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Bug 2618 - Proposal for a "translateAddinfo" attribute
Summary: Proposal for a "translateAddinfo" attribute
Alias: None
Product: ITS
Classification: Unclassified
Component: ITS tagset (show other bugs)
Version: WorkingDraft
Hardware: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: PublicationFebruar20
Assignee: Felix Sasaki
QA Contact: ITS mailing-list
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-12-26 08:45 UTC by Felix Sasaki
Modified: 2006-07-21 17:46 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


Description Felix Sasaki 2005-12-26 08:45:44 UTC
Comment from Francois Richard, only entered into bugzilla by Felix:

It would be useful to have an translateAddinfo attribute, to retrieve additional
information during the translation / localization process. A sample use could be
e.g. the retrieval of a stylesheet which is used to visualize the translatable
text in "context" for the translator.
Comment 1 Felix Sasaki 2006-02-23 07:39:28 UTC
The working group discussed this, see . We decided not to
implement this proposal. Although the idea seems useful to us too, it would be
out of the scope of ITS. ITS scope is markup for "internationalization and
localizability" of XML documents and schemas. The proposal goes rather in the
area of the localization process itself.