ISSUE-2247: 5. Converting a 4x4 to a 3x3 matrix - Minor fixes

4x4 to a 3x3 matrix minor fixes

5. Converting a 4x4 to a 3x3 matrix - Minor fixes

Module: Transforms
Raised by:
Anthony Grasso
Opened on:

just minor notes about

It starts with:
"A rectangle ABCD is given on plane X-Y. When a 3D affine transform
and perspective projection are applied, a quadrangle A'B'C'D' will
appear on the X-Y plane. Note the X-Y plane is the projection plane.
Generally, this mapping is expressed as a 4x4 matrix."

As far as I understand this, this rectangle ABCD in not used in the
later part of the section. What is the purpose of 'ABCD'?
For authors it should be sufficient, to explain, how a vector transforms
and is projected, what is done with the point K.
For an implementor it is maybe interesting to know, whether planes are
projected to planes, lines or points; straight line are projected to
straight lines or points and cubic curves are projected to other
cubic curves, that only the points and control points have to be
recalculated - or whether these are more complex computations.

There are some expressions like
"M = P.T"

If '.' is meant here to be an operator for multiplication (Just guessing,
I have never seen this before, typically something like * or · or
something is used), this should be defined ;o)
In PHP the '.' is used to join/jam strings together for example...

Typos (?):

"An affine 3D Transform Matrix T is given as M = ..."
"An affine 3D Transform Matrix T is given as T = ..." ?

"The combined matrix Mcan be expressed as ..."
"The combined matrix M can be expressed as ..." ?

"If matrix F can be used to map point K to point K' as shown below ..."
I'm missing the 'then' case here or is it a typo? 'If' instead of 'The'
or 'A'?

"Therefore, the combination of An affine 3D Transform Matrix
and a Perspective Projection Matrix"
"Therefore, the combination of an affine 3D Transform Matrix
and a Perspective Projection Matrix"?
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. ISSUE-2247 (4x4 to a 3x3 matrix minor fixes): 5. Converting a 4x4 to a 3x3 matrix - Minor fixes [Module: Transforms] (from on 2009-03-23)

Related notes:

No additional notes.

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