Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

15 Feb 2024


Helen, trevor, Daniel, kathy, Suji, thbrunet


<scribe> scribe: trevor

ACT Standup

kathy: Did the surveys that were due today and have one active issue on transcript is visible. Its on the agenda for AG, but still waiting on their decision

suji: Completed the surveys and thats about it

helen: Did the surveys and also got a start on test setup for CG

daniel: Did the surveys and regular planning
... reviewed the last changes from Trevor

tom: Did the surveys, skipped the composite

trevor: Nothing from me this week

Recap of joint CG/TF meeting February 8th

<dmontalvo> ACT work for 2024 document

kathy: Had a good discussion, asked each individual what was good and what could use improvement. Also took a small survey to see what people wanted to work on for the next year.

daniel: Basically what we did is put together ideas that we could focus on for the future. Had discussion and then a vote on which topics people found most relevant
... most important was WCAG 2.2 and filling manual gaps. Then we want to focus a bit more on state and more complex rules.
... Next, collaborating with WCAG 3 is important and making sure we have a good introductory experience to github.
... discussed the possibility of having more meetings with CG/TF. Discussed restructuring rule writing to reduce context switching and reduce total time to create rules

helen: Some of the ideas were getting small sections of the group together in a room for several hours at a time to create rules faster

kathy: Any opinions on what we decided to prioritize?

tom: What is meant by multi-state rules

trevor: Current rules only test when the page state loads. Might care about how things appear after some interaction or even during transitions such as making sure form errors are announced.

kathy: If you have any questions let me know and we can figure it out.

Video element visual-only content is media alternative for text

kathy: This is from a previous survey, we got through some of the responses, but I don't think we got through all of it
... have notes on if this rule is even necessary since this is similar to the video alternative rule which was deprecated
... to refresh our memory, going back to the rule sheet, media alternative will be deprecated
... We were only going to keep the one rule for audio has transcript.
... last discussion is if we wanted to deprecate this like we did with the last rule. I think Wilco was leaning in that direction
... we talked about how we tested this rule when text is on the screen.

tom: The check for media alternative for text and text alternative for media, so the 2 rules are basically the same thing

kathy: Feel the same and that we could deprecate

suji: Think we can deprecate as well given that they are so similar.

kathy: I'll put a note about it

tom: Might need to add some notes to the other rule

trevor: Would it be possible to rename the rule to make it more clear that it covers both directions

kathy: So add examples and rename the Video element visual-only content has transcript to cover both cases
... Tom's comment on fragment of rule.
... Helen comment on poster, needs a different link.

tom: Had the correct link in one of the issues

trevor: Think the rule wanted to say poster frame since it wants the image that resolves from the poster attribute url.

tom: agreed, need to change url and link text in the rule to poster frame

kathy: Deprecate this rule and change the other rule to be standalone

Review spreadsheet Updates needed

kathy: Wanted to spend some time going through the items with update needed to see what needs help
... row 8, visible label is part of accessible name. My 2 PRs for this rule have been merged. CG is still working on it. I'm going to change it to waiting
... row 9, form field is descriptive.

suji: no update right now, but will make sure to have an update next week.

kathy: Wilco has a rule, I'll catch up with him on that and see if he finished or if we should reassign.

trevor: Think CG has some open PRs for the rule/resulting new rules. Need to go check up on them

kathy: Tom rule on role w/ required states and properties

tom: Completed but need to send out a CFC, same for the orientation rule down below
... wilco was originally going to send it out

daniel: You might need to do that for now

tom: Will send that out

kathy: Need to catch up with shane.
... helen on audio element has transcript

helen: Relies on question of transcript being visible which is part of the AG discussion.
... took out the part of the transcript being part of the accessibility tree since it could be a link to a new page.
... several edge cases to handle on this rule

kathy: I think it was Wilco's that its more of a 1.3.1 requirement and not part of this rule

helen: Was listening to opinions to see who won the argument. Could understand why it doesn't need to be in the accessibility tree, at least until you open it

kathy: Trevor was referring to the video equivalent. Since this is for audio, it not being visible wouldn't work
... if someone wasn't able to see the video, then the AT could access the non-visible equivalent
... Row 2 is the composite and will be deprecated and there will just be the audio element content has transcript
... so the only rule that remains from the trio is that audio element content has transcript
... Tom also has iframe elements with identical accessible names have equivalent purpose

tom: only had one person respond. while looking I couldn't really find an S.C. that described it so I'm not sure if the rule is even valid
... had a hard time even writing up the issue

kathy: Daniel what can we do if we are getting responses to our issues.

tom: Alistair did respond, but the question back to this group is I'm not sure what S.C. this is against
... not sure we should even keep this rule

kathy: Should we put discussing validity of this rule on next weeks agenda
... remaining issues are mine. Think it would be helpful if we got these updates worked on
... if there is anything you want on the agenda for discussion just email me
... think we will end there

helen: Can we discuss the rule about the transcipt?

kathy: Yep!

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2024/02/15 15:01:53 $

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Default Present: Helen, trevor, Daniel, kathy, Suji, thbrunet
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