This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.

Bug 9692 - var mboxCopyright = "© 2003-2009. Omniture, Inc. All rights reserved.";mboxUrlBuilder = function(a, b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = new Array(); this.d = function(e) { return e; }; this.f = null;};mboxUrlBuilder.prototype.addParameter = functio
Summary: var mboxCopyright = "© 2003-2009. Omniture, Inc. All rights reserved.";m...
Alias: None
Product: HTML WG
Classification: Unclassified
Component: pre-LC1 HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: Other other
: P3 normal
Target Milestone: LC
Assignee: Ian 'Hixie' Hickson
QA Contact: HTML WG Bugzilla archive list
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-05-09 06:12 UTC by contributor
Modified: 2010-10-09 14:51 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:


Description contributor 2010-05-09 06:12:52 UTC

var mboxCopyright = "© 2003-2009. Omniture, Inc. All rights
reserved.";mboxUrlBuilder = function(a, b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c =
new Array(); this.d = function(e) { return e; }; this.f =
null;};mboxUrlBuilder.prototype.addParameter = function(g, h) { var i = new
RegExp('(\'|")'); if (i.exec(g)) { throw "Parameter '" + g + "' contains
invalid characters"; } for (var j = 0; j < this.c.length; j++) { var k =
this.c[j]; if ( == g) { k.value = h; return this; } } var l = new
Object(); = g; l.value = h; this.c[this.c.length] = l; return
this;};mboxUrlBuilder.prototype.addParameters = function(c) { if (!c) { return
this; } for (var j = 0; j < c.length; j++) { var m = c[j].indexOf('='); if (m
== -1 || m == 0) { continue; } this.addParameter(c[j].substring(0, m),
c[j].substring(m + 1, c[j].length)); } return
this;};mboxUrlBuilder.prototype.setServerType = function(n) { this.o =
n;};mboxUrlBuilder.prototype.setBasePath = function(f) { this.f =
f;};mboxUrlBuilder.prototype.setUrlProcessAction = function(p) { this.d =
p;};mboxUrlBuilder.prototype.buildUrl = function() { var q = this.f ? this.f :
'/m2/' + this.b + '/mbox/' + this.o; var r = document.location.protocol ==
'file:' ? 'http:' : document.location.protocol; var e = r + "//" + this.a + q;
var s = e.indexOf('?') != -1 ? '&' : '?'; for (var j = 0; j < this.c.length;
j++) { var k = this.c[j]; e += s + encodeURIComponent( + '=' +
encodeURIComponent(k.value); s = '&'; } return
this.t(this.d(e));};mboxUrlBuilder.prototype.getParameters = function() {
return this.c;};mboxUrlBuilder.prototype.setParameters = function(c) { this.c
= c;};mboxUrlBuilder.prototype.clone = function() { var u = new
mboxUrlBuilder(this.a, this.b); u.setServerType(this.o);
u.setBasePath(this.f); u.setUrlProcessAction(this.d); for (var j = 0; j <
this.c.length; j++) { u.addParameter(this.c[j].name, this.c[j].value); }
return u;};mboxUrlBuilder.prototype.t = function(v) { return v.replace(/\"/g,
'&quot;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');};mboxStandardFetcher = function() {
};mboxStandardFetcher.prototype.getType = function() { return
'standard';};mboxStandardFetcher.prototype.fetch = function(w) {
w.setServerType(this.getType()); document.write('<' + 'scr' + 'ipt src="' +
w.buildUrl() + '" language="JavaScript"><' + '\/scr' +
'ipt>');};mboxStandardFetcher.prototype.cancel = function() {
};mboxAjaxFetcher = function() { };mboxAjaxFetcher.prototype.getType =
function() { return 'ajax';};mboxAjaxFetcher.prototype.fetch = function(w) {
w.setServerType(this.getType()); var e = w.buildUrl(); this.x =
document.createElement('script'); this.x.src = e;
document.body.appendChild(this.x);};mboxAjaxFetcher.prototype.cancel =
function() { };mboxMap = function() { this.y = new Object(); this.z = new
Array();};mboxMap.prototype.put = function(A, h) { if (!this.y[A]) {
this.z[this.z.length] = A; } this.y[A] = h;};mboxMap.prototype.get =
function(A) { return this.y[A];};mboxMap.prototype.remove = function(A) {
this.y[A] = undefined;};mboxMap.prototype.each = function(p) { for (var j = 0;
j < this.z.length; j++ ) { var A = this.z[j]; var h = this.y[A]; if (h) { p(A,
h); } }};mboxFactory = function(B, b, C) { this.D = false; this.B = B; this.C
= C; this.E = new mboxList(); mboxFactories.put(C, this); this.F = typeof
document.createElement('div').replaceChild != 'undefined' && (function() {
return true; })() && typeof document.getElementById != 'undefined' && typeof
(window.attachEvent || document.addEventListener || window.addEventListener)
!= 'undefined' && typeof encodeURIComponent != 'undefined'; this.G = this.F &&
mboxGetPageParameter('mboxDisable') == null; var H = C == 'default'; this.I =
new mboxCookieManager( 'mbox' + (H ? '' : ('-' + C)), (function() { return
mboxCookiePageDomain(); })()); this.G = this.G && this.I.isEnabled() &&
(this.I.getCookie('disable') == null); if (this.isAdmin()) { this.enable(); }
this.J = mboxGenerateId(); this.K = new mboxSession(this.J, 'mboxSession',
'session', 31 * 60, this.I); this.L = new mboxPC('PC', 1209600, this.I);
this.w = new mboxUrlBuilder(B, b); this.M(this.w, H); this.N = new
Date().getTime(); this.O = this.N; var P = this; this.addOnLoad(function() {
P.O = new Date().getTime(); }); if (this.F) { this.addOnLoad(function() { P.D
= true; P.getMboxes().each(function(Q) { Q.setFetcher(new mboxAjaxFetcher());
Q.finalize(); }); }); this.limitTraffic(100, 10368000); if (this.G) {
this.R(); this.S = new mboxSignaler(function(T, c) { return P.create(T, c); },
this.I); } }};mboxFactory.prototype.isEnabled = function() { return
this.G;};mboxFactory.prototype.getDisableReason = function() { return
this.I.getCookie('disable');};mboxFactory.prototype.isSupported = function() {
return this.F;};mboxFactory.prototype.disable = function(U, V) { if (typeof U
== 'undefined') { U = 60 * 60; } if (typeof V == 'undefined') { V =
'unspecified'; } if (!this.isAdmin()) { this.G = false;
this.I.setCookie('disable', V, U); }};mboxFactory.prototype.enable =
function() { this.G = true;
this.I.deleteCookie('disable');};mboxFactory.prototype.isAdmin = function() {
return document.location.href.indexOf('mboxEnv') !=
-1;};mboxFactory.prototype.limitTraffic = function(W, U)
{};mboxFactory.prototype.addOnLoad = function(p) { if
(window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', p, false); } else
if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener('load', p, false);
} else if (document.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onload', p);
}};mboxFactory.prototype.getEllapsedTime = function() { return this.O -
this.N;};mboxFactory.prototype.getEllapsedTimeUntil = function(X) { return X -
this.N;};mboxFactory.prototype.getMboxes = function() { return
this.E;};mboxFactory.prototype.get = function(T, Y) { return
this.E.get(T).getById(Y || 0);};mboxFactory.prototype.update = function(T, c)
{ if (!this.isEnabled()) { return; } if (this.E.get(T).length() == 0) { throw
"Mbox " + T + " is not defined"; } this.E.get(T).each(function(Q) {
Q.getUrlBuilder() .addParameter('mboxPage', mboxGenerateId()); Q.load(c);
});};mboxFactory.prototype.create = function( T, c, Z) { if
(!this.isSupported()) { return null; } var e = this.w.clone();
e.addParameter('mboxCount', this.E.length() + 1); e.addParameters(c); var Y =
this.E.get(T).length(); var _ = this.C + '-' + T + '-' + Y; var ab; if (Z) {
ab = new mboxLocatorNode(Z); } else { if (this.D) { throw 'The page has
already been loaded, can\'t write marker'; } ab = new mboxLocatorDefault(_); }
try { var P = this; var bb = 'mboxImported-' + _; var Q = new mbox(T, Y, e,
ab, bb); if (this.G) { Q.setFetcher(this.D ? new mboxAjaxFetcher() : new
mboxStandardFetcher()); } Q.setOnError(function(cb, n) { Q.setMessage(cb);
Q.activate(); if (!Q.isActivated()) { P.disable(60 * 60, cb);
window.location.reload(false); } }); this.E.add(Q); } catch (db) {
this.disable(); throw 'Failed creating mbox "' + T + '", the error was: ' +
db; } var eb = new Date(); e.addParameter('mboxTime', eb.getTime() -
(eb.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)); return
Q;};mboxFactory.prototype.getCookieManager = function() { return
this.I;};mboxFactory.prototype.getPageId = function() { return
this.J;};mboxFactory.prototype.getPCId = function() { return
this.L;};mboxFactory.prototype.getSessionId = function() { return
this.K;};mboxFactory.prototype.getSignaler = function() { return
this.S;};mboxFactory.prototype.getUrlBuilder = function() { return
this.w;};mboxFactory.prototype.M = function(e, H) { e.addParameter('mboxHost',
document.location.hostname) .addParameter('mboxSession', this.K.getId()); if
(!H) { e.addParameter('mboxFactoryId', this.C); } if (this.L.getId() != null)
{ e.addParameter('mboxPC', this.L.getId()); } e.addParameter('mboxPage',
this.J); e.addParameter('mboxXDomain', "enabled");
e.setUrlProcessAction(function(e) { e += '&mboxURL=' +
encodeURIComponent(document.location); var fb =
encodeURIComponent(document.referrer); if (e.length + fb.length < 2000) { e +=
'&mboxReferrer=' + fb; } e += '&mboxVersion=' + mboxVersion; return e;
});}; = function() { return
"";};mboxFactory.prototype.R = function() { document.write('<style>.' +
'mboxDefault' + ' { visibility:hidden;
}</style>');};mboxFactory.prototype.isDomLoaded = function() { return
this.D;};mboxSignaler = function(hb, I) { this.I = I; var ib =
I.getCookieNames('signal-'); for (var j = 0; j < ib.length; j++) { var jb =
ib[j]; var kb = I.getCookie(jb).split('&'); var Q = hb(kb[0], kb); Q.load();
I.deleteCookie(jb); }};mboxSignaler.prototype.signal = function(lb, T ) {
this.I.setCookie('signal-' + lb, mboxShiftArray(arguments).join('&'), 45 *
60);};mboxList = function() { this.E = new Array();};mboxList.prototype.add =
function(Q) { if (Q != null) { this.E[this.E.length] = Q;
}};mboxList.prototype.get = function(T) { var mb = new mboxList(); for (var j
= 0; j < this.E.length; j++) { var Q = this.E[j]; if (Q.getName() == T) {
mb.add(Q); } } return mb;};mboxList.prototype.getById = function(nb) { return
this.E[nb];};mboxList.prototype.length = function() { return
this.E.length;};mboxList.prototype.each = function(p) { if (typeof p !=
'function') { throw 'Action must be a function, was: ' + typeof(p); } for (var
j = 0; j < this.E.length; j++) { p(this.E[j]); }};mboxLocatorDefault =
function(g) { this.g = 'mboxMarker-' + g; document.write('<div id="' + this.g
+ '"
totype.locate = function() { var ob = document.getElementById(this.g); while
(ob != null) { if (ob.nodeType == 1) { if (ob.className == 'mboxDefault') {
return ob; } } ob = ob.previousSibling; } return
null;};mboxLocatorDefault.prototype.force = function() { var pb =
document.createElement('div'); pb.className = 'mboxDefault'; var qb =
document.getElementById(this.g); qb.parentNode.insertBefore(pb, qb); return
pb;};mboxLocatorNode = function(rb) { this.ob =
rb;};mboxLocatorNode.prototype.locate = function() { return typeof this.ob ==
'string' ? document.getElementById(this.ob) :
this.ob;};mboxLocatorNode.prototype.force = function() { return
null;};mboxCreate = function(T ) { var Q = mboxFactoryDefault.create( T,
mboxShiftArray(arguments)); if (Q) { Q.load(); } return Q;};mboxDefine =
function(Z, T ) { var Q = mboxFactoryDefault.create(T,
mboxShiftArray(mboxShiftArray(arguments)), Z); return Q;};mboxUpdate =
function(T ) { mboxFactoryDefault.update(T, mboxShiftArray(arguments));};mbox
= function(g, sb, w, tb, bb) { this.ub = null; this.vb = 0; this.ab = tb; = bb; this.wb = null; this.xb = new mboxOfferContent(); this.pb =
null; this.w = w; this.message = ''; this.yb = new Object(); this.zb = 0; = sb; this.g = g; this.Ab(); w.addParameter('mbox', g)
.addParameter('mboxId', sb); this.Bb = function() {}; this.Cb = function() {};
this.Db = null;};mbox.prototype.getId = function() { return;};mbox.prototype.Ab = function() { if (this.g.length > 250) { throw
"Mbox Name " + this.g + " exceeds max length of " + "250 characters."; } else
if (this.g.match(/^\s+|\s+$/g)) { throw "Mbox Name " + this.g + " has
leading/trailing whitespace(s)."; }};mbox.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.g;};mbox.prototype.getParameters = function() { var c =
this.w.getParameters(); var mb = new Array(); for (var j = 0; j < c.length;
j++) { if (c[j].name.indexOf('mbox') != 0) { mb[mb.length] = c[j].name + '=' +
c[j].value; } } return mb;};mbox.prototype.setOnLoad = function(p) { this.Cb =
p; return this;};mbox.prototype.setMessage = function(cb) { this.message = cb;
return this;};mbox.prototype.setOnError = function(Bb) { this.Bb = Bb; return
this;};mbox.prototype.setFetcher = function(Eb) { if (this.wb) {
this.wb.cancel(); } this.wb = Eb; return this;};mbox.prototype.getFetcher =
function() { return this.wb;};mbox.prototype.load = function(c) { if (this.wb
== null) { return this; } this.setEventTime("load.start");
this.cancelTimeout(); this.vb = 0; var w = (c && c.length > 0) ?
this.w.clone().addParameters(c) : this.w; this.wb.fetch(w); var P = this;
this.Fb = setTimeout(function() { P.Bb('browser timeout', P.wb.getType()); },
15000); this.setEventTime("load.end"); return this;};mbox.prototype.loaded =
function() { this.cancelTimeout(); if (!this.activate()) { var P = this;
setTimeout(function() { P.loaded(); }, 100); }};mbox.prototype.activate =
function() { if (this.vb) { return this.vb; } this.setEventTime('activate' +
++this.zb + '.start'); if ( { this.cancelTimeout(); this.vb = 1; }
this.setEventTime('activate' + this.zb + '.end'); return
this.vb;};mbox.prototype.isActivated = function() { return
this.vb;};mbox.prototype.setOffer = function(xb) { if (xb && &&
xb.setOnLoad) { this.xb = xb; } else { throw 'Invalid offer'; } return
this;};mbox.prototype.getOffer = function() { return
this.xb;}; = function() { this.setEventTime('show.start');
var mb =; this.setEventTime(mb == 1 ? "show.end.ok" :
"show.end"); return mb;};mbox.prototype.showContent = function(Gb) { if (Gb ==
null) { return 0; } if (this.pb == null || !this.pb.parentNode) { this.pb =
this.getDefaultDiv(); if (this.pb == null) { return 0; } } if (this.pb != Gb)
{ this.Hb(this.pb); this.pb.parentNode.replaceChild(Gb, this.pb); this.pb =
Gb; } this.Ib(Gb); this.Cb(); return 1;};mbox.prototype.hide = function() {
this.setEventTime('hide.start'); var mb =
this.showContent(this.getDefaultDiv()); this.setEventTime(mb == 1 ?
'hide.end.ok' : ''); return mb;};mbox.prototype.finalize =
function() { this.setEventTime('finalize.start'); this.cancelTimeout(); if
(this.getDefaultDiv() == null) { if (this.ab.force() != null) {
this.setMessage('No default content, an empty one has been added'); } else {
this.setMessage('Unable to locate mbox'); } } if (!this.activate()) {
this.hide(); this.setEventTime('finalize.end.hide'); }
this.setEventTime('finalize.end.ok');};mbox.prototype.cancelTimeout =
function() { if (this.Fb) { clearTimeout(this.Fb); } if (this.wb != null) {
this.wb.cancel(); }};mbox.prototype.getDiv = function() { return
this.pb;};mbox.prototype.getDefaultDiv = function() { if (this.Db == null) {
this.Db = this.ab.locate(); } return this.Db;};mbox.prototype.setEventTime =
function(Jb) { this.yb[Jb] = (new
Date()).getTime();};mbox.prototype.getEventTimes = function() { return
this.yb;};mbox.prototype.getImportName = function() { return;};mbox.prototype.getURL = function() { return
this.w.buildUrl();};mbox.prototype.getUrlBuilder = function() { return
this.w;};mbox.prototype.Kb = function(pb) { return !=
'none';};mbox.prototype.Ib = function(pb) { this.Lb(pb,
true);};mbox.prototype.Hb = function(pb) { this.Lb(pb,
false);};mbox.prototype.Lb = function(pb, Mb) { = Mb ?
"visible" : "hidden"; = Mb ? "block" :
"none";};mboxOfferContent = function() { this.Cb = function()
{};}; = function(Q) { var mb =
Q.showContent(document.getElementById(Q.getImportName())); if (mb == 1) {
this.Cb(); } return mb;};mboxOfferContent.prototype.setOnLoad = function(Cb) {
this.Cb = Cb;};mboxOfferAjax = function(Gb) { this.Gb = Gb; this.Cb =
function() {};};mboxOfferAjax.prototype.setOnLoad = function(Cb) { this.Cb =
Cb;}; = function(Q) { var Nb =
document.createElement('div'); = Q.getImportName(); Nb.innerHTML =
this.Gb; var mb = Q.showContent(Nb); if (mb == 1) { this.Cb(); } return
mb;};mboxOfferDefault = function() { this.Cb = function()
{};};mboxOfferDefault.prototype.setOnLoad = function(Cb) { this.Cb =
Cb;}; = function(Q) { var mb = Q.hide(); if (mb
== 1) { this.Cb(); } return mb;};mboxCookieManager = function
mboxCookieManager(g, Ob) { this.g = g; this.Ob = Ob == '' || Ob.indexOf('.')
== -1 ? '' : '; domain=' + Ob; this.Pb = new mboxMap();
this.loadCookies();};mboxCookieManager.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
this.setCookie('check', 'true', 60); this.loadCookies(); return
this.getCookie('check') == 'true';};mboxCookieManager.prototype.setCookie =
function(g, h, U) { if (typeof g != 'undefined' && typeof h != 'undefined' &&
typeof U != 'undefined') { var Qb = new Object(); = g; Qb.value =
escape(h); Qb.expireOn = Math.ceil(U + new Date().getTime() / 1000);
this.Pb.put(g, Qb); this.saveCookies();
}};mboxCookieManager.prototype.getCookie = function(g) { var Qb =
this.Pb.get(g); return Qb ? unescape(Qb.value) :
null;};mboxCookieManager.prototype.deleteCookie = function(g) {
this.saveCookies();};mboxCookieManager.prototype.getCookieNames = function(Rb)
{ var Sb = new Array(); this.Pb.each(function(g, Qb) { if (g.indexOf(Rb) == 0)
{ Sb[Sb.length] = g; } }); return Sb;};mboxCookieManager.prototype.saveCookies
= function() { var Tb = new Array(); var Ub = 0; this.Pb.each(function(g, Qb)
{ Tb[Tb.length] = g + '#' + Qb.value + '#' + Qb.expireOn; if (Ub <
Qb.expireOn) { Ub = Qb.expireOn; } }); var Vb = new Date(Ub * 1000);
document.cookie = this.g + '=' + Tb.join('|') + '; expires=' +
Vb.toGMTString() + '; path=/' +
this.Ob;};mboxCookieManager.prototype.loadCookies = function() { this.Pb = new
mboxMap(); var Wb = document.cookie.indexOf(this.g + '='); if (Wb != -1) { var
Xb = document.cookie.indexOf(';', Wb); if (Xb == -1) { Xb =
document.cookie.indexOf(',', Wb); if (Xb == -1) { Xb = document.cookie.length;
} } var Yb = document.cookie.substring( Wb + this.g.length + 1,
Xb).split('|'); var Zb = Math.ceil(new Date().getTime() / 1000); for (var j =
0; j < Yb.length; j++) { var Qb = Yb[j].split('#'); if (Zb <= Qb[2]) { var _b
= new Object(); = Qb[0]; _b.value = Qb[1]; _b.expireOn = Qb[2];
this.Pb.put(, _b); } } }};mboxSession = function(ac, bc, jb, cc, I) {
this.bc = bc; this.jb = jb; = cc; this.I = I; this.dc = false;
= typeof mboxForceSessionId != 'undefined' ? mboxForceSessionId :
mboxGetPageParameter(this.bc); if ( == null || == 0) { = I.getCookie(jb); if ( == null || == 0) { = ac; this.dc = true; } } I.setCookie(jb,,
cc);};mboxSession.prototype.getId = function() { return;};mboxSession.prototype.forceId = function(ec) { = ec;
this.I.setCookie(this.jb,,;};mboxPC = function(jb, cc, I) {
this.jb = jb; = cc; this.I = I; = typeof mboxForcePCId !=
'undefined' ? mboxForcePCId : I.getCookie(jb); if ( != null) {
I.setCookie(jb,, cc); }};mboxPC.prototype.getId = function() { return;};mboxPC.prototype.forceId = function(ec) { if ( != ec) { = ec; this.I.setCookie(this.jb,,; return true; }
return false;};mboxGetPageParameter = function(g) { var mb = null; var fc =
new RegExp(g + "=([^\&]*)"); var gc = fc.exec(document.location); if (gc !=
null && gc.length >= 2) { mb = gc[1]; } return mb;};mboxSetCookie =
function(g, h, U) { return mboxFactoryDefault.getCookieManager().setCookie(g,
h, U);};mboxGetCookie = function(g) { return
mboxFactoryDefault.getCookieManager().getCookie(g);};mboxCookiePageDomain =
function() { var Ob =
(/([^:]*)(:[0-9]{0,5})?/).exec([1]; var hc =
/[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}/; if (!hc.exec(Ob)) { var ic =
(/([^\.]+\.[^\.]{3}|[^\.]+\.[^\.]+\.[^\.]{2})$/).exec(Ob); if (ic) { Ob =
ic[0]; } } return Ob ? Ob: "";};mboxShiftArray = function(jc) { var mb = new
Array(); for (var j = 1; j < jc.length; j++) { mb[mb.length] = jc[j]; } return
mb;};mboxGenerateId = function() { return (new Date()).getTime() + "-" +
Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999);};if (typeof mboxVersion == 'undefined') {
var mboxVersion = 38; var mboxFactories = new mboxMap(); var
mboxFactoryDefault = new mboxFactory('',
'citicardjpn', 'default');};if (mboxGetPageParameter("mboxDebug") != null ||
mboxFactoryDefault.getCookieManager() .getCookie("debug") != null) {
setTimeout(function() { if (typeof mboxDebugLoaded == 'undefined') {
alert('Could not load the remote debug.\nPlease check your connection' + ' to
Test&amp;Target servers'); } }, 60*60); document.write('<' + 'scr' + 'ipt
language="Javascript1.2" src=' +
'"' + '&clientCode=citicardjpn"><' + '\/scr' +

Posted from:
Comment 1 Anne 2010-05-10 07:01:11 UTC
Not a bug.