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Bug 1479 - 3.11 Embedded Stylesheet Modules; how to express type information
Summary: 3.11 Embedded Stylesheet Modules; how to express type information
Alias: None
Product: XPath / XQuery / XSLT
Classification: Unclassified
Component: XSLT 2.0 (show other bugs)
Version: Last Call drafts
Hardware: PC Linux
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Michael Kay
QA Contact: Mailing list for public feedback on specs from XSL and XML Query WGs
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-05-22 15:41 UTC by Frans Englich
Modified: 2005-07-14 21:56 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


Description Frans Englich 2005-05-22 15:41:00 UTC
In the XSLT 2.0 Working Draft 4 April 2005,, the Note paragraph in section
"3.11 Embedded Stylesheet Modules" says the following:

"In order for such an attribute to be used with the XPath idFO function, it must
actually be declared in the DTD or schema as being of type ID. The same
requirement typically applies if the identifier is to be used as a fragment
identifier in a URI reference."

According to my knowledge an attribute must be typed to be of type ID. The
paragraphs says that the type information MUST be supplied via a DTD or schema.
However, according to my knowledge there is another mechanism for adding ID type
information: xml:id. In the similar vene, from what I know one could argue that
a DTD is a particular type of schema.

In order to not constrain the user's possibilities and be open to future
developments in the typing-area, it might be of interest to phrase the paragraph
more generically, to only dictate that the attribute needs to be of type ID, and
to give DTD as an /example/ of how to express that type information. According
to my interpretation, it would be normatively wrong to accepttype information
expressed via xml:id.

However, considering the controversies over xml:id, this is perhaps intentional.



Frans Englich
KDE Developer
Comment 1 Michael Kay 2005-05-22 16:42:09 UTC
Thanks for the comment. We should really change this from saying the attribute
must be of type ID to saying that the is-id property in the data model must be
set. (The existing text seems to be unchanged since 1.0). (This property is
automatically set for the xml:id attribute; but this note is only talking about
the id attribute).

The other oddity about this paragraph is the reference to the id() function. In
the context of embedded stylesheet modules, what users really want to know is
whether they can use the id value as a fragment identifier, not whether they can
use it in a call to the id() function. I suspect the 1.0 text avoiding
discussing this because the meaning of a fragment identifier technically depends
on the media type of the document containing the embedded stylesheet, and as far
as I know we *still* don't have an official spec that says bare ID values are
legitimate as fragment identfiers for the application/XML media type.

If the problem were confined to changing the note to permit identification using
xml:id, I would treat it as editorial, but because of the interaction with media
types, I think the comment probably needs WG discussion.

Michael Kay
Comment 2 Colin Adams 2005-05-22 19:53:56 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)

> use it in a call to the id() function. I suspect the 1.0 text avoiding
> discussing this because the meaning of a fragment identifier technically depends
> on the media type of the document containing the embedded stylesheet, and as far
> as I know we *still* don't have an official spec that says bare ID values are
> legitimate as fragment identfiers for the application/XML media type.

Well, it's, let us say, open to debate.
The official spec is still RFC 3023, which says: "As of today no established
specifications define identifiers for XML media types."
But then goes on to talk about XPointer, which was not (then) a Recommendation.
("Today" was January 2001)

Now the XPointer framework DOES say bare ID values are legitimate fragment
identifiers, and it's a W3C recommendation.

I thought about this for a long time, before deciding that this DOES legitmise
bare IDs, but as I could see some people might not be 100% convinced by my
reasoning, for my own XSLT processor, I have made it an option (by default, use
of XPointer is assumed legitimate, but if the user feels strongly enough about
it, (s)he can turn it off).

this seemed to be the best practical approach.

Comment 3 Norman Walsh 2005-06-24 19:54:17 UTC
A revised version of 3023 is in the works and I fully expect it to endorse #foo
as a legitimate fragment identifier for locating <elem xml:id="foo"/> in any
document of type /xml or /*+xml.
Comment 4 Michael Kay 2005-07-14 21:55:33 UTC
We decided to make two changes:

(a) instead of saying the attribute must be "of type ID", we will say that the
attribute node must have the is-ID property defined in the data model (with some
words of explanation).

(b) we will remove the reference to the id() function, and instead refer to the
use of identifiers in URI fragment identifiers, mentioning that support for this
is widespread in existing products and is expected to be endorsed in a future
revision of RFC 3023.

I will close this bug in the hope that you find this resolution satisfactory; if
not, please feel free to reopen it.

Michael Kay
for the XSL Working Group