Annotation Use Case Simple Content Wrap With Parameters

From W3C XForms Group Wiki (Public)

Annotation Use Case Simple Content Wrap With Parameters

In this example the user will select an region of text on the screen and select an annotation function. When the annotation function is selected it will prompt the user for an input parameter. This parameter will us the data on the input panel to add information to the annotation.

An example of this is the date annotation. Here is the text before the annotation event:

  The following Tuesday we went for a walk in the park.

When the user selects the word Tuesday a model date selector panel will appear and prompt the user for a valid date. After the user selects "OK" the following markup might be present.

Note! This next line will look better after we install the ASHighlight color syntax highlight plugin MediaWiki plugin.

     The following <date day="2011-03-24">Tuesday</date> we went for a walk in the park.

Custom Model Panels

The WYMeditor has the following example of custom dialog panels.

dialog panel in web link button