PNG file paint-stroke-BE-02, which shows the correct result as a raster image

Verify the basic capability to handle the stroke properties (stroke, stroke-width stroke-linejoin, stroke-linecap, stroke-miter, stroke-dasharray, stroke-dashoffset, stroke-opacity in combination with the rect element and straight-line path commands. Four pairs of figures should be displayed in the four quadrants. The upper left pair should be rendered as two blue rectangles the left without a stroke and the right with a red stroke. The upper right pair should be rendered as two red rectangles without an interior fill. The rectangle to the left should have a stroke width of 5 with sharp corners. The rectangle to the right should have a stroke width of 5 with round corners. The lower left pair should be rendered as as two red line segments. The segment on the left should have round end caps. The segment to the right should have should be chopped off where the two line segments meet. The lower right pair should consist of two red dashed lines on the left and two overlapping rectangles on the right. The top dash line have dash on for 10 then off for 5. The bottom line's dash pattern should be offset from the top lines dash pattern giving a "brick like" pattern. The overlapping red and green rectangles at the lower right should be rendered with the red composited with the green at 50% opacity where the two intersect.

The rendered picture should match the reference image, except for possible variations in the labelling text (per CSS2 rules).

The test uses the 'rect' element, the 'path' element, as well as basic fill (solid primary colors), stroke, stroke:red stroke-width:5 stroke-linejoin:round stroke-linecap:round stroke-miter:1 stroke-dasharray:10 5 stroke:dashoffset:5 stroke-opacity:0.5, font-family (Helvetica) and font-size properties.