pavlik elf 2015-03-10 as:Link
ACTION-43 (edit) closed propose *lightweight* inference based on RDFa Vocabulary Expansion Pavlik elf 2015-07-14 ActionStructure
ACTION-44 (edit) closed Collection - compare AS2 design with LDP, Hydra, etc. Pavlik elf 2015-03-17 Web Schemas
ACTION-45 (edit) open Testing Activity Streams 2.0: explore ontology based testing Henry Story 2015-03-17 AS2.0 Tests
ACTION-46 (edit) closed Add details to issue-18 Harry Halpin 2015-03-17 ISSUE-18
ACTION-47 (edit) open Acquire sqldump of opensocial site database and upload somewhere Amy Guy 2015-03-17
ACTION-48 (edit) closed Set-up a github for as2.0 testing (whatever that ends up being, we'll need a github!) Harry Halpin 2015-03-24 AS2.0 Tests
ACTION-49 (edit) closed Publish as2.0 data on one's own website Pavlik elf 2015-03-24 Activity Streams 2.0
ACTION-50 (edit) open Extract the examples from the main documents, pick properties and put together a test for those examples Evan Prodromou 2015-03-24 Activity Streams 2.0
ACTION-51 (edit) closed Discuss with rigo travel budget to see if more funding can be found for a paris event Harry Halpin 2015-03-25
ACTION-52 (edit) open Discuss re github Harry Halpin 2015-03-25
ACTION-53 (edit) closed Make doodle poll for f2f between now and tpac Evan Prodromou 2015-03-25
ACTION-54 (edit) closed Investigate 'my client' to 'someone else server' authentication Pavlik elf 2015-06-30 Social API
ACTION-55 (edit) closed Upload the 2015-03-10 minutes to the wiki Aaron Parecki 2015-03-31
ACTION-56 (edit) closed Assemble the minutes from march f2f Harry Halpin 2015-03-31
ACTION-57 (edit) open extract all AS2.0 examples in specs into separate files + expose them to JSON-LD Playground Pavlik elf 2015-06-02 AS2.0 Tests
ACTION-58 (edit) closed Setup tracking of candidate demos which showcase User Stories implementations Pavlik elf 2015-06-02 API Candidates
ACTION-59 (edit) closed Discuss with wseltzer to make sure this is fine Harry Halpin 2015-04-14
ACTION-60 (edit) closed Draw Follow vs. Subscribe with account having multiple feeds allowing subscription independently Pavlik elf 2015-05-26 Social API
ACTION-61 (edit) closed Create comparison of side effects approach in micropub, activitypump and solid Pavlik elf 2015-06-09 Social API
ACTION-62 (edit) closed Document possible danger of malicious apps when moving more responsibilities to clients Pavlik elf 2015-06-16 Social API
ACTION-63 (edit) closed Work with sandro and elf pavlik to set up new context uri James Snell 2015-05-19 Activity Streams 2.0
ACTION-64 (edit) closed Document reasoning for requiring https (possibly coordinate it with harry) Pavlik elf 2015-06-23 Social API
ACTION-65 (edit) open Document why some of json-ld authors use v1 etc. in context uris Pavlik elf 2015-06-02 Activity Streams 2.0
ACTION-66 (edit) closed Follow up with julien regarding pubsubhubbub licensing Sandro Hawke 2015-06-02 Federation
ACTION-67 (edit) closed Document aligement between h-event / ical: & h-card / vcard: & h-geo / geo: Pavlik elf 2015-06-03 Activity Streams 2.0
ACTION-68 (edit) open Ask if open-source/free software sip exists for w3c's webex Harry Halpin 2015-06-30
ACTION-69 (edit) open Document use-case for multiple natural-language strings in as 2.0 James Snell 2015-06-30
ACTION-70 (edit) closed Move forward modified wg charter, just changing the document license Sandro Hawke 2015-07-07
ACTION-71 (edit) closed Break up github issue 133 into several ones, and close 133 Evan Prodromou 2015-07-14
ACTION-72 (edit) closed Update Tantek Çelik 2015-08-04
ACTION-73 (edit) closed Narrow down possible date ranges for next f2f Sandro Hawke 2015-09-15
ACTION-74 (edit) closed Explain relationship to aaronpk's document Amy Guy 2015-12-01
ACTION-75 (edit) closed Explain relationship to rhiaro's document Aaron Parecki 2015-12-01
ACTION-76 (edit) closed Add proposal section to social web wg page, with micropub as first entry Tantek Çelik 2015-12-01
ACTION-77 (edit) closed Add micropub to required reading list Tantek Çelik 2015-12-01
ACTION-78 (edit) closed Add activity pump to the list of required reading for f2f Tantek Çelik 2015-12-01
ACTION-79 (edit) closed Add activity pump to proposals section of the home page Tantek Çelik 2015-12-01
ACTION-80 (edit) open Contact julian as a chair and ask about the status of push and cc wendy and see if we can get to a point where we can at least reference it or possibly incorporate into this wg. Evan Prodromou 2015-12-08
ACTION-81 (edit) closed Publish new editor's draft of webmention before next telcon Aaron Parecki 2015-12-09
ACTION-82 (edit) open Compare as2 vocabulary with's use of as1 Evan Prodromou 2015-12-09
ACTION-83 (edit) open Continue developing federation aspects of existing candidate specs (activitypump, solid, micropub/indieweb building blocks) and in parallel evan will curate requirements from user stories and other federation protocol efforts, with documented reasons for non-requirements Evan Prodromou 2015-12-09
ACTION-84 (edit) open Bring issue to i18n Sandro Hawke 2015-12-09
ACTION-85 (edit) open Get w3cid to jasnell asap Evan Prodromou 2015-12-15
ACTION-86 (edit) open Add a section on feed readers to as2 conformance section Evan Prodromou 2016-03-23
ACTION-87 (edit) open Add labels to the wiki with short description of each Sandro Hawke 2016-03-23
ACTION-88 (edit) open Incorporate your work done in to the social web protocols document for the others in the group to review Amy Guy 2016-03-24
ACTION-89 (edit) open Move webmention through the process to cr publication Sandro Hawke 2016-05-17
ACTION-90 (edit) open Get domain lead approval for jf2 Sandro Hawke 2016-06-07
ACTION-91 (edit) open Find out if webreq can handle namespace document, or if there's a better solution Sandro Hawke 2017-09-05

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