
Web Accessibility

Shadi Abou-Zahra, W3C/WAI

(alternate presentation format available)

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

"Leading the Web to its full potential"

W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)

Develops strategies, guidelines, resources to make the Web accessible:

Components of Web Accessibility

Essential Components of Web Accessibility

WAI Guidelines

WAI develops web accessibility guidelines:

WCAG 2.0

W3C web standard since 11 December 2008:

Implementing Accessibility

What steps are needed to implement accessibility?

WAI Educational Resources

WAI develops educational resources:

Available from:

WAI Training Material

WAI develops training material:

Available from:

Translating WAI Resources

W3C provides two forms of translations:

More information:

Participating in WAI

Several ways to get involved with WAI:

Thank You

Shadi Abou-Zahra, W3C/WAI
Activity Lead, WAI International Program Office