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Bug 2462 - [XQuery] Escaping URILiterals
Summary: [XQuery] Escaping URILiterals
Alias: None
Product: XPath / XQuery / XSLT
Classification: Unclassified
Component: XQuery 1.0 (show other bugs)
Version: Candidate Recommendation
Hardware: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Don Chamberlin
QA Contact: Mailing list for public feedback on specs from XSL and XML Query WGs
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-11-04 16:54 UTC by Michael Kay
Modified: 2006-01-04 18:57 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


Description Michael Kay 2005-11-04 16:54:35 UTC
Section 2.4.5, URILiterals, says:

"...however, no escaping normalization is applied."

It's not obvious to me what "escaping normalization" is but I suspect it's
something to do with representing special characters as %HH (an operation we
are now required to call encoding rather than escaping, for reasons that,
er, elude me).

I think that the above phrase has nothing to do with ampersand-escaping.
Specifically, I think that an ampersand in a URILiteral must be written as
& just as an ampersand in a string literal is written. 

It might be useful (after CR, I guess) to add some clarification here.

Michael Kay

previously raised at
Comment 1 Michael Kay 2006-01-04 10:39:04 UTC
Here's a concrete proposal to resolve the problem: replace the sentence (in 2.4.5)

The value of a URILiteral is whitespace-normalized according to the rules for
the xs:anyURI type in [XML Schema]; however, no escaping normalization is applied.


As in a string literal, any PredefinedEntityRef (for example, &), CharRef
(for example, •) or EscapeQuot or EscapeApos (for example, "") is
replaced by its appropriate expansion. Certain characters, notably the
ampersand, can only be represented using a PredefinedEntityRef or CharRef. 

The URILiteral is subjected to whitespace normalization as defined for the
xs:anyURI type in [XML Schema]: this means that leading and trailing whitespace
is removed, and any other sequence of whitespace characters is replaced by a
single space (#x20) character. Whitespace normalization is done after the
expansion of CharRefs, so writing a newline (say) as 
 does not prevent its
being normalized to a space character.

The URILiteral is not automatically subjected to percent-encoding or decoding as
defined in [RFC3986]. Any process that attempts to resolve the URI against a
base URI, or to dereference the URI, may however apply percent-encoding or
decoding as defined in the relevant RFCs.

Michael Kay
Comment 2 Michael Kay 2006-01-04 18:57:31 UTC
The WG accepted this proposal.