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Bug 1306 - Construction mode preserve with copy-namespaces no-preserve
Summary: Construction mode preserve with copy-namespaces no-preserve
Alias: None
Product: XPath / XQuery / XSLT
Classification: Unclassified
Component: XQuery 1.0 (show other bugs)
Version: Last Call drafts
Hardware: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Don Chamberlin
QA Contact: Mailing list for public feedback on specs from XSL and XML Query WGs
Depends on:
Blocks: 1788
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Reported: 2005-05-04 19:47 UTC by Michael Kay
Modified: 2005-06-30 21:29 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


Description Michael Kay 2005-05-04 19:47:03 UTC
We allow a query to run with construction mode preserve, and copy-namespaces
mode no-preserve. This means that type annotations are preserved, but in-scope
namespace bindings are not preserved. As a consequence, it is possible for a
copied element or attribute of type QName to lose its namespace bindings. This
would mean that the element or attribute would not (after copying) be a valid
instance of its type.

In principle it would be possible to reinstate these lost namespace bindings by
extending the namespace fixup process described in 3.7.4 (in-scope namespaces of
a constructed element). However, this would mean that copy operations could not
be pipelined, because the new inscope namespaces to be added to the tree have to
be added before the values that refer to those namespaces.

In XSLT we have decided to ban the combination of copying type annotations
without copying inscope namespaces, and I commend the same solution to XQuery.

Another solution would be to say that if this combination is chosen, any type
annotation that identifies a namespace-sensitive type should cause the relevant
value to be revalidated against that type, with a dynamic error resulting if it
is invalid. This would make the combination viable provided (a) there is no
namespace sensitive content, or (b) the user ensures that the required
namespaces are present in the result tree (not easy to do without a computed
namespace node constructor, but that's another story).

Michael Kay
Comment 1 Michael Kay 2005-06-14 13:39:51 UTC
At the face-to-face meeting in May, the XQuery WG decided that disallowing the
combination of copying types without copying namespaces was too severe a
restriction, and asked XSL WG to reconsider its decision on bug 1235.

This the XSL WG did at its telcon on 9 June. The XSL WG decided they did not
want to introduce namespace fixup for this case, because of the impact on
streaming processors, but decided that rather than having a static restriction,
there should be a dynamic restriction: if copying of type annotations is
requested, and copying of namespaces is not requested, then it should be a
dynamic error (probably a type error) if the node being copied actually contains
namespace-sensitive content.

It seems to me a reasonable restriction that if you copy namespace-sensitive
content then you should also copy the namespaces. This solution appears to deal
with the XQuery WGs valid objections that the proposed restriction was too
severe, while also dealing with the XSL WG's concerns about streaming

(There remains one difficulty: XQuery only allows the copy options to be
selected at the module level, and it's a bit onerous to have to put an
expression in a separate module just because different copy options are
required. However, that's not a new problem caused by this change, and it can be
solved quite independently of this change.)

The detailed proposal is now:

Change 1.e.ii.D.I from

If copy-namespaces mode specifies preserve, all in-scope-namespaces of the
original element are retained in the new copy. If copy-namespaces mode specifies
no-preserve, the new copy retains only those in-scope namespaces of the original
element that are used in the names of the element and its attributes, and in the
typed values of the element and its attributes if these are namespace-sensitive.
Values are namespace-sensitive if they include an item that has a dynamic type
of xs:QName or xs:NOTATION or types derived by restriction therefrom.


If copy-namespaces mode specifies preserve, all in-scope-namespaces of the
original element are retained in the new copy. If copy-namespaces mode specifies
no-preserve, the new copy retains only those in-scope namespaces of the original
element that are used in the names of the element and its attributes. It is a
type error [ERRxxxx] in this case if the typed value of the element or of any of
its attributes is namespace-sensitive. Values are namespace-sensitive if they
include an item that has a dynamic type of xs:QName or xs:NOTATION or types
derived by restriction therefrom.

Michael Kay
Comment 2 Don Chamberlin 2005-06-30 21:28:59 UTC
The XQuery working group discussed this comment at its meeting on June 29, 2005 
and accepted your revised proposal. I have implemented the revision and 
therefore I am marking this bug report as Fixed and Closed.
Don Chamberlin