ATAG 2.0 References to WCAG

Working Draft [Day Month Year]

This version:
Latest version:
Previous version:
Jutta Treviranus - ATRC, University of Toronto
Jan Richards - University of Toronto
Matt May - W3C

Status of this document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. The latest status of this document series is maintained at the W3C.

This is a Public Working Draft of a document that defines the RelativePriority checkpoints in ATAG 2.0 (now a working draft) will refer to the various versions of WCAG.

Please send comments about this document to the public mailing list: w3c-wai-au@w3.org.

For information about the current activities of the working group, please refer to the AUWG home page. This page includes an explanation of the inter-relation of each document as well as minutes and previous drafts.

Table of Contents

1. "WCAG" in ATAG 2.0

The Authoring Tools Accessibility Guidelines version 2.0 (ATAG20) refers to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) without specifying a version number. This allows ATAG 2.0 to remain in effect as new versions of WCAG are released.

The purpose of this document is to provide a bridge between ATAG 2.0 and the most current version of WCAG. This includes:

  1. Scheme for determing conformance of Relative Priority ATAG 2.0 checkpoints.
  2. Links to techniques for Relative Priority ATAG 2.0 checkpoints.

Note: When performing an ATAG 2.0 conformance assessment for an authoring tool, you must always specify the version of WCAG that was used to determine conformance of the Relative Priority ATAG 2.0 checkpoints.

2. Versions of WCAG

WCAG 2.0 - W3C Working Draft

Relative Priority Scheme:

WCAG 2.0 establishes four conformance levels for each of its checkpoints: not met, minimum (most important requirements met), level 2 and level 3 (least important requirements met). The ATAG 2.0 relative priority level reflects this as follows:

WCAG 2.0 Checkpoint Applicability to ATAG 2.0 Relative Priority Checkpoints:

ATAG 2.0 Relative Priority Checkpoints WCAG 2.0 Checkpoint Applicability
@@Proposed by JR@@

2.5 Ensure that when the tool automatically generates content it conforms to the WCAG.
(ATAG Techniques for 2.5)

All WCAG 2.0 checkpoints. (WCAG Techniques)
2.6 Ensure that all pre-authored content for the tool conforms to WCAG.
(ATAG Techniques for 2.6)

All WCAG 2.0 checkpoints. (WCAG Techniques)

3.1 Prompt the author to provide equivalent alternative information (e.g., captions, auditory descriptions, and collated text transcripts for video).
3.2 Help the author create structured content and separate information from its presentation.
  • 1.3: Make all content and structure available independently of presentation.
  • 1.4: Emphasize structure through presentation(s), positioning, and labels.
  • 2.2: Allow users to control any time limits on their reading, interaction or responses unless control is not possible due to the nature of real-time events or competition.
  • 3.1: Provide structure within content.
3.5 Check for and inform the author of accessibility problems. All WCAG 2.0 checkpoints.
3.6 Assist authors in correcting accessibility problems. All WCAG 2.0 checkpoints.
3.9 Document the process of using the tool to produce accessible content. All WCAG 2.0 checkpoints.

WCAG 1.0 - W3C Recommendation

Relative Priority Scheme:

WCAG 1.0 establishes three priority levels: Priority 1 (most important requirements), Priority 2 and Priority 3 (least important requirements). The ATAG 2.0 relative priority level reflects this as follows:

WCAG 2.0 Checkpoint Applicability to ATAG 1.0 Relative Priority Checkpoints:

ATAG 1.0 Relative Priority Checkpoints WCAG 1.0 Checkpoint Applicability
2.5 Ensure that when the tool automatically generates content it conforms to the WCAG.

All WCAG 1.0 checkpoints except for:

  • WCAG 11.4 (P1) Keep alternative pages synchronized with original pages.
2.6 Ensure that all pre-authored content for the tool conforms to WCAG.

All WCAG 1.0 checkpoints except for:

  • WCAG 11.4 (P1) Keep alternative pages synchronized with original pages.
3.1 Prompt the author to provide equivalent alternative information (e.g., captions, auditory descriptions, and collated text transcripts for video).
3.2 Help the author create structured content and separate information from its presentation.
  • 2.1(P1) Ensure information provided with color is also available without color.
  • 2.2 (Images: P2, Text: P3) Use sufficient foreground/background contrast.
  • 3.1 (P2) Use markup rather than images to convey information.
  • 3.2 (P2) Validate to published formal grammars.
  • 3.3 (P2) Use style sheets.
  • 3.4 (P2) Use relative units.
  • 3.5 (P2) Use header elements.
  • 3.6 (P2) Use lists and list items properly.
  • 3.7 (P2) Use quotations properly.
  • 4.1 (P1) Identify natural language changes.
  • 4.2 (P3) Specify abbreviation or acronym expansions.
  • 4.3 (P3) Identify the primary natural language of documents.
  • 5.1 (P1) Identify data table row and column headers.
  • 5.2 (P1) Associate data cells and header cells in complex data tables.
  • 5.3 (P2) Avoid layout tables or provide an alternative equivalent*.
  • 5.4 (P2) Avoid structural markup in layout tables.
  • 5.6 (P3) Provide abbreviations for table header labels.
  • 6.1 (P1) Organize documents to be read without style sheets.
  • 6.3 (P1) Ensure pages usable without scripts, applets, programmatic objects. Else, provide equivalent information*.
  • 6.4 (P2) Ensure script and applet event handlers are input device-independent.
  • 6.5 (P2) Ensure dynamic content is accessible or provide an alternative presentation*.
  • 7.1 (P1) Avoid causing screen to flicker.
  • 7.2 (P2) Avoid causing content to blink.
  • 7.3 (P2) Avoid causing movement on the screen.
  • 7.4 (P2) Avoid periodically auto-refreshing pages.
  • 7.5 (P2) Avoid redirecting pages automatically. Use server redirects.
  • 9.1 (P1) Use client-side image maps instead of server-side image maps.
  • 9.2 (P2) Ensure element with own interface are input device-independent.
  • 9.3 (P2) Specify logical (device independent) event handlers for scripts.
  • 9.4(P3) Create a logical tab order.
  • 9.5 (P3) Provide keyboard shortcuts to important elements.
  • 10.1 (P2) Avoid spawned windows.
  • 10.3 (P3) Provide a linear text alternative to tables with text in parallel, word-wrapped columns.
  • 11.2 (P2) Avoid deprecated features of W3C technologies.
  • 11.3 (P3) Include metadata information (e.g., language, content type, etc.)
  • 12.2 (P2) Describe* the purpose and relation of frames.
  • 12.3 (P2) Divide large blocks of information into manageable groups.
  • 12.4 (P2) Associate labels explicitly with their controls.
  • 13.2 (P2) Provide metadata* to pages and sites.
  • 13.6 (P3) Group, identify, and provide a way to bypass related links.
  • 14.1 (P1) Use clearest and simplest language appropriate.
3.5 Check for and inform the author of accessibility problems. All WCAG 1.0 checkpoint
3.6 Assist authors in correcting accessibility problems. All WCAG 1.0 checkpoint
3.9 Document the process of using the tool to produce accessible content. All WCAG 1.0 checkpoint