Small SVG Example

<svg width="600" height="300">
  <g transform="translate(10 10)">
    <g style="stroke:none; fill:lime;" >
       <path d="M 0.0 112 L 20 124 L 40 129 
			 L 60 126 L 80 120 L 100 111 L 120 104 
			 L 140  101 L  164  106 L  170  103 
			 L  173  80 L  178  60 L  185  39
			 . . . 
			 L  30  159 L  13  140 L  00  112 Z"/>
Sorry, you should have an SVG plugin to view these slides...

But you have already seen lots of examples: all the previous slides with figures... Some further examples: