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Bug 4701 - [FT] editorial: 2.3 Score Variables
Summary: [FT] editorial: 2.3 Score Variables
Alias: None
Product: XPath / XQuery / XSLT
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Full Text 1.0 (show other bugs)
Version: Last Call drafts
Hardware: All All
: P2 minor
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Pat Case
QA Contact: Mailing list for public feedback on specs from XSL and XML Query WGs
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-06-23 09:58 UTC by Michael Dyck
Modified: 2008-01-07 01:33 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


Description Michael Dyck 2007-06-23 09:58:10 UTC
2.3 Score Variables

para 1
"[Definition: Scores express the relevance of those results to the
full-text search conditions.]"
    Not great as a standalone definition. Maybe:
        The score of a full-text search result expresses its relevance to
        the search conditions.

para 3
"The production for the extended 'for' clause follows."
    After "clause", insert something like "for XQuery 1.0".

    Then, after the productions, say:
        "In XPath 2.0, the SimpleForClause is extended similarly."
    (Or give it explicitly.)

para 7
"XPath 2.0 Full-Text extends the language of XPath 2.0 in the for
expression in the same way: with optional score variables."
    Given the above changes, you can delete this sentence.

para 9
"Note that the score applies to the entire 'for' expression."
    It's not clear what this means. Given the subsequent sentence, I think
    maybe you're talking about the expression that follows the "in"
    keyword (as opposed to the expression that contains the "for"

para 11
"to the nodes in the respective RangeExprs"
    s/in/returned by/

para 12
"The let variable may be dropped from the let clause, if the score
variable is present."
    s/may/must/, according to the EBNF.

para 14
"While when ..."
    Not a promising start for a sentence. How about:
        "When using ... the scores. However, it is possible..."

para 16
"more relevant than a book that does not contain either of both."
    "either of both" is presumably a typo.
    s/both/those phrases/

para 17
"The expression ExprSingle assigned to the score variable"
    Delete "ExprSingle".

    s/assigned to/associated with/

"is passed to the scoring algorithm and is not evaluated directly."
    Change to:
        "is passed to the scoring algorithm, which does not evaluate it
    (That also covers the case of a score variable in a ForClause, where
    the expression *is* evaluated directly, but not by the scoring

"is not evaluated directly."
    But is it evaluated indirectly? If so, what are the semantics of
    indirect evaluation? What is its evaluation context? Does it raise
    errors? Certainly all the non-FT expressions within an FTContainsExpr
    have to evaluated, otherwise you have nothing to score and no criteria
    by which to score it.

"The set of supported expressions is implementation-defined."
    I think you'll need to be a bit more explicit. E.g.:
        "The set of expressions supported by the scoring algorithm..."

    What is the effect of using an expression that is not supported?

    Are there any expressions that must be supported?
Comment 1 Jim Melton 2007-06-26 08:45:16 UTC
The FTTF considered your item [6] at its F2F in June, 2007, and agreed with
your problem report.  Appropriate changes were made to correct the problem.  As
other parts of this bug report are resolved, further comments will be added to
this bug until they are all resolved.  At that time, we will mark the bug
RESOLVED and ask you to mark it CLOSED.
Comment 2 Michael Dyck 2007-08-20 19:22:25 UTC
The FTTF considered some of these items at its meeting today, and made the following decisions:

[10] and [11]: We will delete the phrase "and is not evaluated directly".

[12a]: Left to editor's discretion.

[12b]: If an expression that is not supported by the scoring algorithm is passed to the scoring algorithm, the result is implementation-defined. We will add a sentence to this effect.

[12c]: There are no expressions that must be supported. No change to spec.
Comment 3 Jim Melton 2007-09-13 22:45:19 UTC
As decided in meeting #152 (the minutes of which are at the member-only URI, items [1], [2a], [2b] (that is, all of item [2]), [3], [7], [8], [9a], and [9b] (that is, all of item [9]) have been resolved. 

This leaves items [4] and [5] remaining to be resolved. 
Comment 4 Pat Case 2007-10-01 19:16:02 UTC
Item [5] changes made as recommended. Approved by FTTF on October 1, 2007. Only item [4} remains to be resolved.
Comment 5 Pat Case 2007-10-16 12:01:00 UTC
[4] The FTTF agreeed. We substituted: Note that the score variable gets *one* score value for each item in the value of the expression after the "in" keyword, regardless of the number of FTContainsExprs in that expression.

These changes will appear in the next build of the internal Full-Text language
after the October 11 build, and in the next public version. They close the last
item in this bug. 

Michael, if you approve of the changes, please mark the bug closed.
Comment 6 Michael Dyck 2007-10-26 22:16:03 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> [4] The FTTF agreeed. We substituted: Note that the score variable gets *one*
> score value for each item in the value of the expression after the "in"
> keyword, regardless of the number of FTContainsExprs in that expression.

In the document, "one" should be set off with an italic font rather than asterisks, and "in" should be set off with a monospace font rather than quotes.
Comment 7 Pat Case 2007-12-04 13:57:17 UTC
In the document, "one" is now in italic font (emph tags) and "in" is in a monospace font (code tags).

These changes will appear in the next build of the internal Full Text language  and in the next public version. 

Michael, if you approve of the changes, please mark the bug closed.
Comment 8 Michael Dyck 2008-01-07 01:33:58 UTC
Thanks, closing now.