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Bug 1480 - Various editorial quirks
Summary: Various editorial quirks
Alias: None
Product: XPath / XQuery / XSLT
Classification: Unclassified
Component: XSLT 2.0 (show other bugs)
Version: Last Call drafts
Hardware: PC Linux
: P2 minor
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Michael Kay
QA Contact: Mailing list for public feedback on specs from XSL and XML Query WGs
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-05-22 18:10 UTC by Frans Englich
Modified: 2005-07-21 19:12 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


Description Frans Englich 2005-05-22 18:10:25 UTC

In the XSLT 2.0 W3C Working Draft 4 April 2005, I claim to have found the
editorial misses as outlined below.

* The example "Example: Creating a Processing Instruction" in 11.6 Creating
Processing Instructions, appears to me to contain an invalid XML fragment. The
xsl:processing-instruction element is closed right before the select attribute,
which should probably have been part of the element.

* The end of the second paragraph in section 2.3 Initiating a Transformation,
has a space before the period. Tip: I noticed it, but then forgot, and when I
was to write down the error I had to find it again which I did by searching for
" ." -- you could add that to a checklist(although it produces a lot of false
positives, if not a more clever regexp is used).

* The first bullet point in J.2.3 Minor Changes has a "the" in-appropriately:

Instead of the allowing the output method complete freedom to add namespace
nodes, [...]"

* In my notes I had also written down the following, but it appears to be fixed:

 The second bullet point in section "J.2.1 Pervasive changes" contains the word
"features" duplicated:

The specifications of many features features (for example keys, xsl:number, the
format-number function, the xsl:import mechanism, and the description of
attribute sets) have been rewritten to make them clearer and more precise.

Comment 1 Michael Kay 2005-05-23 09:47:01 UTC
* The example "Example: Creating a Processing Instruction" in 11.6 Creating
Processing Instructions, appears to me to contain an invalid XML fragment. The
xsl:processing-instruction element is closed right before the select attribute,
which should probably have been part of the element.

Thanks, fixed.

* The end of the second paragraph in section 2.3 Initiating a Transformation,
has a space before the period. Tip: I noticed it, but then forgot, and when I
was to write down the error I had to find it again which I did by searching for
" ." -- you could add that to a checklist(although it produces a lot of false
positives, if not a more clever regexp is used).

Thanks. These errors usually arise because of the use of markup in the source
XML to indicate changes from one version to the next. 

* The first bullet point in J.2.3 Minor Changes has a "the" in-appropriately:

Instead of the allowing the output method complete freedom to add namespace
nodes, [...]"

Fixed (this one seems to have survived many drafts unnoticed!)

Thanks for the proof-reading.

We will assume you are happy with this response unless you reopen the bug.

Michael Kay