PNG file scripting-eventAndDom-BE-01, which shows the correct result as a raster image

This test validates basic support for scripting by checking that a basic event handler (onclick) is supported, as well as basic DOM manipulation through scripting.

The test uses ECMA Script and initially displays a target with a message asking the user to click on the target. Once the user has done so, and if both event handling and DOM manipulation are supported, then the target and initial text are hidden and a text message indicating that the test was successful is displayed.

There are two reference images associated with this test case. The first illustrates the correct "start" or initial state of the rendered SVG file. The second illustrates the correct "finish" or final state of the rendered SVG, after the above-mentioned interaction, and if all tested events, have been successfully triggered. (Note. This harness does not yet provide access to both PNGs.)