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Bug 1802 - [FS] editorial: E.1.3 Attribute filtering
Summary: [FS] editorial: E.1.3 Attribute filtering
Alias: None
Product: XPath / XQuery / XSLT
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Formal Semantics 1.0 (show other bugs)
Version: Last Call drafts
Hardware: All All
: P2 minor
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Jerome Simeon
QA Contact: Mailing list for public feedback on specs from XSL and XML Query WGs
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-07-22 03:44 UTC by Michael Dyck
Modified: 2007-01-16 17:47 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


Description Michael Dyck 2005-07-22 03:44:08 UTC
E.1.3 Attribute filtering

"Value filter @QName => ()"
"Value filter @QName => SimpleValue"
    But SimpleValue derives (), so in a judgment where the RHS value is
    (), it could be an instance of either form. And they appear to mean
    slightly different things.

"Value filter @QName => () or SimpleValue"
    This seems fairly ad hoc. Instead of:
        Value1 filter @xsi:nil => () or false
    why not use existing notation and say:
        Value1 filter @xsi:nil => SimpleValue
        SimpleValue in { (), false }

Sem / rule (1|2) / premise 1
"dynEnv |- Value1 of attribute:: => Value2"
    What kind of judgment is this? Maybe you mean:
        dynEnv |- axis attribute:: of Value1 => Value2
(leftover from last year, comment #236)

Sem / rule (1|2) / premise 2
"dynEnv |- Value2 of attribute, QName => ..."
    Again, what kind of judgment is it?
    I don't even have a guess.
(leftover from last year, comment #237)
Comment 1 Jerome Simeon 2006-03-27 21:31:03 UTC
Applied the following fixes:

(1) distinguished when the attribute content is empty:
 Value filter @QName => ()
from then the attribute is absent:
 Value filter @QName => absent

(2) As suggested, used the standard notation when multiple values are possible for a judgment, as in:
        Value1 filter @xsi:nil => SimpleValue
        SimpleValue in { (), false }

(3) Fixed the definition for the filter judgment to use the axis and nodetest judgment properly.

- Jerome