Name | Area | Chairs | Directors | Mailing List | Description | Goals & Milestones | Working Drafts | Background

Working Group Name

HTTP Next Generation (httpng)


Transport Area


Transport Area Directors

Responsible Area Director

Vern Paxson

Mailing List

The <> mailing list and archives are available for discussions of HTTP-NG. Postings to this mailing list from non-subscribers are moderated in order to avoid spam, everything else will be passed as is. See the Mailing list administrativia for details.

Description of Working Group

The goal of this working group is to produce a next generation of the HTTP protocol that builds on the experience from HTTP/1.x --- notably including proxies, caching, and firewalls --- by adding explicit layering and modularity to better support the World Wide Web and the other applications that are being layered on top of, and just plain tunnelled through, HTTP.  The WG goals will emphasize transitioning existing application functionality to a better technology base, rather than improving the application functionality.

The WG will first develop a requirements document detailing the needed changes to the HTTP/1.x protocol. An already-existing draft of this document calls for the factoring of HTTP into three layers: the lowest will provide opaque message transport services needed by the next layer, building upon current and/or future Internet transport protocols such as TCP and UDP; the middle will be a general remote invocation layer; and the highest will be an expression of the web application in terms of the lower two.

The WG will then proceed to standardize the pieces into which HTTP is to be factored. The WG will also develop techniques for the transition of the Web from HTTP/1.x to HTTP-NG.

The following work is specifically excluded from the scope of this working group: definitions of language mappings and/or ancillary APIs for the remote invocation layer; significantly advancing the functionality of web applications; development of base transport protocols (e.g. any replacement for TCP).

Because HTTP's functionality spans a range that includes both the Transport and Application areas of the IETF, this working group should draw participants from both areas.

The working group will ensure that there is an adequate flow of information between the working group and the W3C allowing W3C to better coordinate W3C Activities related to HTTP-NG and to provide input to the working group.

Goals and Milestones

Working Drafts and Notes

Here is the list of drafts that were presented and discussed at the HTTP-NG BOF at IETF-42:

Background Information

Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, Mike Spreitzer, Jim Gettys,
@(#) $Id: IETF-WG-Charter.html,v 1.5 1998/11/19 16:11:10 frystyk Exp $