W3C User Interface Domain HTML Icon

"Shaping the Future of HTML"

W3C Workshop: Registration Form

Monday 4th May and Tuesday 5th May 1998
San Francisco Airport Hyatt, California.

Call for Participation

REGISTRATION DUE: April 24, 1998 by 5:00 pm EST

Participants who do not belong to a W3C member organization are required to pay a registration fee of $250 to help cover W3C's costs for running the workshop. Checks should be made payable to MIT/W3C for the sum of two hundred and fifty US Dollars before May 1, 1998 and sent to:

        Susan Hardy
        MIT/Laboratory for Computer Science
        World Wide Web Consortium
        545 Technology Square
        Cambridge MA 02139 USA
Don't forget to send an accompanying letter stating your name, email address and the workshop you are attending. You may contact Susan by telephoning +1 617 253 2613 or by sending to email to susan@w3.org

First Name:
Last Name:
*State: (or province, etc.)
*ZIP: (or postcode, etc.)
Fax: *
URL: *


I would like to make a presentation:

I have written a position paper which is available on a public Web server at the URL: *

Position papers can also be emailed to the workshop chairs: Steven Pemberton <Steven.Pemberton@cwi.nl> and Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org>

Please enter your comments here:

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