Submitting SVG news or implementations

Getting listed on these pages

Due to the enormous amount of submissions we get for items and implementations to be listed on the W3C SVG page we are often a little backlogged. We offer our apologies up front.

In order to make our lives easier, and thus increase the chances of your items being inserted as soon as possible, please send in a description which matches the current News or Implementations format.

We have some ideas that would help the administration of this page. For example, we're tossing around the idea of providing a form for submissions, or something that would allow the owner of an implementation to update the information without involving us. However, all this would take a lot of effort and we don't have much spare time.

Chris Lilley (, Chair, and Dean Jackson (, Team Contact, for the SVG Working Group.
$Id: Submitting.html,v 1.1 2003/09/05 07:31:31 dean Exp $