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Bug 1439 - [XQX] Trivial embedding and construction
Summary: [XQX] Trivial embedding and construction
Alias: None
Product: XPath / XQuery / XSLT
Classification: Unclassified
Component: XQueryX 1.0 (show other bugs)
Version: Last Call drafts
Hardware: PC Windows XP
: P2 minor
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Jim Melton
QA Contact: Mailing list for public feedback on specs from XSL and XML Query WGs
: 1440 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-05-13 23:26 UTC by Michael Rys
Modified: 2005-08-08 23:16 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


Description Michael Rys 2005-05-13 23:26:01 UTC
Trivial embedding: Clarify embedding of Xquery construction. Are they just 
inlined as subelements or are they to be entitized? I assume the later due to 
namespace prefix declarations, but it should be made clear.
Comment 1 Jim Melton 2005-06-02 20:12:19 UTC
Thank you for your comment.  We will add the clarifications that you suggest. 
Comment 2 Jim Melton 2005-06-02 20:13:07 UTC
*** Bug 1440 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Jim Melton 2005-06-27 20:13:32 UTC
An additional paragraph has been added to the XQueryX specification to make it
clear that XQuery expressions embedded in XML documents using the trivial
embedding are handled strictly as strings, thus requiring that all instance of <
and & must be escaped.  The text also makes it clear that there is not and
cannot be a relationship between namespaces declared in the embedding XML
document and namespaces declared and/or used in the embedded XQuery. 

Please let us know if this response is satisfactory. If not, please respond to
this message, explaining your concerns.

Jim Melton
On behalf of the XML Query Working Group