Form-driven Conformance Clause template (concept demo)

Author: Lofton Henderson

Version/date: 2004-08-30

Purpose: To illustrate an alternative, form-based approach to the current you-edit-it SpecGL Conformance Clause Template.

This illustrates the form for the first three out of a dozen or so subsections of the ideal conformance clause.

The results of this questionnaire are XHTML markup for a draft Conformance Clause for [your_technology]. (In this limited demo, the results will replace the form upon 'Submit'. Try your browser 'back' key if you want to return to filled questionnaire -- works for IE and NN. TBD future feature: posted somewhere or emailed to you..)

If you cannot use this on-line questionnaire, you may edit the text version of this questionnaire. (...tbd, keep a you-edit-it alternative?...)

Questionnaire for Conformance Clause Generation

Introduction and instructions

About this template

This questionnaire generates a draft Conformance Clause for [your_technology] specification, which is a quick and easy way to obtain a lot of the benefit of the Principles and the Good Practices of SpecGL.

[The Conformance Clause that we will generate for [your_technology] satisfies @@Pr/GPx.y;@@]
[Quick examples: @@Example 1@@; @@Example 2@@; @@Example 3@@]

How to use

If you go through the questionnaire (form) below, and answer all of the questions, then the template will generate XHTML draft text for your Conformance Clause. You will no doubt have to edit it some to integrate it into your specification, but the substantive part of the work is done.

Each subsection of the template will generate a subsection in your Conformance Clause. If you enter nothing and just 'Submit', the result is a bare section-heading outline for a Conformance Clause.


Identify the technology name for the CC

Please give a brief name to your technology or specification, as you would like it to be referred to in the text of the Conformance Clause (e.g., "SVG 1.2", "Cascading Style Sheets 8", etc).

Finding normative content: Normative & Informative parts

Indicate how normative parts are identified and distinguished from informative parts in [your_technology] specification. Choose as many as apply. Use the comment field to explain more about your choices, especially if you select multiple methods, and most especially if you select "Other".

Comments (using HTML markup):

[Distinguishing normative/informative content satisfies SpecLite @@Pr/GPx.y;@@]
[Quick examples: @@Example 1@@; @@Example 2@@; @@Example 3@@]

Finding normative content: Normative language for conformance requirements

Specify how individual conformance requirements or testable statements are identifiable in [your-technology] specification. Choose as many as apply. Use the Comment field to further explain your choices, especially if there are multiple methods, and most especially if you select "Other".

Comments (using HTML markup):

[Defining the language/style/markup for testable requirements satisfies SpecLite @@Pr/GPx.y;@@]
[Quick examples: @@Example 1@@; @@Example 2@@; @@Example 3@@]

Based on WBS output -- WBS is completed and maintained by Dominique Hazaƫl-Massieux ( on an original design by Michael Sperberg-McQueen $Id vote.php3,v 1.205 2004/06/03 10:08:36 dom Exp $.