Tracker summary for Andrew Emmons

SVG Working Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 8 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-2015 (edit) open Make suggested changes discussed in issue-272 Andrew Emmons 2008-05-20 Test Suite - SVG Tiny 1.2
ACTION-2017 (edit) open CHange test as discussed in issue-337 Andrew Emmons 2008-05-20 Test Suite - SVG Tiny 1.2
ACTION-2027 (edit) open Fix testcases to not use more than four decimal places as that is what's guaranteed in the types chapter Andrew Emmons 2008-05-28 Test Suite - SVG Tiny 1.2
ACTION-2029 (edit) open Update udom-svgpath-202-t.svg to color the output text in red and green depending on status Andrew Emmons 2008-05-29 Test Suite - SVG Tiny 1.2
ACTION-2085 (edit) open Review fonts-elem-05-t Andrew Emmons 2008-07-15 Test Suite - SVG Tiny 1.2
ACTION-2089 (edit) open Fix struct-discard-202-t Andrew Emmons 2008-07-15 Test Suite - SVG Tiny 1.2
ACTION-2195 (edit) open Review struct-discard-208-t.svg Andrew Emmons 2008-09-23 Test Suite - SVG Tiny 1.2
ACTION-2209 (edit) open Remove the subtest from interact-event-204-t Andrew Emmons 2008-09-30 Test Suite - SVG Tiny 1.2

Open Issues

There are 2 open issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-2051 (edit) RAISED Develop consistent style guidelines for modules 2008-09-16 Modules 0
ISSUE-2052 (edit) RAISED Develop method to share sections of spec covered by multiple modules 2008-09-16 Modules 0

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 38102.html,v 1.1 2020/01/17 13:23:02 carcone Exp $